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Everything posted by Xen

  1. 不知道。 好像论坛里说今年NHK杯比世锦赛好买一点。 个人觉得加拿大的比赛相对来讲是最容易买票的-售票时间通常会提前给, 也会有比较大的售票机构来把控, 总体流程比较舒畅。
  2. *shakes hands* The first time I took it, I had a 11-way tie for first place. It kept on asking me to decide between Seimei and Origin and Otonal and PW and Chopin and Notte Stellata.
  3. It's hard to find anyone who isn't manipulative. It's probably just part of basic survival instincts (else why did we cry as babies?). He is demanding, strict, maybe a bit pushy and bossy, but I think back to Nobu saying that Yuzu is the type of "S" that you like, it's because when you hear him describe his goal and his idea, you realize that the goal is a higher place, a better place than we are currently at. And anyone who has any ambition will probably follow along and go for that new goal Yuzu presented. Even if it's not completely clear at the start, just a very nebulous thing that you have to flesh out in detail. It also enriches others and inspires others in the process-and isn't that a source of happiness?
  4. I would like to suggest 2 videos for Jack: 1) English press conference post Olympics: 2) Japanese press conference post Olympics: Yuzuru's brilliant replies to the media. Considerate, well thought out. mature and with diginity beyond his age. All of us can learn a bit from him.
  5. Okay, it's only about 15 more days before we see him again on ice. And yes, I miss watching his blades swoosh around a rink.
  6. My wallet is so glad that I'm not in Japan. Else the resistance might be worn down enough by the clearfiles offensive to venture out into the wild unknown's mornings, snooping around combinis for clear files which will be used as wall and desk decorations than anything remotely practical.
  7. 论坛里大部分人都说目前日本2019世锦赛的票很难买, 而且什么时候开始卖都还没公布。 反正, 感觉买日本比赛的可能性比登天还难。
  8. Are there clearfiles in stores outside of Japan? Because I don't think I've heard of any being bought by fans in China in any Lotte Department store.
  9. Hmm, I wonder if they'll invite Daisuke Takahashi? Has he skated in Spain before? My guesses have been mostly Yuna and possibly Mao.
  10. Wonder when the photos were taken. The pinkie on his right hand looks normal. I honestly can't wait to see the lotte commercial-and the Ghana chocolate. Every year we get an interesting ghana chocolate one with interesting outfit choices (and Yuzu overdoing the sugar in the hot chocolate). Maybe this year we might get a skating one and the making of, if he did it in late July/ Aug and was healed enough for it.
  11. Nah, he doesn't have 4F yet. So it must be 1 file for each type of jump, not each quad. Oh wait.... (I do wonder, I've yet to see these clear files in China, but Ghana and Lotte stand to make a ton of money if they ever utilize the Chinese fan population)
  12. Congratulatoins on remaining alive after getting to see Yuzu's 3A live! (or are you alive?)
  13. The top wasn't working, but the bottom did showcase leg-lines decently.
  14. Why is he putting skates on? Is this an actual skating outfit?
  15. This isn't too bad. They could have had him actually licking the ice cream.
  16. Hmm, if he goes to 4CC and WTT? Those are events where he could try it, especially WTT, since they might not matter or effect team Japan's slots as much. WTT jumps are still ratified by ISU. Or being the scheming troll that he is, he'll wait to see how the other guys are quadding before deciding if he whips it out (sorry, risks it) in a more serious competition (my guess is GPF or 4CC in that case). Well I'm supposedly going there, so for the sake of my hair, I hope not GPF. But I have a really weird feeling about this.
  17. Ah yes, character development. From Shogi team captain to honor roll student to University Teaching Assistant Zu. I see how this goes. The last one does look extremely smug....he knows the answer and how to solve this complex question while half asleep, and he isn't telling you, you as the student must be hard working and diligent in your efforts. (Speaking of which, wonder what the waiting line would look like if he did work as a teaching assistant? )
  18. Sorry to interrupt all the eye-dropping injections, but um, is that Yuzu in a blazer? Do we have a bigger shot to see if his blazer fit?
  19. Congrats for getting your flips back! Yes, having better blades and larger toepicks is AMAZING!
  20. Please assure your BF that such a scenario at GPF is impossible due to 2 factors: -A sufficient number of satellites will be at GPF to ensure you do not attempt to injure yourself - And pooh onsies are not aerodynamic enough to allow that, and dressing up as a pooh mascot would be too heavy (surprised if you can even jump in those things to get past the rink barriers)
  21. Imagine Yuzu as the MC or honorary guest to announce the start of competitions. (We joke about following a troll, but we're getting ideas on how he can troll more. I see the influence here.)
  22. A feathery zombie overlord? Interesting Halloween costume idea, maybe we should send it to Zu.
  23. That does make him the one who shall not be named though. Zombie overlord Zu- so nice of him to remember to feed us once every 2 months or so.
  24. You're asking this after ACI? I didn't know we survived *that.*
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