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Everything posted by Coquelicot

  1. It's pretty funny: Yuzu probably has the most Twitter followers, and he's not even on Twitter.
  2. Agreed! Even my dad, who's only watched a couple of competitions because of me, has said the exact same thing. He's said on several different occasions that he predicts Yuzuru will have a "cool move" named after him one day. And my dad doesn't even care for skating much.
  3. And really stock up on the hairspray.
  4. Oh we know his programs always do. But I'm especially hooked on this one!
  5. Same!! I'm an unashamed sucker for Origin, and since we saw so little of it this season, I would definitely not mind having it for another season. The entire program just exudes such power and dominance--I love it!
  6. That 4T3A is just stunning... and of course in time with the music, because it's Yuzu.
  7. https://curiousrambler.com/2018/08/25/winnie-the-pooh-named-after-a-real-bear-and-maybe-a-swan/ How's this for coincidence? Winnie the Pooh was named after a Canadian bear and a swan! Also, if Yuzu ever visits New York, he has to stop by the New York Public Library to see the original Pooh! (Sorry if this has already been posted.)
  8. Could we have a GOAT emoticon? Maybe something like this? [Credit]
  9. Along with what everyone's mentioned, I have two more to add! 1. The notorious airport arrival in Pyeongchang with Yuzu and his entourage of bodyguards. I remember being so on edge about the men's event coming up, but when I finally saw Yuzu and the sparkle in his eyes during that airport interview, his resolve was just so palpable that I felt that everything would be all right. No matter his condition or how long he was gone, I could just feel how happy he was to be back and how much he wanted to win, and I knew that he would make it happen. 2. The drop-mic solo triple axel in Yuzuru's first practice at the Pyeongchang Olympics.
  10. The World Standings factors in old seasons, so since Yuzuru missed pretty much all of the 2017-18 season, he lost the No. 1 spot. But he's back now, and he's on his way back to the top!
  11. I know Nessie is a monster jump and not anything to be taken lightly, but I can't help but feel we're going to see it sooner than we think.
  12. It's so pretty!!! Plus I'm really intrigued by the sleeves. It looks like it's an open elbow, and I'm wondering what that would look like in motion. I don't think I've seen a skating costume like that before.
  13. Love the designs!! Also, blue roses on the Chopin music box! Reminds me of that one photo shoot Yuzu did.
  14. Sooo if Ted is commentating ACI, can we hope for him to commentate on more senior events? Because that would be excellent! Can't believe ACI is almost here!!! I'm so ready, but at the same time, I'm not ready.
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