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1 minute ago, sublimeskating said:

but seriously yuzu has such a cute and beautiful face

he's totally kick ass in any dramatic role because he can be beautiful and intense at the same time

he also has the most expressive face - i love his facial expressions!

exactly! my love how he can look sooo fierce (demonic :rofl: ) that it looks like its gonna kill someone, but on the other hand sooo angelic and adorable. :angel3-smiley:

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This interview from 2013 is making me teary eyed


Ten years from now I think I’ll… have landed a quad axel. Just kidding (lol). But, I’ll be 27? Will my body be holding up then… I think I’ll be done when I’m 22-23. r****d then I guess? If I continued 10 years from now, it’ll be tough on my body.

What will skating be like 10 years from now?

Not sure about 10 years from now but… when I’m 22-23, I’ll have evolved as a skater. Right now, there are a lot of younger skaters who are great at dancing. If they get their jumps together, our generation probably won’t be able to win! Also, the skaters the same age as me haven’t moved up to seniors yet. Once they move up, we can compete side-by-side… and I think a new quad era will come. In that era, I want to be a skater who can stand at the very top until the very end along the lines of Takahashi and Patrick. 

(From Cutting Edge 2013, p. 84)

Source: http://ohlovesosweet.tumblr.com/post/44974002927/ten-years-from-now-i-think-ill-have-landed-a

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4 minutes ago, Dara said:

I found an exact quote.


(Do you think the character of “Onmyoji” fits you?)
”Well, yes, I am relatively that type of person, I’d think…”
“I am thin and am definitely not a “samurai”, well, I might be able to play a female role, though (laughter).  But I do have the “samurai” spirit in terms of challenging fights, so I think I might be able to express that Japanese-like strength within delicateness.”

from: https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/121644535977/yuzurus-interview-by-nhk-on-15-june


Yesss this one !

I love this quote <3

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1 minute ago, rozuyu said:

Seriously, we should do a thread of "the first reactions of the Uninitiated after we show them Yuzu programs".

it'd be hilarious

My dad, for once, was just laughing - but let me explain. He came home to see me literally bouncing off the walls. He barely shrugged his coat off when I grabbed his arm and told him to sit down and watch history being made while I jumped like a maniac in front of the TV. It was "just" because Yuzu was in the process of breaking another WR.

I happened to come back to our family home for the weekend and this is the first thing I did when I saw him. I'm not a great daughter.

He hasn't stopped teasing me about that to this day.

oh I remember how I forced my mum to watch Helsinki fs and lol I ended up watching by myself for the billionth time :59182a91b7414_cool(1):

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1 minute ago, rozuyu said:

Seriously, we should do a thread of "the first reactions of the Uninitiated after we show them Yuzu programs".

it'd be hilarious

Yeees lol

I was very pleased the first time I showed his programs to my family and they were appropriately in awe of him :party0035: My mom likes PW (though the first thing she said was "oh I like his costume, it's not tight"... imagine her face when I showed her the LGC purple suit lol), my dad likes Seimei and my sister didn't like him until I showed her POTO, of all things 

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37 minutes ago, mcq said:

Anyway, though this is brought up by an english site that covers japanese entertainment, I don't think we should take on what several internet comments from a certain magazine/community/site (idk what girlschannel is, forgive me) as a general perception of how Yuzuru is seen/perceived there.

He tops quite a lot of positive poll (including this one on the news article) and it should be a testament that he is generally well-liked, respected and admired there. Of course, he can't be liked by everybody and he would have a handful who dislike/hate him, but that's life. And since he has more who admire him and respect him compared to those who are not, I don't think it would matter. :4chsmu1:

I agree with your whole post.

Girls channel is an anonymous board where girls (or boys, young and old) can talk about anything they want. In the original Japanese board people were trashing not only Yuzu but also Nagatomo, Nishikori, Otani. I also found many haters (who know FS quite well) posting there. The whole discussion is kind of fun to read, but the quotes opened this discussion do not necessarily represent the opinion of common Japanese girls.

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I am listening to Hope&Legacy. It's the first time since WTT that i hear it haha (i only watched Notte Stellata again the last week) and i feel this sensation of happiness and warmth in my heart... I want to cry of happiness, thinking of what was achieved in Helsinki :embSwan: 

God, i miss him so much....

(As i wrote this the part of the hydroblade came up and i just :dpooh:)

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Reading all of you guys' wonderful comments regarding the matter really warms my heart. I couldn't have said it better myself, as everyone has eloquently expressed. I'm glad Yuzu has a lot of open-minded, accepting and awesome fans (even though some suffer due to questionable costume/wardrobe choices LOL). :yahoo:


I, too, fell in love with his skating first (I was like, sfjlksadssjfsf men can skate like this now?? - being a ladies fs fan before). Then I found out that not only his medals are gold but also his heart (humble and sweet...argh is this guy even real?). After countless of hours lurking at the old place, seeing the photos, the invisible thread (which I dearly miss :graucho: lol) - I finally saw what you guys have seen all this time: his outward appearance mirrors his interior perfectly. My heart was totally and irrevocably gone.


It saddens me that such conventional, rigid and prejudiced way of thinking still exists. I've lost a lot of promising young male ballet students because their parents think that it compromises their child's masculinity or that the boys themselves are afraid of being bullied by their peers for being "girly". I imagine that the situation in figure skating is similar.


I like that Yuzu doesn't conform to the norm, that he's not afraid to push boundaries, and that he explores other options: "this way" does not have to be the "only way." I hope he never has to feel that he should change just to please others. 


(sorry for the long rant  XD)

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3 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:

Kei Nishikori is a top ten tennis player, with great speed and amazing tennis skills, a complete tennis player. In his sport beauty is irrelevant! I'm a big fan of his way of playing tennis! :love:


I don't agree that beauty in tennis is irrelevant (at least for fans), I think tennis is beautiful sport and there are so many amazing players that have beautiful games, one of them is Kei. Obviously, beauty in not required like in figure skating but I think the sport as whole is just beautiful and aesthetic!


About Yuzuru being 'feminine', I actually don't see it, other than his costumes maybe (not like it's bad thing, their fugly for me but I like that about him lol), I think he's really graceful and gentle and refined but I personally I wouldn't call his skating feminine. It's sad how is this considered a bad thing by some people but Yuzuru will still rise :pbow:

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