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6 minutes ago, Dara said:

"Not dancing as couple but anything together"

Anything as in spinning on their bottoms while trying not to bump into each other for two minutes?



1 minute ago, SparkleSalad said:


You are an actual for really real devil, aren't you?


I'm only trying to help. :tumblr_inline_mzx8s4JRlX1r8msi5:You know the Da D*lfa will always find a way... :tumblr_m9gcveIckR1qzckow:



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hace 4 minutos , Lunna said:

I totally agree with @Floria about Memorial and Sportiva, also would like to add In Rock magazine https://www.amazon.co.jp/フィギュア・スケーターズ9-FIGURE-SKATERS-Vol-9【表紙-羽生結弦選手】/dp/B079VRTWN1/ref=pd_sim_14_6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=CAXVBGEYQX12WDAJHF8H they're really big - every page is like a poster size

Yes, I am considering this one too. I have seen a video review on Twitter and  it seems pretty good. 

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3 minutes ago, Lunna said:

 Yuzu and some Japanese lady I can imagine


Yuzu and Satoko would be so good together, I'm sad they didn't do at least an opening/closing intro together ala Yuzu and Mao for MOI.


But Yuzu seems so awkward with the girls his age from past galas with pairing like Sochi. He seems okay with Mao and Akiko in ice shows. If people want Zhenya and Yuzu together, let her do the same ice shows as Yuzu and they may get 15 secs together or something. I think it wouldn't happen though since Japan seem to not pair Yuzu up with girls his age in ice shows anyway (unless you're Kanoko.)

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2 minutes ago, Forcefield said:


Yuzu and Satoko would be so good together, I'm sad they didn't do at least an opening/closing intro together ala Yuzu and Mao for MOI.


But Yuzu seems so awkward with the girls his age from past galas with pairing like Sochi. He seems okay with Mao and Akiko in ice shows. If people want Zhenya and Yuzu together, let her do the same ice shows as Yuzu and they may get 15 secs together or something. I think it wouldn't happen though since Japan seem to not pair Yuzu up with girls his age in ice shows anyway (unless you're Kanoko.)

This is based on something from Asaichi: although Yuzu is not an idol, I think in general, people treat him a little bit like one, anyway. In Asaichi, when it came to touching his hair, the female moderator said it's better if she doesn't, since his fans might mind it, and it was Inohara who did it, to see if it's hard or not. That's the same as idols, keep females away from touching the popular males, just to be safe. I don't know if Yuzu's hovering arms are for the same reason, but they fit in the same pattern. So for that reason, I'm not sure Yuzu will get paired with girls and even less with girls his age - or close to it - even in ice shows. And it might be even less from now on, since his popularity will increase again. And this is as much to keep the crazier fans - if they exist, which I hope they don't - satisfied, as it is to protect the girls - because when it comes to male idols, girls who end up connected to them often get bashed and harassed by angry fangirls. I like to think Yuzu doesn't have fans like that, but it could be a standard Japanese approach by now. Better safe than sorry. Though of course, this is just my guess as to a possible reason why we don't see that much.

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12 hours ago, GreatLakesGal said:


You know, I think that these actions are Yu's very subtle ways of keeping Shoma in his place--that is, below him. Like the Queen of England, he's not about to abdicate his throne as Japan's Figure Skating King. Not yet anyway.


I especially love it when he pets him! :rofl:

I also thought of that - but not exactly as a gesture of keeping Shoma in "his place", but more of a  "I don't want things to get too tense between us with all the medals and serious competition stuff. I'm your senpai and your my kouhai and this is how it is going to be, forever, even if you one day surpass me" :'D

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I think Shoma will surpass yuzu one day but yuzu will retire at the peak of his prime. Yuzu always planned to retire after pyeongchang earlier. So i think yuzu will do a last japanese nationals at the top and from then on it will be shoma leading team japan without yuzu. I cnt see any japanese male jr on the international stage as good as yuzu and shoma right now. But maybe after Beijing there may be. 

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7 minutes ago, cinemacoconut said:

I think Shoma will surpass yuzu one day but yuzu will retire at the peak of his prime. Yuzu always planned to retire after pyeongchang earlier. So i think yuzu will do a last japanese nationals at the top and from then on it will be shoma leading team japan without yuzu. I cnt see any japanese male jr on the international stage as good as yuzu and shoma right now. But maybe after Beijing there may be. 

There is no way skater with such flawed technique can actually surpass Yuzuru. Period.

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2 hours ago, yuzupon said:

Yep, my very first thought was "Who on earth do they think they are?" I know Medvedeva has achieved really high, too. But really. It's still yet to be comparable to what Zu has.


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I said this right after the Ladies FS, I find the equating of Medvedeva to Zu, an insult to Zu. 

I also said I will only say that for that one post, so this one is under spoiler.





Not sure if mentioned yet, but the Zhenya and Yuzu collab was a question from Russian journalists and Zhenya/Eteri replied to it with an answer that basically spells out how difficult that would be because of logistics. They didn't bring up a collab themselves. 


Edit: Obviously this discussion was just the next page from where I was reading when I replied and I'm being redundant since others have clarified it already. 

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I confess, I don't like the thought of Shoma "surpassing" Yuzu someday, mainly because unless they were of the same generation and the gap in skills is very obvious, skaters are so different and not all medals weigh the same. In my mind Yuzu have never surpassed Daisuke and to this day Daisuke fans still miss him and his artistry in competition, but Yuzu have joined him in being a legend. The thing is that both Dai and Yuzu have been Japan's ace at different times and met when both were at their different peaks, so one day Shoma gets the ace title I don't see it as surpass but as growing a legacy and joining the stars out of someone's else shadow.

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2 hours ago, Arwen said:

I believe they were asked about Yuzu-Zhenia collab at press-conference? If it's so, I suppose that was a polite way to point out that there will be none.

I don’t want to say this out loud but please take note: don’t take everything Iron Klaus “translated” as seriously. She is a good translator BUT sometimes she take sources NOT from the original one. 

The Russian media simply played trick and gossip and asked if Yuzuru and Zhenia would skate together in exhibition. And this is what I took from Zhenia’s fan thread in GS:


Zhenya answered with a question saying "How could it be possible? We live in different countries". Eteri said it would take lots of time and either Yuzu or Zhenya would have to come to another country... 

In short, there is NO plan at all and there is no demand for Yuzuru to come to Russia to skate with Zhenia. It’s their way of saying it’s not gonna happen. 

Iron Klaus took from a 3rd source or something and “translated” it into “there is a plan” which isn’t correct. 


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hace 27 minutos , cinemacoconut said:

I think Shoma will surpass yuzu one day but yuzu will retire at the peak of his prime. Yuzu always planned to retire after pyeongchang earlier. So i think yuzu will do a last japanese nationals at the top and from then on it will be shoma leading team japan without yuzu. I cnt see any japanese male jr on the international stage as good as yuzu and shoma right now. But maybe after Beijing there may be. 


Shoma will probably lead TJ when Yuzu r****s, but he will never surpass him as a skater. 


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10 minutes ago, Forcefield said:

I confess, I don't like the thought of Shoma "surpassing" Yuzu someday, mainly because unless they were of the same generation and the gap in skills is very obvious, skaters are so different and not all medals weigh the same. In my mind Yuzu have never surpassed Daisuke and to this day Daisuke fans still miss him and his artistry in competition, but Yuzu have joined him in being a legend. The thing is that both Dai and Yuzu have been Japan's ace at different times and met when both were at their different peaks, so one day Shoma gets the ace title I don't see it as surpass but as growing a legacy and joining the stars out of someone's else shadow.


With the way Shoma is skating, i doubt he is going to surpass Yuzuru, not now and not when Yuzuru retires. Unless some politics play their game.... Shoma is already 20 yo, he still hadn't won anything, but there are Chen and Boyang, both of them have already  beat him, and possibly some new, younger jumping wunderkinder will come. Its going to be hard for him. And if the judges will start to look at his jumps closely - game over.

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