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Everything posted by Coquelicot

  1. I believe the correct response is "all of the above," but I can't seem to find it here...
  2. Same!! I think it might just be my new favorite exhibition program. It's impossible to watch just once! And then afterwards the song gets stuck in your head...
  3. The Olympic Channel has both the short and free programs from Sochi uploaded on their site! https://www.olympicchannel.com/en/playback/mens-singles-short-program-figure-skating-sochi-2014-replays/ https://www.olympicchannel.com/en/playback/mens-singles-free-program-figure-skating-sochi-2014-replays/
  4. Hmm I just tried clicking into the tweet on my phone, and the comment section is showing up. Are you clicking on the tweet? The Icenetwork article doesn't have a comment section, but the tweet does.
  5. The comment section is worth a read!
  6. Why are we hearing from SC but nothing from ISU? Is it normally like this??
  7. And the crazy thing is the focus is again on his following rather than his accomplishments (title says "rock star status" rather than "TWO-TIME OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST"). It's kind of frustrating how the media is latching onto this fascination with his supporters (which took up a good portion of the blurb) rather than the skater himself.
  8. I do think the artist captured the mewjesty of the Olympic podium, if I may say so myself.
  9. We've all heard Mewzuru before, but how about Pawnyu? (Apologies if this has already been posted.) Source: https://zebra-sharks.tumblr.com/
  10. I don't think this has been posted yet! Really neat comparison between R&J 1.0 from 2012 and 2018. You can really see how much more precise and delicate (but powerful!) his movements have become. The Youtuber has more side-by-side videos on their channel if you want to check it out.
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