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Everything posted by TallyT

  1. Four years since Sochi, the whole of possibly the most rambunctious quad in history where the men are concerned... Have to admit, while I wish him and his fans all the best, I couldn't help thinking of Patrick Chan's one year off and how he never got off the back foot after his return, couldn't quite catch back up... and Brian Boitano's(?) recent and apparently hard-won advice to Yuzu. But then the rules have changed, the Japanese men's field isn't, as I understand it, as ridiculously hard as before, and I doubt he's really aiming as high as Chan was... from the sound of it, he just wants a chance to redo the finish of a great career. I hope he can.
  2. If he does, he'll be competing against Shoma... he wouldn't be up against Yuzu till the GPF at the possible earliest, right? If the next announcement is that he's off to Canada, I'll know we're definitely now in Oz.
  3. The fan who did the split screen ones above has done another Seimei - NHK 2015 vs the Olympics. While the perfection of NHK is breathtaking, the fierce, utterly indomitable fighting spirit that every move in the Olympics is suffused with is... well, maybe even more for me.
  4. We will ALL send lots of karmic lemon and honey. Which I'm sure he will appreciate even if there's nothing even slightly coldish about him...
  5. So Helinski is before Moscow, right? That means that it might be the first time we see his programs? Oh the scramble for tickets will be something else....
  6. So he gets his new award on Monday, right? Here's hoping for photos and news items ...
  7. Me, I will keep repeating Brian's advice to myself from here all the way through... "Never underestimate Mr Hanyu."
  8. I admit that was my first thought: especially as Alina - the other OGM - is also going there. Nice fillip for selling tickets to have both.... And Helsinki would surely have good vibes for Yuzuru.
  9. You've got to admire how objective and neutral both Max and Plushy are when talking about Yuzu...
  10. Well, our Yuzu at least has plenty to keep his attention occupied for the next few days...
  11. I have no axe to grind (wherever it will be will be a looong way away from me) so am just sending karmic hopes to all of you that are looking for a chance to see him near you...
  12. Oooooh thank you for the pictures? POTO2 is one of my top 5 beloved outfits, and these closeups make me love it even more...
  13. I noticed when watching CiOUNTU that the charcoal one has sparkles too - not as many as other costumes, but they're there all right.
  14. Both of these made me quite ridiculously happy.... Well I just have for five minutes straight...
  15. I can understand why... but for me it doesn't have connotations, probably for the simple reason that I have listened to David Attenborough use it all the time, in way too many shows (Sir David is right up there with Yuzuru in the 'can do almost no wrong and even then I will deny it' stakes Which makes me think, someone should really do an Attenborough-style description of the Top 6 from the Olympics, it would be hysterical....
  16. A sneaky part of my brain can't help dreaming that for his first comp, he glides out and treats us all to a vision... of subdued, demure restraint. Maybe in duck-egg blue or beige. Just once, to see how many shrieks he can cause around the FS world before breaking out in the usual bling...
  17. I think, being a remarkably level-headed young athlete, he is probably simply bemused and probably amused if he ever sees what vast amounts of virtual words are expended all over the internet in discussing every last stitch and sequin, way more than all the other men (hell, probably all the ladies) combined...
  18. Umm, also remember, Yuzuru himself has shown he is perfectly aware of the fact that you can cheerfully say less than flattering things about people you care about (Nobu, for a few dozen examples. And remember his sweet 'bye' to Javi after the birthday skate from Spain... followed by, basically, a 'that skate was quite baaaddd....') without it meaning the care is in any way dented.
  19. sorry, deleted because I fail at editing...
  20. ... and then there's his total seeming inability or unwillingness to search/take time to be fitted for a formal suit that fits properly (sorry Yuzu, we still think you look adorable!) which does also indicate little interest in clothes except where they are part of his 'work equipment' at which point - like his skates, or music - no amount of obsessive detailed interest is too much for him.
  21. Maybe we'll get an Overordy program this season... long or short, I'd be happy.
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