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Everything posted by yuzuangel

  1. This is very pretty! (Agnes Zawadski) source
  2. Miki's got some bad ones... source source source source I'm sorry, I don't dislike Miki, but I don't think I've ever liked anything she's worn? Even the ok-ish costumes?
  3. erm... Marina Anissina and Gwendal Peizerat source
  4. ok i am guessing they mean "get better [at what you do] yuzu" haha *phew*
  5. Seems like image embedding is still broken after the update, I'm contacting tech support about it.
  6. Yeah, that part gives me pause a little. I hope it's a mistranslation or someone trying to put words in mouths but seeing reaffirmation that this is what Yuzu really wants is all I need to support the decision
  7. if Yuzu wants it, then i support him he's the one skating, practicing, and competing, and watching him skate the way he wants is all i can ever ask for
  8. Will do the upgrade in 5 min
  9. Wow! Thanks. Can't believe it's less than 2 weeks ago.
  10. That's like your mom (aka canadian fed) comforting you like "well *i* think you are way more attractive patrick "
  11. I feel bad for him. Imagine if someone stole your girlfriend (aka gold medal) and then go and become the most successful, richest, most popular celebrity in the world (aka the skating world) and you have to get beaten by him at every competition. Ouch. I'd be like So I give him props for that.
  12. the space kitten is so spacey, lmao
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