Aotoshiro Posted November 12, 2017 Share Posted November 12, 2017 I have so many things to catch up on, spoiler ahead, and apologies for notification spam xD Reveal hidden contents On 11/12/2017 at 3:25 AM, CupidsBow said: I am tickled at the mental image of his watching the skating while aggressively eating All The Protein and periodically glaring at his ankle. Expand Poor ankle... On 11/12/2017 at 4:27 AM, kiches said: Wow, so fast. I had a hunch he'd head back after this weekend as that was likely the original plan. Somehow this image is also really funny and something I can totally imagine. Expand On 11/12/2017 at 4:38 AM, Sammie said: I can just image him sprinting with those crutches . I’m glad he going back to Toronto and away from the media. Brian and Tracy and Javi will give him bear hugs. Expand Speed-crutching Yuzu: Paralympic gold if I don't get well on time for PC!!! *knocks all wood in the world for it not to happen* On 11/12/2017 at 5:13 AM, kaerb said: 10 days is okay, better than what we were dreading for sure. Fingers crossed rehabilitation and resuming training goes to plan -- if his crutch-speedwalking is any indication, he's going to be okay @CupidsBow said it best and made me laugh out loud with this so I'm sharing it: Expand The worst part? You can almost believe this is his inner train of thoughts...remember it's the same kid who cursed while jumping a triple axel after falling on his steps xD (again, on busted ankle) On 11/12/2017 at 6:35 AM, Hydroblade said: TCC: Expand xD considering the quality of TCC facilities, and the fact their rink is used exclusively for skating, even Japan would have to fight hard to up this... On 11/12/2017 at 6:40 AM, Hydroblade said: Who should we poke so this happens lol Expand Brian? And for media coverage, we can ask Gabby to post her insta-stories for men, and the other Javi for women (I assume that since they would do that non-profit, Insta wouldn't have any copyright problems xD) On 11/12/2017 at 6:53 AM, SSS said: (pls clean everything and fall on last triple axel jk) Expand NO FALLING ON AXEL, IT RUINS YOUR AVERAGE. On 11/12/2017 at 7:42 AM, Xen said: A family effort to keep him cuffed, chained and away from ice rinks....Brian's hair thanks them for taking on the burden. Expand Did, did my AU!Saya supervising Yuzuru just became a possibility (Jk, no idea what kind of sister Saya is...but maybe...) On 11/12/2017 at 8:13 AM, CupidsBow said: They might break 110/219 but not 112/223 Expand , why the 'it's all in the calculations' keeps replaying in my head when reading that... On 11/12/2017 at 8:28 AM, SSS said: 1. This NHK, no medal for TJ (some 7 year? or 10 year? tradition ended) 2. Hometown pressure. 3. He is JSF's hope and favorite. ( I am still about no JSF warm comments or even warm comments from senpai [Oda does not count]) 4. Might be only TJ member in GPF. 5. No Yuzu, all pressure on him. 6. History of Nationals and first WC. 7. Even if he gets gold, that gold won't weigh the same as previous years. He needs to prove his gold with good performance. 8. The number of haters might increase, no matter how well he does, win or not 9. Results affect pressure in OG. 10. ... I truly hope he will beat the stress, fix his jumps, get more transition, less crossovers and get onto the podium at home. Expand 1. Satton might take this, though I sincerly hope not. 3. Forgot to write at first, but Shizuka twisted her stance a bit after that accident (from 'he doesn't need to add Lutz it's too risky' to 'It's element requiring high technical skill, so for Hanyu-senshuu it's a challenge to overcome and overcome past himsepf' <-maybe twisting isn't good word, but like, gives a different perspective?), also, I think that those few of the skaters he knows personally will just send messages straight to him (Shizuka, Honda, and even Takahashi did like 1368634298 shows/interviews with him, plus in Shii-chan and Takeshi's case, they're from the same city, they definitely have his LINE or something) 4.*fervent praying for Wakaba to get in* 5. He didn't responded well to that previously...but then again in his first year, and most of the asignments he also was alone and managed, right? If some other big gun manage to overshadow him (like Javi usually did at TeB), he might get a bit of pressure off his shoulders. I feel a bit sad that from your hopes for him, the most probable is the last one, but then again, smol bean is also hard-working bean, maybe he WILL fix some of his problems... On 11/12/2017 at 8:40 AM, meoima said: lol lol lol Expand The sickburn but I hope it's not real Lambiel's account-watched the YT stream people were sooo nasty during and after Deniss skate (what the hell is wrong with being friends with people older than you?) that I had to turn it off... On 11/12/2017 at 10:21 AM, MrPudding said: GUYS! Expand Actually, this reminds me soooo much of Yuzu post 2011 Nebelhorn interview...the same trying-not-to-be-upset-over-small-thing-but-seriously tone of voice, same speech pattern of mumbling words when you're not super confident you should say that to the others (He did the same when discussing the combo mistake in Helsinki), blanket of dire tiredness in the voice, like you've talked it over and over again with everyone nearby just to get the same conclusion every time, so while you're tired, you're still ready to set off in the direction you found the best in current situation... half-hearted joke and empty chuckle used for the same reason some people force their face muscles to create a smile even when they're sad- to make the muscle memory work backwards, and cause similat emotions resurface from the excercise... All in all, a tired, but not by any means resigned Yuzuru. My prescription would be another day of sleep and Angry Protein Eating, and then starting to work (Sendai, maybe?) On 11/12/2017 at 10:25 AM, PPOS said: I also think Zuzu's Canadian accent when speaking English is the most kawaii thing ever.. . Expand We're talking accents now? Yay! Actually, what do you guys think about his various thank yous across the languages of the world? (I counted 5 different thank yous in his repertoire...) On 11/12/2017 at 10:41 AM, MrPudding said: Expand ...this really was said byt the legend of the sport, and is repeated by another legend of the sport. I seriously wonder why we invented fantasy when people with this kind of mindset are a fantasy on their own... On 11/12/2017 at 11:21 AM, axelnojutsu said: what do you mean fully grown I don't know her I am still a child how do adult Expand I have 26 year old friend still getting excited like a child when we find lizard-granted, she finished biology major from water ecological sistem or something along this lines but... nope, you're not old at all. On 11/12/2017 at 11:21 AM, ralucutzagy said: lol, ofc he's very young he's still a baby, but in those pics he looks 16-17 ... as always, ageless ... Expand Don't give me ideas about medieval AU with Yuzu an ageless being being shocked when TCC he arrives to doesn't instantly use his power for their gain, instead asking him for his consent and cooperation like the good people they are... On 11/12/2017 at 11:45 AM, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said: Listening to him speak in post comp interviews is akin to seeing someone doggedly tapping away on a keyboard with just two fingers. It's quite endearing, really. I mean, there's at least something he doesn't excel at. Or care enough enough to excel at anyway. >_< Expand I feel personally called out at that metaphor with keyboard tapping On 11/12/2017 at 11:53 AM, sublimeskating said: i heard that some ladies skaters had to double up? not sure but i remember it was something like this... Expand If there were more Jap ladies there it wouldn't be a problem, they're tiny little misses (jk, obviously). Yeah, that definitely explain the splatfest... On 11/12/2017 at 11:54 AM, kaerb said: Yes, Yuzu does immediately age up when he speaks seriously. Except if he says stuff in English. Or gets too excited in any language. Heh. Expand Yuzuru is shapeshifter, only across the time line, not the dimension one like normal people. Time-shifter? Also, isn't it that everybody virtually age backwards when talking about something that really excites them (positively-I feel like my family is aging, when talking politics)? TBH, I can stare at the skaters talk about their favorite element of skating for hours, they get like a little children that are finally listened to seriously. On 11/12/2017 at 12:22 PM, CupidsBow said: His pronunciation is pretty neutral which is good because American accents make my ears sad but he sometimes blends sounds weird or slurs a bit or outright over-pronounces which is a odd combo but there you go. He's clear enough to be understandable though. He is pretty good at sentence structuring which can be hard going from a SOV language to a SVO language. He has some vocab issues ('I was feeling very hard' when he wants to say something was tiring or difficult or he was trying very hard) and issues saying the wrong form of words that share meanings but has a noun form and a descriptive form (keep my pride/to be proud, Yuzu says 'keep my proud') but doesn't seem to have noticeable problems with things like tenses. And he seems to have pretty good audio comprehension. All in all, not bad. I would maybe do a bit of phonics work with him and he might benefit from a conversation partner who isn't also using English as a second language but he meets the basic requirement of being understandable. I don't really hear him say anything in English and have zero idea what he meant. Expand Yay, fellow person tortured with explanation on SOV and SVO! I love that discussion! Personally I find most of his mistakes the same as the group of Slovene students learning Polish for some reason- our languages come from the same family, which makes it really hard to learn without falling into trap of using 'fake friends' aka the same things like in my language, because we're more or less similiar? And when they're asked to repeat something, they become quite flustered, because whoops it didn't work... Of course, it's not like this with English and Japanese, but I think Yuzu sometimes muddle up the words he is not really sure how to pronounce (I do that with words I only ever met in written English) for the same reason-if this will be somewhat similar, they should catch on what do I mean, right? Then he goes to the opposite and overpronounciate (It's probably more hearable to you native-speakers, than to me). Or goes for the instinctive way of speaking foreign language he hears every day which has a 50:50 chance of working out, or backfiring with things like 'I was feeling very hard' you put as an example (this is actually almost direct translation of 僕は大変だと思った, isn't it?)- I'm an instinctive learner myself (as in, I learn more while reading actual stories/translating articles than sitting in a classroom and hammering in the grammar formulas...) so it's a good lesson for me as well- do not overestimate your instinct abilities! On 11/12/2017 at 12:49 PM, Fay said: What's the difference between American and Canadian sorry? And I can't tell these two accents apart to save my life... Expand I can't differentiate between most of English accents...and I've been learning British english for more than eight years...unless you're from slavic country, then I can even more or less pick up where are you from On 11/12/2017 at 1:59 PM, Mastyaeva said: Did somebody translated what Zenya said about Yuzu in her last interview? Expand Don't think so? On 11/12/2017 at 1:59 PM, KatjaThera said: And he went to Sendai by plane? I wonder if he really likes flying that much... Expand Plane is cheaper than train in Japan, so if he's staying in for longer, it's actually quite responsible decision, especially since I imagine Senday has no direct line connecting it with Osaka, and changing trains from Shinkansen to something else in Tokyo with injured foot (and while you're top ranked athlete in the country) might be a bit hard... the PLAIN on the other side...I heard Sedai has a pretty good network of national flights, so it's more comfortable, and not very much longer, I suppose. Link to comment
Neenah Posted November 12, 2017 Share Posted November 12, 2017 On 11/12/2017 at 2:42 PM, KatjaThera said: Flying is faster, but I wonder if it's also better... air pressure changes and such. But I understand the arguments about going home for a while, as long as it's just a few days. I wonder why he didn't do it as soon as he withdrew, though. Maybe he still had those media obligations, though, who knows. But he's not really an invalid to need that intense taking care of. He just needs to rest his foot and not put weight on it, as far as I can tell. Unless of course, it's worse than that. Also, there's the issue of whether the 10 days rest means complete body rest - i.e. includes whatever the fever was about, IF it was about anything other than tiredness - or it's just for his foot. Because if it's just for his foot, he should continue off-ice training for the rest of his body, not to lose too much muscle mass - consuming proteins can only do so much, I would think. That he can probably do alone, but I'd personally prefer he was doing it in Toronto, under supervision. My own fears aside, I am sometimes a bit surprised at how we all - myself included - tend to readily believe the fan reports that come up about his whereabouts. He was spotted at the Osaka airport. Then he was spotted in Sendai. I'm not saying they're not true, I'm just a bit surprised how quick we are to believe them (a few days ago, someone had said he was in Sendai and we all believed it until we found out today he wasn't). If there are multiple sources, that's one thing, but when it's just one... *shrugs* Expand I am sure that what he would do till Nationals will be a decision made with his team, so we really shouldn't worry too much and let them do what they need to do. Yuzu has been through worse injuries before and he knows how to handle this. Off course he must be disappointed now as this was a shocking development he couldn't have been prepared for but it doesn't mean he can't get over it and come back stronger I don't know if he really went back to Sendai or not but I do know that he is taken care of and that he is now with people who really care for him and will help him heal emotionally as well as physically. So, let us have faith in him and his team and be positive so that we do not add guilt to his burdens Link to comment
freeyafanfan Posted November 12, 2017 Share Posted November 12, 2017 bad idea to go out the whole day today got a bunch of pages to read back! I am so glad he'd gone back to Sendai, family time is very important in hard times, I hope we'll see a healthy and happy yuzu soon (not the sad smiling yuzu in the video ) On 11/12/2017 at 4:23 AM, SSS said: To light the seems that our baby was spotted in Osaka airport. No mask. With good mental status? Right foot was not on the ground but he walked really fast with crutches...He overtook the fan and was discovered...the ANA flight attendant (female) almost had to run to catch him. "I never saw someone who could walk so fast with crutches like that" -- from the weibo fan. source Zuzu I miss you... Expand walking so fast with crutches that someone with no crutches had to run to catch him I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes LOL typical yuzu! On 11/12/2017 at 6:35 AM, Hydroblade said: TCC: Expand On 11/12/2017 at 6:37 AM, Syless Jinx said: To be honest, if it was broadcast, it would probably get more viewers than the actual mens comp at GPF... Expand OMG this might be the best thing ever if it could happen if it's at the same time as the real GPF I know I'd pick this.. and we can ask someone in TCC to do an instagram live stream of it On 11/12/2017 at 7:20 AM, Forcefield said: And I think someone's going to break Yuzu's w.record, in the short or long (not combined) at GPF. Expand as many others, I don't think so too I had a very interesting discussion yesterday with a skater (won't reveal the name for privacy reason, but the skater made worlds before) via DM discussing protocols of NHK and how some skaters received PCS inflation (this skater flipped a bit chatting with me lol) The skaters are watching the inflation too, and also getting triggered when we are Link to comment
Aotoshiro Posted November 12, 2017 Share Posted November 12, 2017 As a Veeeery weird side-note...why I find myself watching the documentaries done on him after 03.2011, and find myself soothed by them? Is that the hopeful tone they usually finish with? Is that beacause of reseeing the evolution of one of my favorite programs ever? Maybe the thought that he has overcome a wall this high? Or am I a masochist? Link to comment
xeyra Posted November 12, 2017 Share Posted November 12, 2017 On 11/12/2017 at 2:51 PM, katonice said: Spot the difference Expand He's gotten even prettier with age. Link to comment
yuzuuu Posted November 12, 2017 Share Posted November 12, 2017 On 11/12/2017 at 3:17 PM, sublimeskating said: what puffier hair? Expand the difference of the two pics XD. hahha I love how you question all my random post, I should really start quoting the post I'm replying too Link to comment
yuzuuu Posted November 12, 2017 Share Posted November 12, 2017 On 11/12/2017 at 3:50 PM, sublimeskating said: HE HAS!!! HE AGES BETTER THAN FINE WINE!!! which 2 pics? LOL sorry i'm just a curious person which is why i ask you stuff haha Expand the one Xeyra quoted. sorry forgive my laziness to backtrack Link to comment
Anony Posted November 12, 2017 Share Posted November 12, 2017 On 11/12/2017 at 2:51 PM, katonice said: Spot the difference Expand Tbh he looks younger in the 2017 pic imo Link to comment
Sammie Posted November 12, 2017 Share Posted November 12, 2017 On 11/12/2017 at 3:44 PM, xeyra said: He's gotten even prettier with age. Expand His pretty cheekbones look so pronounced. He so pretty. Link to comment
ralucutzagy Posted November 12, 2017 Share Posted November 12, 2017 On 11/12/2017 at 2:51 PM, katonice said: Spot the difference Expand What difference??? Oh, yes, his hair is longer in the first photo Link to comment
singcarcom Posted November 12, 2017 Share Posted November 12, 2017 On 11/12/2017 at 8:40 AM, meoima said: lol lol lol Expand He should get negative GOEs for not showing up! 0 is too generous!! On 11/12/2017 at 10:21 AM, MrPudding said: GUYS! Expand You can hear his disappointment in his voice and it sounds like he was holding back tears at times Although he's only a few years younger than me, I sometimes want to treat him like a cute little baby and pamper him like crazy. That said, I refer to him as 'Yuzu', 'Zuzu', 'bb' etc over here...but if I were ever to see him in real life, I'll probably just hide in a corner and admire him from afar. Lol. Wouldn't dare to intrude his personal space and I would only dare to call him Hanyu-senshu. =P On 11/12/2017 at 11:51 AM, sublimeskating said: LOL well if he spent all his time resting and taking care of his injury i doubt he'd have time to shave... plus he can't stand very long (although technically you can shave while sitting down) Expand Actually, I'm surprised he bothers to shave...cos he doesn't really care about aesthetics. But I'm glad we've never seen him have the Misha kind of beard during ACI On 11/12/2017 at 1:23 PM, yuzuuu said: also, just a lil zodiac reading for yuzu. you are envied by many and they may try to harm you directly or indirectly. prone to accidents and negative feelings. You may encounter some obstacles before you can execute your plan. However, if you use your wisdom to remove the problems, you will see a wide open path. Many painful situations will forge character and eventually misfortune will dry up. years of thinking and hard work will bear fruit. you will overcome anxieties and doubts, and grow. Favourable time of the year 2018: February (Olympics), march (worlds) and June. Expand Choreographing new programs for 2018-2019 season in June? Link to comment
yuzuuu Posted November 12, 2017 Share Posted November 12, 2017 On 11/12/2017 at 4:11 PM, sublimeskating said: that's ok! it's the one that compares 2017 to 2014 right? Expand yep ^^ I love that you're giving me more post count XD Link to comment
yuzuuu Posted November 12, 2017 Share Posted November 12, 2017 On 11/12/2017 at 4:10 PM, singcarcom said: Choreographing new programs for 2018-2019 season in June? Expand That would be awesome XDD Link to comment
MrPudding Posted November 12, 2017 Share Posted November 12, 2017 On 11/12/2017 at 4:10 PM, singcarcom said: Actually, I'm surprised he bothers to shave...cos he doesn't really care about aesthetics. But I'm glad we've never seen him have the Misha kind of beard during ACI Expand with the amount of hairspray he used... he definitely secretly cares for his looks Link to comment
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