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26 minutes ago, IULIANA said:

Guys, I just found this on twitter. can anyone dig deeper? I just un-lurked for this...

Ok so from my 'lurking'.... some of this person's followers are from Toronto.. So.. From my out of control imagination...

This person probably knows something and saw Yuzu skating today. 

She could only just be visiting TCC.. I don't know if she is with the skating industry

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1 minute ago, MrPudding said:

Ok so from my 'lurking'.... some of this person's followers are from Toronto.. So.. From my out of control imagination...

This person probably knows something and saw Yuzu skating today. 

She could only just be visiting TCC.. I don't know if she is with the skating industry


I was wondering because I thought TCC had, uh, rules about spreading info like that. Maybe if they were just visiting they kinda aren't under those rules? Or they just thought it was harmless info? *shrug* 


Anyways, if it is true it's a good sign. He did say he would go on ice soon and was clear he would be doing steps to test the ankle and gradually build it up, so it's not exactly a wild development but a very reassuring one.

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I really hope for Yuzu that what Ms. Richards says is true (thank you @IULIANA to de-lurke to let us know this, but rightfully asking for a confirm).

Frankly I would tend to believe only to official statements coming from / his team, because these days we have seen a lot of articles, posts, tweets and so forth based on rumors, bad translations and whatever else @CupidsBow already mentioned.


Waiting from good news from him (but now I think we will know them only after Nationals), I needed to look again to this video, because his skating is also more beautiful without music ...





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13 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:


I was wondering because I thought TCC had, uh, rules about spreading info like that. Maybe if they were just visiting they kinda aren't under those rules? Or they just thought it was harmless info? *shrug* 


Anyways, if it is true it's a good sign. He did say he would go on ice soon and was clear he would be doing steps to test the ankle and gradually build it up, so it's not exactly a wild development but a very reassuring one.

Yup was expected. Now I'm just waiting how they'll break the WD news. And how they'll announce him in Team Japan

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1 minute ago, MrPudding said:

Yup was expected. Now I'm just waiting how they'll break the WD news. And how they'll announce him in Team Japan


I still think they won't announce he's withdrawn until the 20th XD but they might slip in info if it is true he's on the ice and just explain that he's not fit for competition but is on the ice and rehabilitation is going well or smth which will then help with him being named on the olympic team as it supports the idea that he'll be fit for Pyeongchang 

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1 hour ago, Klera said:

Hey guys!

Not to bring negativity to this thread, but I don't know how you manage to stay calm (teach me :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:). Most of the times I just ignore negative thoughts or try not to think about it at all, but at times (now) it becomes impossible. This season is just wrong, all my favorite skaters are injured or have some other struggles. I don't have any doubts that Yuzu will be chosen as a representative of Japan at the Olympics, but what I fear is that he won't heal on time and skate injured. The moment I've read somewhere that the inflammation reached the bones, I just can't stay calm anymore. I don't get how it's possible to the injury to aggravate when he probably has the best doctors. Anyway, I hope that all of this stays in 2017 and next year will start with a blast. Sorry for bringing it all here :sadPooh::sadPooh::sadPooh:


For me, I've been his fan since the 2011-2012 season and let me just say that there has been no season since I've become a fan where I'm not worried sick about this boy. But, I think it has come to a point for me where I just trust him (and his team) to do what's best for him. His whole skating career so far has been about overcoming challenges and I believe he can do it again. As for negative thoughts, there's a question that's always been at the back of my mind regarding Yuzu... "What if he doesn't overcome this latest misfortune?" But then I remember that he doesn't regard failures the same way I do. To him, it's just another wall that he needs to climb/overcome. He himself acknowledges that it's never been easy for him but that he derives strength from his fans so I've tried to keep a more positive outlook when it comes to him.

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This is, so far, the greatest challenge Yuzu has faced in his career. An injury that did not heal as hoped, weeks before the competition he wants the most. Fate is going to make him work hard for this, physically and mentally, but if anyone can do it, he can. 


I am guessing that the minor tidbit of his being on the ice is true. Knowing how much skating fans are eager for news, if I was in the position of being able to reveal that much, I would too. It doesnt give details of what was happening, it is just a brief sentence... 

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The woman is either in or somehow connected to Muskoka, that's where Brian's cottage is.

Looking at her twitter, nothing there screams fake or troll, so I am inclined to believe this is true. Knock on wood and all, may it only go up from here.


They will have to announce the WD before the first practice day or on that day so the 20th I would guess.

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