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2 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

It's not...really nitpicking :P You'd think the Olympic channel would know who their Olympic medalists are.


Well, they also say in that summary I posted that Yuzuru is going to try and defend his title at the Olympics as the reigning World and GPF champion... when the GPF hasn't happened yet. :laughing:

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fay: Hello?

Mon Nov 6, 11:12:06am

fay: Anyone here?

Mon Nov 6, 11:12:29am

hydroblade: me 

Mon Nov 6, 11:12:54am

hydroblade: need my yuzu fix hahahahaha

Mon Nov 6, 11:13:27am

fay: So while there's total eclipse of the planet - or trouble with the galaxy...

fay: we're here in our temporary refuge

Mon Nov 6, 11:14:52am

yuzuangel: hi

Mon Nov 6, 11:16:47am

fay: Hiya

Mon Nov 6, 11:18:53am

fay: Too many hi-s here, apparently?

robin: hi

yuzuangel: hiiii

robin: yayyy now i can post

hydroblade: done

hydroblade: done 

robin: thanksss

fay: This is going to be hell to follow, but at last we only have ONE thread

Mon Nov 6, 11:20:30am

hydroblade: HAHAHA

hydroblade: let's see how many people join 

yuzuangel: we should be used to this!

yuzuangel: and no photo embedding too

fay: Or whether this is going to be an admin/mod meeting

yuzuangel: used to that, too...

robin: im having withdrawals

yuzuangel: LOL

Mon Nov 6, 11:21:33am

hydroblade: i think it has photo embedding 

hydroblade: ohh but only if you are logged in haha

hydroblade: no anons

fay: We all are experiencing withdrawals


hydroblade: let me test links...

hydroblade: https://twitter.com/theplanethanyu/status/927616586592260097

hydroblade: ok, links work 

Mon Nov 6, 11:22:40am

hydroblade: i see the user count going up who diissss

fay: Ok, lurkers, own up who's here

yuzuangel: we have lurkers?

sammie: Hi 

yuzuangel: how do we tell? xD

hydroblade: we have 8 ppl here 

hydroblade: hellooooo

Mon Nov 6, 11:23:41am




robin: hiiii

robin: let's talk about how PH being down makes us feel

hydroblade: i need my yuzu fix

fay: So sad.


robin: I'm feel empty and angry

yuzuangel: is this a 12-step program?

robin: *I

Mon Nov 6, 11:24:43am

fay: A part of me is lacking

hydroblade: lol

robin: self help group

robin: thank you for being so honeyt fay

fay: Yeah, group therapy

robin: how do you have a color hydro

yuzuangel: shes the admin?

hydroblade: voodo

Mon Nov 6, 11:25:47am

robin: gasp

hydroblade: hahaha no, click the hashtag next to the message box

hydroblade: see?

yuzuangel: there's only two colors...

hydroblade: i think there's only two colors

hydroblade: yea

yuzuangel: ,lmao

fay: Blue and red?

robin: lol just two

fay: Why these, I wonder

robin: no one take red thats me

robin: lol jk

hydroblade: i just banned the word *

Mon Nov 6, 11:26:49am

hydroblade: *

yuzuangel: lo

yuzuangel: l

hydroblade: omg haha

hydroblade: p

hydroblade: o

hydroblade: p


fay: *

robin: nice

fay: yiu did

robin: go wild

fay: you

fay: popping

fay: is still possible

aka: Anyone see the price for world Tickets?

yuzuangel: *

yuzuangel: *

yuzuangel: popping

yuzuangel: *

yuzuangel: *

yuzuangel: *

Mon Nov 6, 11:27:50am

yuzuangel: poooooo

yuzuangel: p

yuzuangel: pup

yuzuangel: *

yuzuangel: holy sshit

yuzuangel: even *is banned

hydroblade: oh, yuzuangel and robin you were buying tickets right

yuzuangel: p

yuzuangel: 0

yuzuangel: p

yuzuangel: p

yuzuangel: 0000p]

yuzuangel: *

hydroblade: HAHAHAHA

yuzuangel: wtf this is comprehensive

fay: Yeah, ticket prices for the worlds are... oturageous

yuzuangel: p00

yuzuangel: p

sammie: Anyone saw the bts of the red turtleneck cm?

fay: @yuzuangel stop *

Mon Nov 6, 11:28:52am

hydroblade: omgggg nooooooo @sammie i sawww

hydroblade: i dieedddd

hydroblade: ded

fay: only pictures of it

hydroblade: i mean the pics yea

hydroblade: but i ded'

fay: makes you want that hot chocolate?

hydroblade: you bet it does

robin: did everyone get their worlds tickets?

fay: Such a shame I can't drink it

Mon Nov 6, 11:29:57am

robin: gasp

robin: you cant?

fay: Yeah, never could. Sorry

hydroblade: booo worlds 😢

hydroblade: i wanted to go

fay: just something in my body which can't stand it. It's my paprica


Mon Nov 6, 11:31:05am

robin: :/

fay: mind you, I like hard chocolate

yuzuangel: hmmm

fay: just not the drink

yuzuangel: i dont have a paprika

hydroblade: good thing it's a slow day today, the only "news" i saw was that he's going to be in a morning show on a nagoya channel, mezamashi style haha

fay: i do, quite a few

Mon Nov 6, 11:32:09am

fay: 5 seconds of him again?

hydroblade: like, not physically. I guess it's related to the looming threat of NHK haha

hydroblade: probably

hydroblade: i coudln't find a stream bc it's a local channel

fay: Shall we stay the night again?

hydroblade: unfortunately my voodoo isn't that good yet

fay: Ah... no then

hydroblade: it's in about two hours, but knowing Japan it will probably be towards the end

fay: such a shame

robin: i have loads of paprikas

hydroblade: we will have the clips on twitter tho

Mon Nov 6, 11:33:09am

fay: yeah, I remember our first mezamishi

robin: more paprikas than tomatoes

smultron: I miss our happy Planet so much <3

fay: Come on, it was hilarious

hydroblade: hello!

fay: we had fun throughout the night

smultron: Hi everyone!

fay: hiya!

hydroblade: me too </3 sadly we don't have yuzumojis here boooo

sammie: I miss the planet too 
@hydroblade @fay

robin: me toooooooo @smultron

Mon Nov 6, 11:34:12am

hydroblade: probably a good thing, i would be spamming peekaboo yuzu 

fay: we all miss it.

sammie: I’m not sure how end up @ ppl lol

robin: and idk why im cursive

robin: oh



smultron: I am so mad about prices for Milano....

hydroblade: that emoji is scary lol

Mon Nov 6, 11:35:14am

robin: way cheaper than helsinki tho!

hydroblade: i didn't even look lol, i couldn't afford it anyway 

robin: at least ice level

fay: yuzumojis stay safe please

smultron: oh wow, really?

robin: i expected to pay more

robin: yea ice level was 130 eur for FS and 80 for SP

smultron: Well, this was my first time, so I didn't have anything to compare with ...

Mon Nov 6, 11:36:22am

fay: well, the balcony is just 30 euros off that?

robin: im mad about balcony tickets being so expensive

yuzuangel: i mis the yuzumojis

smultron: yeah

robin: i wanted to go to the ladies Fs but 99 is just too much for balcony

fay: Why did they make them so high?

yuzuangel: yeah

yuzuangel: thats like no difference from ice level

fay: True.

Mon Nov 6, 11:37:26am

robin: so you got the tickets you wanted @smultron ?

robin: yeah that's what's so weird abt the pricing

fay: With CoR the difference was like 8 times more expensive

yuzuangel: its like

yuzuangel: not accessible at all

yuzuangel: for people who just want to be in the arena

smultron: well, C for short and B for free after a long debate with myself 

robin: that's usually the case

yuzuangel: is that for worlds?

yuzuangel: oh ok

Mon Nov 6, 11:38:27am

robin: what was C again? balcony?

robin: good debate 

smultron: yes, I think so

smultron: I mean... This might be my only chance ))

smultron: Anyone else going?

robin: I wasnt planning on getting gala tickets but seeing that the ticketa are cheaper than i thought i got them too

yuzuangel: yes we aree

Mon Nov 6, 11:39:32am

fay: Hope so, if they give me the visa

robin: we areee

robin: sally too

robin: they will 

fay: they should

Hydr0blade: sorry about my weird name lol

robin: they better!

yuzuangel: lol

yuzuangel: i laughed out loud

fay: what's so weird?

robin: my data wont load the image

Mon Nov 6, 11:40:39am

robin: i only see a ?

fay: Ok, no images... back to GS days?

robin: ohh nvm now i see

robin: good one

smultron: haha


Hydr0blade: i can send images bc im logged in it seems 

Mon Nov 6, 11:41:45am

fay: @Hydr0blade hmmm, does that qualify as picture?

smultron: hydro being as extra as trollzuru

Hydr0blade: @smultron lol i am but a humble apprentice

yuzuangel: yeah so much effort hahahha

fay: i can't be bothered to sign in, sorry

Hydr0blade: i;m signed in bc i created the chat haha

fay: or to regsiter

yuzuangel: same

fay: register

Mon Nov 6, 11:42:54am

fay: one more password to remember is too much

smultron: have you guys seen that behind the scenes yuzuru with a hot choc mug video?

Hydr0blade: no, is the video out?

Hydr0blade: i only saw the images

Hydr0blade: i'm not sure if i am ready to die by chocolate again

robinsquirrel: i didnt!!!!!

yuzuangel: omg haha

smultron: yeah, he is hilariously cute and adorable there

fay: Ok, give us the video, Hydroblade doesn't have to see it

Mon Nov 6, 11:43:56am

fay: if she doesn't want to

sammie: yuzu and hot chocolate should always be together

Hydr0blade: link plss

Hydr0blade: i will die this week with nhk anyway


robinsquirrel: urgh i need to go to uni to watch

Hydr0blade: oh no

Hydr0blade: i can comment while i watch

Hydr0blade: be ready

Mon Nov 6, 11:45:01am



Hydr0blade: OH NO NO NO NO

Hydr0blade: NO

smultron: I can't I'm cackling again why is he like this

Hydr0blade: THe sweater needs to die

Hydr0blade: NOOO

Hydr0blade: NO

Hydr0blade: WHY MOESODE

Hydr0blade: NO

Hydr0blade: YUZU WHY U DO DHIS

smultron: and I need to have a talk with whoever dressed him

Mon Nov 6, 11:46:09am

Hydr0blade: Those pants tho

Hydr0blade: why

Hydr0blade: but his FACE HIS SMILEEEE

Hydr0blade: HELP

smultron: watch him dance in the end 

Hydr0blade: oh i stopped breathing for awhile lol

Hydr0blade: shit

Hydr0blade: the window thing


Mon Nov 6, 11:47:22am

robin: that's it im going to uni for this

Hydr0blade: NOOOOOOOOo

sammie: he is seriously the cutest thing

Hydr0blade: DANCE

Hydr0blade: DDANCE

Hydr0blade: BBY


smultron: I am smiling like an idiot he is so adorable....

Mon Nov 6, 11:48:36am

yuzupon: Let's see if I can make this work

fay: So how many death cries am I coming back to?

Hydr0blade: ded

yuzupon: OOOH, yes!

Hydr0blade: ded de dededed

Hydr0blade: ☠

Hydr0blade: rip me

Hydr0blade: ☠

Hydr0blade: ☠

yuzupon: Am watching the video, what are those pants, Yuzu??

Hydr0blade: the sweater is weird too

fay: @yuzupon the pants are the only ugly thing

Mon Nov 6, 11:49:39am

Hydr0blade: why cover his neck so muchhh what is this victorian times

fay: i love the sweater

Hydr0blade: [remembers anklegate] oh wait

yuzupon: I love the sweater

yuzupon: his long neck makes the turtleneck works wonderfully

Hydr0blade: my un looks like a bad 2004 username haha

axelnojutsu: hi guys

Hydr0blade: hewwoooo

yuzupon: and I am a sucker for him in red

Hydr0blade: @yuzupon YES

yuzupon: he dances. i dies

Hydr0blade: i want to see him dancing to nihon buyo i really want to do that but that might be the last thing i ever see

Hydr0blade: bc i would die

Mon Nov 6, 11:50:43am

Hydr0blade: he would be wearing kimono and i would die 

fay: he's such a tease

yuzupon: @hydr0blade you mean you're not dead now? I thought we are chatting from the grave? No?

Hydr0blade: oh yeah but... brought back to life and killed again 

smultron: life of a fanyu

Mon Nov 6, 11:51:44am


Hydr0blade: #fanyulife

fay: @Hydr0blade hmmm, we are used to your resurrections

axelnojutsu: this is the afterlife, our planet has been struck by a meteor and we're the dinosaurs

Hydr0blade: LOL

smultron: omg haha

Hydr0blade: Prime Minister Pooh wont be pleased haha

Hydr0blade: no i think this is more of a solar flare

Hydr0blade: that hit our planet

Hydr0blade: bringing down all the communications 

Mon Nov 6, 11:52:53am

fay: Yeah, you mean the magnetic field is off

axelnojutsu: I need the crying pooh emiji cause that's basically been my trying to log in since yesterday

axelnojutsu: also I can't type apparently

fay: so we get these glitches... and end up in a crash

fay: sorry, @axelnojutsu this sucks

Mon Nov 6, 11:54:02am

axelnojutsu: I just hope the tech wizards can fix it before nhk kicks off

yuzupon: I can't imagine just how many news we are missing at the moment 

sammie: Yes I can’t get through NHK without the planet for support

Hydr0blade: awww


Hydr0blade: yeah i hope it's solved before the airport arrival

Hydr0blade: hello who dis 

axelnojutsu: news, memes and shenanigans

Mon Nov 6, 11:55:07am

Hydr0blade: @yuzupon i've been stalking twitter and not much is going on...

anon3761: you know what's great

anon3761: my computer and our servers beoke simultaneously

Hydr0blade: (i'm messing with the bg haha sorry)

anon3761: and im without wifi

sammie: Yeah I have been on Twitter all morning and nothing but the bts cm

yuzupon: @hydr0blade phew! hope nothing would go on until planet is on again

smultron: no joking, I think I think in yuzuticons now, like.. the other day I wanted to answer something irl and I just had one in my head that was perfect for a situation

anon3761: lol anon is robin

Hydr0blade: @smultron LOL SAME

axelnojutsu: @smultron same!!

Mon Nov 6, 11:56:15am

yuzupon: @fay sorta owe me for abandoning our identification game during CoC 


anon3761: lmao


fay: I had to work, I'd gladly have played along

Hydr0blade: you know how sometimes you get songs stuck in your head?

Mon Nov 6, 11:57:18am

fay: I was only able to see Javi bomb and Misha half bimb

fay: bomb

yuzupon: @fay I know, i'm kidding. I am actually not sure I can play fully for NHK. Seems like the schedule is a bit weirder than CoC

fay: i won't be able to do much

fay: unluckily it's work hours again

fay: song brain itch?

Mon Nov 6, 11:58:35am

axelnojutsu: NHK is veeery early for me I'll need a lot of coffee to stay awake

fay: Yeah

axelnojutsu: but on the plus side there's less conflict with scheduling

fay: i'll see what I can watch

yuzupon: NHK SPs are not gonna be a problem, I think. It's the FS' schedule that's annoying.

Mon Nov 6, 11:59:50am

Hydr0blade: I have Ienai yo from 24h tv thing

fay: Ok, I hope we get the planet before then

Hydr0blade: not the song but the skating

Hydr0blade: booo

fay: lenai yo?

fay: what's that?

yuzupon: The ugly singing

Hydr0blade: yaeh but not the singing

Hydr0blade: just his skating

Mon Nov 6, 12:00:53pm

Hydr0blade: it was heartbreaking haha

yuzupon: the one yuzu skated to the little boy with asthma. right?

ralucutzagy: hi, guys

robinsquirrel: hiii

robinsquirrel: that was beautiful

Hydr0blade: yeah

smultron: Hi!

Hydr0blade: @ralucutzagy helloooooo

axelnojutsu: I have the 50 ways to fan yuzu song stuck in my head

Mon Nov 6, 12:02:01pm

Hydr0blade: @axelnojutsu LOL THAT ONE TOO

smultron: omg, how many times did you watch it 



Hydr0blade: i keep thinking "yabai yabai"

Hydr0blade: hahahahaha

axelnojutsu: it needs to be in all caps tho @hydr0blade 

ralucutzagy: miss the planet ... when are we going back ?

Hydr0blade: YABAI YABAI

yuzupon: aaaaah, @hydr0blade don't do that! now it's getting to my head

Hydr0blade: @ralucutzagy it's a problem with the hosting, they're still running some repairs

robinsquirrel: i wish we knew @ralucutzagy

Hydr0blade: so in the meantime we have this...

fay: Sometime, @ralucutzagy - hope for soon

Mon Nov 6, 12:03:05pm

ralucutzagy: okay ...

axelnojutsu: @smultron I've been alternating between that one and the kuro neko no tango pretty much all day so 

robinsquirrel: can someone send me tje video link again

robinsquirrel: i just came to uni for wifi

Hydr0blade: @axelnojutsu is that the one that says my lover is a black cat?

yuzupon: this is probably the longest time i've been without the planet

axelnojutsu: @hydr0blade the one and only

Mon Nov 6, 12:04:07pm

axelnojutsu: this is just one big AA meeting and we've been forced to quit cold turkey

Hydr0blade: @axelnojutsu i keep thinking of yuzu with cat ears acting cutely like a cat when i hear that song lol

ralucutzagy: I just so the ghana CM ... Yuzu is so cute!! Did you guys saw it already?

Hydr0blade: lol it does feel like that right

robinsquirrel: guyssss dont leave me hanging

Hydr0blade: @ralucutzagy yeah someoen posted the BTS video here

axelnojutsu: did anyone get their tickets for milan btw?

smultron: gotta go now, I miss you guys, you all made me smile so much with this chat <3



yuzupon: @ralucutzagy yes, we did. if you scroll up we talked about the ugly pants, the dancing and the turtleneck

robinsquirrel: thank youuuuuuuu

Mon Nov 6, 12:05:18pm

Hydr0blade: awww @smultron 

smultron: yeah, a bunch of us got tickets ))

ralucutzagy: lol those pants are really ugly ...

Hydr0blade: he must be feeling comfy af tho

fay: But they don't feature in the CM

Hydr0blade: how different is that from the usual track pants he wears hahaha

Mon Nov 6, 12:06:19pm

fay: Yeah, they're... roomy

ralucutzagy: lol, like pijamas

yuzupon: it's the colour. if the pants were in black, we would not have noticed it much

axelnojutsu: they look very comfy I'm jealous of that outfit lol

majahled: hello people, i am here for some stress relied, i seriously need it just about now. and those pants are just terrible XD

Hydr0blade: @majahled hellooooo

Hydr0blade: you missed my reactions to the video

ralucutzagy: the sweater was great tho

yuzupon: the pants kinda make him look shorter

Mon Nov 6, 12:07:23pm

fay: yuzu has to have something for us to criticise

Hydr0blade: you can have the video in the foreground and keep talking lol



Hydr0blade: well tbf he probably didn't choose that himself so...

ralucutzagy: hey yolo

Hydr0blade: hellooooo

majahled: hi everyone 

ralucutzagy: hi

fay: hiya @yolo3a

majahled: i have been learning bones in latin, my brain is fries 

axelnojutsu: if he'd get to choose his own clothes for all the cms and stuff it'd just be like media day but 365 days a year, everything will be the same

Mon Nov 6, 12:08:40pm

axelnojutsu: and then we truly wouldn't be able to tell from when pictures are from because he doesn't age

Hydr0blade: haha im debugging a program but here i am talking abot the potato sack pants

majahled: lol good luck XD

fay: Potato sack pants? Great - nice name

ralucutzagy: lol potato sack ...

fay: quite a change from pants of sin

Hydr0blade: they look like potato sack pants

Mon Nov 6, 12:09:41pm

axelnojutsu: that's a new rank name right there

fay: yeah, I WANT that rank!

ralucutzagy: haha great idea

Hydr0blade: we have the purple pants of sin, white pants of holiness, trashbag pants and now potato sack pants

Hydr0blade: nice

fay: and hot chocolate too

robinsquirrel: damnnnnn ghana

robinsquirrel: thanks

sammie: Talking about his gray pants?

Hydr0blade: @robinsquirrel LOL

ralucutzagy: yep

robinsquirrel: that was alot

ladylou: Hi

robinsquirrel: i cant deal

yuzupon: potato sack pants 


robinsquirrel: overflow of emotions

robinsquirrel: hii

Mon Nov 6, 12:10:56pm

ralucutzagy: he was so cute posing ...

fay: hi @ladylou

ladylou: missing the planet and missing yuzu (insert dead bunny and sad pooh here)

Hydr0blade: hellooooo

robinsquirrel: SO cute

sammie: Everyone was giggling abt his cuteness even the men

Hydr0blade: lol i think we all miss the moticons

Hydr0blade: oh no i am not that dead bc i didn't watch it with sound

fay: he was incredibly cute. There

axelnojutsu: google search: how to implement planet emojis into phone emoji keyboard


fay: watch it again with sound

ralucutzagy: I what our Yuzumoticons back 

Mon Nov 6, 12:12:06pm

axelnojutsu: @robinsquirrel so wholesome

Hydr0blade: >feeling jealous of an inanimate object again

robinsquirrel:  this one will be a new emoticon

Hydr0blade: shit sorry i should probably shut up about that 

 ignore ignore ignore

ladylou: why don't they give Yuzu better pants

ladylou: he's still adorable tho

axelnojutsu: hydro needs holy water instead of hot chocolate

robinsquirrel: i was distracted by his face didnt notice the pants

Mon Nov 6, 12:13:08pm

ralucutzagy: maybe tomorrow we'll have airport news and pics

robinsquirrel: lol jk

Hydr0blade: holy chocolate

Hydr0blade: wiat

Hydr0blade: wait

Hydr0blade: haha

majahled: ahhh, if someone told me like a year ago that behind the scenes of commertials would be the highlight of my day, i would have laughed. oh the things yuzu does to me 

Hydr0blade: in case you don't get it i am referring to the cup of hot chocolate hahaha


Mon Nov 6, 12:14:10pm

ralucutzagy: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DN-Vv4mWsAAOMyU.jpg

ralucutzagy: so cute

robinsquirrel: sooo cutee

majahled: adorable :3

robinsquirrel: couldnt catch the right moments but every moment is a moment for yuzu



robinsquirrel: NO ANOTHER ONE?

Hydr0blade:  HERE HAHA


Hydr0blade: NO

Hydr0blade: NNOOOOO

Mon Nov 6, 12:15:11pm

IiIsailor: hey

ralucutzagy: hi

Hydr0blade: hello 

IiIsailor: is that what we are using until the planet is back? i like it, brings back msn memories

Mon Nov 6, 12:16:22pm

axelnojutsu: satellite support system

ralucutzagy: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DN-airfU8AMjevK.jpg

Hydr0blade: @lilsailor it was robin's idea 

 we had severe withdrawals


Hydr0blade: raluuuuu

Hydr0blade: aaaaah

Hydr0blade: </3

IiIsailor: awh

yolo3a: Being without the planet is so lonely omg. I hadn't realised how much I visit there.

Hydr0blade: haha me tooo

anon0758: I visit daily and it became a habit.

IiIsailor: its scary how many times ive logged in to see if its working again

IiIsailor: i even ventured back into gs

fay: Have a look at those videos too

IiIsailor: help me guys

Hydr0blade: heeey the message changed

Mon Nov 6, 12:17:29pm

ralucutzagy: he is so beautiful in that red sweater I just cant ...

fay: oh, what does GS have to offer?

Hydr0blade: "
Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily busy, try again later!"

anon0758: Me too lmao 

Hydr0blade: at least it doesn't say anything about the DB anymore

yolo3a: @IiIsailor can relate

axelnojutsu: oh it said that a couple hours back for me as well

anon0758: GS has nothing. Very dry over there.

IiIsailor: @fay not a lot tbh... theyre are discussing yuzu's consistency

IiIsailor: in one thread

Mon Nov 6, 12:18:39pm

ralucutzagy: I've been there too .. silence ...

majahled: god i wish the planet was back already, not being able to visit is weird and unsettling

fay: @IiIsailor ok, he isn't the most consistent. We know. No need to rub it in

anon0758: Not sure how became I anon0758

IiIsailor: @fay they brought out stats

yolo3a: @majahled 


Mon Nov 6, 12:19:40pm

fay: @IiIsailor what's new?

Mastyaeva: I can't believe it: you just destroyed my perfect plan to go to sleep early 

ralucutzagy: so true

Hydr0blade: hahaha ehllooo

IiIsailor: @fay fair...

ralucutzagy: hey @Mastyaeva

IiIsailor: hey

majahled: hello


robinsquirrel: hiii

yuzupon: i want hot chocolate now

fay: come on, @Mastyaeva you know us, we're evil

ralucutzagy: hehehehe

yolo3a: Not domestic Yuzu @robinsquirrel

axelnojutsu: golden skate who? *insert mariah gif*

Hydr0blade: evil fanyus from pooh hell

Mastyaeva: But I missed you, guys. We all want hot chocolate now!

Mon Nov 6, 12:20:52pm

ralucutzagy: me too me too

fay: Apart from me..

IiIsailor: i kinda love this chat thing, the video player moves w the chat


Mastyaeva: About

Mon Nov 6, 12:21:53pm

fay: The chat thing is great, but hard to follow...

Hydr0blade: yeah

IiIsailor: ph's homepage worked for a split second but the minute i pressed on a topic it came up error 

IiIsailor: i got my hopes up

Hydr0blade: you should see me right now i have everything super compacted to switch quickly to here hahahaha

Hydr0blade: aw :c

Hydr0blade: @lilsailor wait when, now?

IiIsailor: so close

sammie: Yeah I have to scroll up a lot of the time

Mastyaeva: Poohs. Sasha Plushenko finally got some!

IiIsailor: @Hydr0blade yeah.. it came up the home page but now its on error again

Mon Nov 6, 12:23:00pm


Hydr0blade: that's actually good news haha

IiIsailor: could just be my laptop glitching though :L

ralucutzagy: I get the same 500 Error ...

sammie: Yeah 500 error

majahled: i get 503 error


dapurpledino: the planet withdrawals are real 

Hydr0blade: hellooo

IiIsailor: '503 Service Unavailable The server is temporarily busy, try again later!'


Hydr0blade: aaah ihope it's solved soooon

Mon Nov 6, 12:24:02pm

Hydr0blade: hahaha

dapurpledino: hellooo
i saw the site for about a minute this morning but when i refreshed it went back to the error

axelnojutsu: 500 for me as well "no such file or directory"

IiIsailor: @dapurpledino thats essentially what happened to me there now

Mastyaeva: Wait, it works for me now

anon3504: the planet is back

majahled: we dont even get the same error, thats kinda weird

IiIsailor: what

axelnojutsu: it's back?

yuzupon: the planet is back


axelnojutsu: omg

majahled: holy, it is!

Hydr0blade: OMG


axelnojutsu: it is!!


IiIsailor: im scared

IiIsailor: omg

Hydr0blade: YAS

IiIsailor: YAS

IiIsailor: GUYS YES

Mon Nov 6, 12:25:07pm

ladylou: OOOOOHHHHH I'm seeing it (the planet)

fay: @axelnojutsu it's back

sammie: Yes!

axelnojutsu: it heard our prayers lol

IiIsailor: omg its working

ralucutzagy: omg its back back back

majahled: hallelujah

yolo3a: Oh thank fuck

dapurpledino: omg really

dapurpledino: thank god

robinsquirrel: yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

IiIsailor: halleloo

dapurpledino: yessssssssssssssssssss

Hydr0blade: @lilsailor LMAO

ralucutzagy: thank you god!!!!!

sammie: Finally! 

fay: Ok, shall we go there

fay: .

Hydr0blade: Now, to publish that daily spread eagle...

Hydr0blade: yes! 

IiIsailor: AYYY

ralucutzagy: yep

sammie: yes im off 

Mastyaeva: As usual: we found an alternative, it started to work

ladylou: ok bye (see you on the planet)

fay: see ya there then, folks!

Mon Nov 6, 12:26:08pm

robinsquirrel: is anyone still getting errors?

IiIsailor: @Hydr0blade im still scared

Mastyaeva: No



Mon Nov 6, 12:27:49pm

yuzupon: See you all back in the planet!!


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8 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

our chatango conversation...


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Wow, we managed to produce so much rubbish in a short while? 

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