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1 hour ago, sweetwater said:

When he went to Canada he was learning things depending only on feeling because he could not communicate with Brian in English so well. So he started taking notes in Japanese, to digest what coaches told him. Then he realized that things he puts into words stay in his memory. Feeling is unstable and gets easily affected by the situation he is in. Words, on the other hand, is stable and don’t get affected by his surroundings. This awareness helped him to improve and become what he is now.


I am just in awe of the amount wisdom and knowledge that this kid possesses. :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:

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12 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Well, Yuzu is allowed to compete already. He could drop his space kitty facade and become supreme galactic overlord of Figure Skating

Would we lose all the magazines, CM's and Japanese fluff pieces if he did that?..  If so, then no thanks, I would rather have him stay as disguised space kitty


Also, what if his home planet does not have ice shows or forbid fan cams :smiley-shocked034: how will we live without this :kitty:


ETA: and this is my 1000 post  :smiley-laughing021: 


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6 minutes ago, Neenah said:

Would we lose all the magazines, CM's and Japanese fluff pieces if he did that?..  If so, then no thanks, I would rather have him stay as disguised space kitty


Also, what if his home planet does not have ice shows or forbid fan cams :smiley-shocked034: how will we live without this :kitty:


ETA: and this is my 1000 post  :smiley-laughing021: 


Congratulations on your 1000 post.


And I wouldn't worry. If there were no more magazines etc, there would be Yuzuru hollograms skating around on your table.

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14 minutes ago, Deliverpooh said:

Congratulations on your 1000 post.


And I wouldn't worry. If there were no more magazines etc, there would be Yuzuru hollograms skating around on your table.

Yuzu hologram... yes please :tumblr_inline_mzx8s4JRlX1r8msi5:


I should probably go to sleep, I am starting to post and think of weird stuff. Who knows maybe I will dream of Yuzu skating on my desk :tumblr_inline_mqt4gmPEiv1qz4rgp:

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2 hours ago, Neenah said:

If we keep treating this thread's pages as years we will be discussing Mars's bid to host the WC very soon :laughing:

Only mars? When will Planet Hanyu gets to bid? :peekapooh:


1 hour ago, Deliverpooh said:

Congratulations on your 1000 post.


And I wouldn't worry. If there were no more magazines etc, there would be Yuzuru hollograms skating around on your table.

Yuzu holograms :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid: hydroblading across my desk :10742290: I'm totally getting one of those pocket hologram thingy when it became affordable in the future

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4 minutes ago, PapiandPooh421 said:

O Fortuna is a BIG music! But I believe that he can pull it off because he is above the drama! No! HE IS DRAMA!! 


I feel more like O Fortuna would have to try to match his drama level! :biggrin: I think it would be just a step up for him from RJ1 in Nice. How well his biellmann would suit it. I need to see it.


Yuzu, please listen to your coach!

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