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Everything posted by TallyT

  1. ... and if each member has just one opinion on the new programs.... (or some of us have 100)
  2. I was wondering about that... I want another red chocolate ad, I do and definitely some "I'm not a model I'm an athlete but let me show you how good I look as a model anyway" photoshoots. (And I sheepishly admit that at one state I looked at this picture and thought... ... hey, any of those colours would work for his program!" (in my defence it was very very late and I was half asleep... I think)
  3. Absolutely, the sportsmanship in the top 5 or so at Pyeongchang was really lovely to watch. Actually - and I'm not swiping at Chan here, I feel for him even if I don't really like him - I've always felt that these two pictures are almost representative of the way this developed...
  4. Mao is lovely, but she does have an extremely smooth, even placid face. Yuzu may seem that way when 'in repose' but actually he does have an extremely mobile face on which which all of his character sparkles on and off like lightning, and which can look wildly different depending on, well, pretty much everything going on in his head. Going from my own visits to (admittedly not very many) wax museums, people with 'character-full' faces do, I think, tend to be harder to get right...
  5. I doubt anyone could replace him or that Yuzu would want anyone to: even leaving aside their friendship and obvious affection (hasn't Yuzu said he couldn't have done everything he did without Javi?) it was a near miracle of two strong, competitive personalities meshing as well as they did; obviously there were stresses, especially in the lead up to the Olympics, but as many have noted it's pretty unique, unheard of for the two top athletes in the world with all the fierceness, competition and the battling for places to be able to work together as they did (and says a lot about both of them). Obviously we don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's more one-on-one and a mix of member of TCC for him from now on.
  6. Actually a small and silly part of me would love - after Yuzu retires - for the two of them to be in an ice show together and troll everyone with a version of "Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better..."
  7. Okay, I have to ask, or I'll die with curiosity - what on earth is a mayonnaise face???
  8. That is... a small part of me would like to know what he was thinking, the rest definitely doesn't want to think about it....
  9. Oh I didn't include Change! I do rather love that too...
  10. Favourites? Not that I'm an expert, but I have a little (okay, a large) folder... Etude - GPF 2011 (BESP called him a shining jewel R&J 1 - can anyone top Worlds 2012, really? doesn't hurt that pretty much every commentator is on youtube gushing, and that we get one of the most adorable medal ceremony of all time NDP - GPF 2012 PWW - both of the Sochi Olympic performances White Legend - Olympics gala R&J 2 - Worlds 2014... and with it the triple crown POTO - GPF 2014 (with another adorable medal ceremony) Chopin Ballade - GPF 2015 by a hairsbreath over the Olympics Seimei - might have been more perfect before, but 2018 Olympics is my favourite of all Requiem - Worlds 2018 gala and that even before I understood the reason for the sheer emotional impact LGC - I'm not fond of Prince per se, but Yuzu's getting me there... 2016 NHK Hope & Legacy - has to be Worlds 2017, including the magical kiss & cry Notte Stellata - after a good deal of dithering, Olympics 2018
  11. And if he is the first the documentary will be at least twice as long and dramatic.
  12. If he comes to us with anything as glorious as Seimei.... it'll be worth the wait.
  13. I keep telling myself he's a 17-year-old boy, so often the least tactful and most self-absorbed thing on the planet after tantrumy toddlers... but... And we thought Patrick Chan had foot in mouth bad.
  14. Chopin vs Chopin, world record vs Olympic record...
  15. I like goldfish Okay, so I was thinking more of the colours......
  16. Yes please please please please please... I adore that shirt.
  17. Oooohkay, that is weird, but in a rather appealing way. I think...
  18. Someone needs to point out to him that 4As when you can't see for the hair in your eyes are not really a good idea.....
  19. Except that at least you know when Christmas is going to be.....
  20. That third one with the redgold top - something like that for the new season would be wonderful, please Yuzu???
  21. I will unblushingly repeat what I just said over at GS (which will make me no fans, I know) Alina's dress looks like she forgot her costume and had to make do with an aged relative's daggy underslip instead (and the music is the worst POTO I have ever heard). I don't watch Nathan skating but the clothes are pretty bog-standard "I'm a serious student to be and I can't afford nice things, got this at the nearest Cheep and NotCheerful"... which is... I guess understandable for a student to be (and I do hope he didn't pay Very Wang heaps to make them! I quick visit to the op shop would do it) Boyang seems to be channelling what Yuzu wore in those shows years ago, what was it, Vertigo or Hello I Love You? and presumably will come up with something better come Helsinki. Shoma's latest really made me laugh, he looks like an adorably scruffy little blackbird and then (at least in the version I watched, which made it very pink) a tiny punk flamingo (and given the horrible Spirits things - both of them - that's a massive improvement )
  22. Yes! Now what will he skate... You know, we're lucky, because it's Yuzuru we do get more off season stuff than nearly all other fans and yet we're never satisfied...
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