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I have so many things to catch up on, spoiler ahead, and apologies for notification spam xD

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Plane is cheaper than train in Japan, so if he's staying in for longer, it's actually quite responsible decision, especially since I imagine Senday has no direct line connecting it with Osaka, and changing trains from Shinkansen to something else in Tokyo with injured foot (and while you're top ranked athlete in the country) might be a bit hard... the PLAIN on the other side...I heard Sedai has a pretty good network of national flights, so it's more comfortable, and not very much longer, I suppose.

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  On 11/12/2017 at 2:42 PM, KatjaThera said:

Flying is faster, but I wonder if it's also better... air pressure changes and such. But I understand the arguments about going home for a while, as long as it's just a few days. I wonder why he didn't do it as soon as he withdrew, though. Maybe he still had those media obligations, though, who knows.


But he's not really an invalid to need that intense taking care of. He just needs to rest his foot and not put weight on it, as far as I can tell. Unless of course, it's worse than that.


Also, there's the issue of whether the 10 days rest means complete body rest - i.e. includes whatever the fever was about, IF it was about anything other than tiredness - or it's just for his foot. Because if it's just for his foot, he should continue off-ice training for the rest of his body, not to lose too much muscle mass - consuming proteins can only do so much, I would think. That he can probably do alone, but I'd personally prefer he was doing it in Toronto, under supervision.


My own fears aside, I am sometimes a bit surprised at how we all - myself included - tend to readily believe the fan reports that come up about his whereabouts. He was spotted at the Osaka airport. Then he was spotted in Sendai. I'm not saying they're not true, I'm just a bit surprised how quick we are to believe them (a few days ago, someone had said he was in Sendai and we all believed it until we found out today he wasn't). If there are multiple sources, that's one thing, but when it's just one... *shrugs*



I am sure that what he would do till Nationals will be a decision made with his team, so we really shouldn't worry too much and let them do what they need to do. Yuzu has been through worse injuries before and he knows how to handle this. Off course he must be disappointed now as this was a shocking development he couldn't have been prepared for but it doesn't mean he can't get over it and come back stronger :0007:


I don't know if he really went back to Sendai or not but I do know that he is taken care of and that he is now with people who really care for him and will help him heal emotionally as well as physically. So, let us have faith in him and his team and be positive so that we do not add guilt to his burdens :smile:

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bad idea to go out the whole day today :laughing: got a bunch of pages to read back! I am so glad he'd gone back to Sendai, family time is very important in hard times, I hope we'll see a healthy and happy yuzu soon (not the sad smiling yuzu in the video :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:)


  On 11/12/2017 at 4:23 AM, SSS said:

To light the mood...it seems that our baby was spotted in Osaka airport. No mask. With good mental status? Right foot was not on the ground but he walked really fast with crutches...He overtook the fan and was discovered...the ANA flight attendant (female) almost had to run to catch him. "I never saw someone who could walk so fast with crutches like that" -- from the weibo fan. source


Zuzu I miss you...:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:


walking so fast with crutches that someone with no crutches had to run to catch him :smiley-laughing021::smiley-laughing021: I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes LOL typical yuzu!

  On 11/12/2017 at 6:35 AM, Hydroblade said:





  On 11/12/2017 at 6:37 AM, Syless Jinx said:

To be honest, if it was broadcast, it would probably get more viewers than the actual mens comp at GPF...


OMG this might be the best thing ever if it could happen :13877886: if it's at the same time as the real GPF I know I'd pick this.. and we can ask someone in TCC to do an instagram live stream of it :smiley-scared005:

  On 11/12/2017 at 7:20 AM, Forcefield said:

And I think someone's going to break Yuzu's w.record, in the short or long (not combined) at GPF.


as many others, I don't think so too :P I had a very interesting discussion yesterday with a skater (won't reveal the name for privacy reason, but the skater made worlds before) via DM discussing protocols of NHK and how some skaters received PCS inflation (this skater flipped a bit chatting with me lol)


The skaters are watching the inflation too, and also getting triggered when we are :party0035: 

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As a Veeeery weird side-note...why I find myself watching the documentaries done on him after 03.2011, and find myself soothed by them? Is that the hopeful tone they usually finish with? Is that beacause of reseeing the evolution of one of my favorite programs ever? Maybe the thought that he has overcome a wall this high?


Or am I a masochist?

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  On 11/12/2017 at 8:40 AM, meoima said:

lol lol lol



He should get negative GOEs for not showing up! 0 is too generous!! :smiley-happy085:



  On 11/12/2017 at 10:21 AM, MrPudding said:

GUYS! :sadPooh:



You can hear his disappointment in his voice and it sounds like he was holding back tears at times:sadPooh:


Although he's only a few years younger than me, I sometimes want to treat him like a cute little baby and pamper him like crazy. :sadPooh:

That said, I refer to him as 'Yuzu', 'Zuzu', 'bb' etc over here...but if I were ever to see him in real life, I'll probably just hide in a corner and admire him from afar. Lol. Wouldn't dare to intrude his personal space and I would only dare to call him Hanyu-senshu. =P



  On 11/12/2017 at 11:51 AM, sublimeskating said:

LOL well if he spent all his time resting and taking care of his injury i doubt he'd have time to shave...

plus he can't stand very long (although technically you can shave while sitting down)



Actually, I'm surprised he bothers to shave...cos he doesn't really care about aesthetics. But I'm glad we've never seen him have the Misha kind of beard during ACI :laughing: 


  On 11/12/2017 at 1:23 PM, yuzuuu said:

also, just a lil zodiac reading for yuzu.

you are envied by many and they may try to harm you directly or indirectly. prone to accidents and negative feelings. You may encounter some obstacles before you can execute your plan. However, if you use your wisdom to remove the problems, you will see a wide open path. Many painful situations will forge character and eventually misfortune will dry up. years of thinking and hard work will bear fruit. you will overcome anxieties and doubts, and grow. 

Favourable time of the year 2018: February (Olympics), march (worlds) and June. 




Choreographing new programs for 2018-2019 season in June? :P

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