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Everything posted by yuzuangel

  1. Will there be live streaming? Or videos posted afterwards?
  2. I heard somewhere that Daisuke fans booed him. Plus it wasn't his best performance...
  3. A little bit late, sorry. Will do the upgrade in 5 min.
  4. Some people just can't help being photogenic, it's not his fault!!
  5. haha that's usually how it goes some days everything could just be going great, and other days (sometimes the next day) nothing works. i think skating requires such precision that if you're just a little bit off, everything gets thrown off. and it's important to not do it wrong too many times because you don't want your muscle memory to remember doing it badly, kwim. lol i think whenever im trying to do something new, i always stop doing it when i do the best so i can remember what the feels like for next time....because i know that if i keep doing it it will just get worse as i get tired...
  6. Would love to see Eunsoo break up the Japan vs Russia theme last year
  7. thank you @kaerb for this entertaining and informative translation
  8. Need to do a security upgrade this Sunday, 9/2/2017, at 12 PM PST. Should only take about 5 minutes or so
  9. Good luck to Gracie. Hoping she gets better soon and find her love for skating, for life, for whatever makes her happy
  10. it looks like junnie but junnie is taller than yuzu...
  11. patrick said this? patrick said good things about yuzu? color me surprised
  12. yes please! he has a terrarium? what? oh, wait, i remember this interview, they were planting things in a fishbowl....
  13. No, it makes sense. The difficulty of LGC as you described is exactly why it's so amazing when done right. And I have huge, huge respect for Yuzu for doing something so difficult... pushing the boundaries not just technically, but artistically as well.
  14. her voice totally reminded me that she's still 15 shes so mature for her age
  15. Landing it in competition sounds 10x harder than landing it in practice (which it sounds like, he may have already done?) I bet Yuzu wants to do both.
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