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Everything posted by fireovertheice

  1. Hi all! Here you are another video from the Figure Skating Comparison Team: this time the focus is on the steps/movements before the solo jumps in top 7 men's SP (including later comps and also observations on Oly TE). Observe and comment, as you wish. And also, please, share if you can/ want ( )
  2. I don't know if this is the right place to post it. However, after 4 years Pandalion (band from Sendai) did a project again for Yuzu: "Miracle that you draw"
  3. I dont't know if you meant these data (last and this season until GPF, links below, ) or others: https://planethanyu.com/topic/486-2017-gpf-men-sp-fs/?do=findComment&comment=133082 https://planethanyu.com/topic/486-2017-gpf-men-sp-fs/?do=findComment&comment=133090
  4. Last fan videos ... waiting for him and whishing good luck for Pyeongchang: - YUZU WARRIOR がんばって! by Aika 愛花 - Dream - To Yuzuru Hanyu, by noi 10H2O
  5. Hi all! Here you are a new video showing the data of Yulia about 1-foot skating and TR in the top 7 men SP (first part of the season), following the translation of kolmogorov_is_sad and with the final observations of the "Figure skating comparison team". Hope you like it and help to spread it . Every comment and further observations on the data are also welcome.
  6. Just for fun I started new countings, this time related to ice coverage and speed of the top men in their FS/LP. As trial I counted for now just the ice coverage and the speed of the transitions made in diagonal or in serpetine before the jumps in Yuzu's and Nathan's programs at CoR (At SA, GPF and Nats Nathan seemed slower to me). If I am right these are the first results. Y. Hanyu --> TR ice coverage around 346 m; speed 5.18 m/s = 18.64 Km/h N. Chen --> TR ice coverage around 324 m; speed 4.68 m/s = 16.84 Km/h Nice, knowing also the difference in difficulty in their tranistions...Now I am curious to check also the others. Do you have any data about this?
  7. Some new MADs: - Champion, by Amber Carmona: - Clock strikes / Yuzuru Hanyu(羽生 結弦) × ONE OK ROCK(ワンオクロック), by kana kolo (I have to say that I like very much every combination of Yuzu with OOR music...): - and last Charger from the sky, by aeterniti (epic music also always is perfect to tell what Yuzu achieved and will try to achieve in the next month):
  8. We have to remember also that this year some rules changed also for StSq. I can remember at least this: "4) Two different combinations of 3 difficult turns on different feet executed with a clear rhythm within the sequence. Only the first combination attempted on each foot can be counted." Shoma in the FS/LP has the StSq less rich in difficult turns and steps than the others top men, just the amount necessary for StSq Lv4 (that is 11): so if he miss or if he does one of them not so well - like in the example of realmonster for Yuzuru - is easy to get a Lv3 (for the FS he had Lv3 through all the GP serie and Lv4 at WTT, Lombardia and Nats).
  9. Did you see this piece of CBC? It's focused mostly at the beginning on Chen called as the skater who made history with his 5 quads FS and a "game changer" for the next Oly (and this is also the title, that is sort of super-hyping him...). But in the lenght of the video they speak about other skaters and Yuzu too: he is showed in association with Chen as the guys with multiple quads vs. skaters like Brown and Chan, who have no quad o a reduced number of them. Underline is the usual them of quads and technique vs. "artistry and style" (this is literal from the video) IMO. Your thoughts about this and the reasons by CBC publishing a video like that 4 days ago?
  10. At least they - and sometimes the judges - could recognize that he tries to do it in the right way, i.e. not cheating or too much underotating jumps, not to too much avoiding difficult transitions and masking the fact with the upper body movements or just only long SE and so forth, all tendencies that we can see in the younger guns who do difficult /with more than two quads layout IMO. Still, if you compare him with the most part of the others top men, surely he has to work more on the knees and edges, posture and arms movements. Then other two cents about some of the other skaters based on the last comps and news. I finally watched also Chen FS at Nat: what a disappointment! Seeing the scores and knowing it was a cleanish skate, I expected something more: no, to be honest, much more. But it's almost unwachtable to me: very slow, and heavy on the most part of the jumps, losing every connection with the music accents (the part between the first set of spins and the beginning of the StSq, and also the end of the StSq are unbereable to me, maybe because I know very well the timing and the music accents of the program for my counts ....) and also with lesser kind of interpretation than usual. I hope that they will not make him win Oly with a perfomance like that, please . Patrick Chan is about to compete at Nats and declared the he wil mantain only a quad for SP and two quads for LP, all of them 4Ts. He seems now aiming more to the team gold than to the individual one. https://bevsmithwrites.wordpress.com/2018/01/06/patrick-chan-pulling-himself-to-the-finish/ What do you think about it?
  11. I expect some complaints as Fanyu's product, also if the data are shown in the most neutral way possible. But the will complain also more saying that one cannot count only quantity but the quality of these turns, steps and movements has to be taken well in account, i.e. the so called "quality crossovers" or edges and quality of movements in the one-foot skating, and so forth. In any case, I hope that it will be useful to other people who want to take in consideration these data to reflect a bit about what these skaters actually do on the ice and that should / could be reflected at least in part in the PCs scores. But I don't want to go too much OT here, at least we want concentrate on Yuzuru's data only: so if we want to discuss further, I saw the video linked also in the general skating chat
  12. That's not new here the Planet, but thanks to this video (due the hard work of others ) we have the possibilty to spread these data. Thank you for sharing it. We all know that PCs are a joke (and PCs at Nats are really a farce, after what we have seen in USA Champs, mostly in women and men single): still, to point to the part of them that coud be more objective and / or countable, and to observe what skaters actually do with their feet, could be useful for fans and also for the judges (I hope).
  13. Purtroppo per motivi di lavoro potrò esserci solo venerdì e sabato: quindi niente men short anche per me ma solo il free... Mi auguro che tu possa tifare per Yuzu (se ci sarà, come spero) per tutt* noi durante lo short!
  14. Ciao @Larsy bentrovata! io andrò ai mondiali di Milano ma purtroppo non abito nè a Milano, né nelle vicinanze sorry.
  15. Per aspera ad astra Best whishes for a HAPPY (and better) NEW YEAR to YUZU and all HIS SATELLITES ! ... and what better than a wonderful "Norre stellata"...?!
  16. While waiting some news about Yuzu (I hope soon...) I also continued with my not much useful counts . This time I checked how many crossovers and 1-foot turns/ change direction Yuzu had in his last three seasons LP/FP and combining them with the different jumps layouts used. This is the result: SEIMEI 2015/2016 (GPF 2015) Hope&Legacy 2016/2017 (WC 2017) SEIMEI 2017 (CoR 2017) Jumps PT1 4S, 4T, 3F 4Lo, 4S 4Lz (4)3Lo, 3F Jumps PT2 4T+3T, 3A+1Lo+3S, 3A+ 2T, 3Lo, 3Lz 3F, 4S+3T, 4T, 3A+1Lo+3S, 3A+ 2T, 3Lz 4S, (4)2T, 4T+3T, 3A+2T, 3A Tot. Jumps (planned) 3 quads (1 in combo), 2 axels (in combo), 3 triples 4 quads (1 in combo), 2 axels (in combo), 2 triples 5 quads (1 in combo), 2 axels (1 in combo), 1 triple Crossov. TR1 12 6 8 Crossov. TR2 10 12 16 Crossov. ChSq 1 4 2 Tot. crossovers 23 22 26 1-foot rev./change dir. TR1 8 6 8 1-foot rev./change dir. StSq 11 14 14 1-foot rev./change dir. TR2 6 12 7 1-foot rev./change dir. ChSq 10 5 9 Tot. 1-foot rev./change dir. 35 35 38 Some observations: - despite the increase of difficulty in the jump layout, his programs didn't become simpler o voider in difficult transitions in between; - it is clear that passing more difficult jumps in the second part of the program caused a little increase in crossovers in this section (and a decrease in the first); however it has always been balanced by difficult transitions, also if a little bit more in H&L, probably because of a different composition of the program/music rythm too; - there has been an increase of difficult turns in the StSq from last season, maybe to try to receive always a Lv4 for StSq; - ChSq of Seimei is a bit longer and with more difficult turns and steps vs. crossovers than H&L - this season Seimei improves the old version not only in difficulty of the elements, but in the StSq too, following the direction already taken with H&L. There is a slight increase in crossovers in the second part, anyway balanced with an increase of difficult turns too, also if in a minor quantity. Seeing what the other top men have done or are doing (we will see also what Nathan will actually propose at Nats), is admirable what he has done last two season and what he is trying to achieve in this: increasing difficulty of the elements without decreasing difficulty of transitions and the overall quality and balance of the programs. I really hope that he can fully recover, to give to himself and to us one of his beautiful and astounding performances at Oly. Looking at this numbers, what do you think ?
  17. I really hope for Yuzu that what Ms. Richards says is true (thank you @IULIANA to de-lurke to let us know this, but rightfully asking for a confirm). Frankly I would tend to believe only to official statements coming from / his team, because these days we have seen a lot of articles, posts, tweets and so forth based on rumors, bad translations and whatever else @CupidsBow already mentioned. Waiting from good news from him (but now I think we will know them only after Nationals), I needed to look again to this video, because his skating is also more beautiful without music ...
  18. This was also for his birthday but I found only today (by kuwa eyoki). Most important: I always thought that someone should use this music piece - "Defying gravity" by Idina Menzel, from "Wicked" musical - for a video about Yuzu ! And an other one with a sort of Christmas / Winter mood spirit made by Cơ Huyền: And this by Aika with the cute fanart of runrun!:
  19. We know that he strives for perfection and he likes very much to win and to go beyond his own limits. But we all also know that he is very intelligent and smart. I do not think at this point of his life and sportive career he wants damage so much his body (and also his soul: he likes so much to skate in comps and in shows...).
  20. This seems to be the update about Yuzuru released by Kobayashi - JSF today (translation by Iron Klaus): https://twitter.com/Iron_Klaus/status/940846021558628353 Other translation of one part of interest (by rabbit 1234 on GS, I am not getting to copy and paste the link right now): "I found that the ligament damaged was more prolonged than normal sprain. From now on, I'd like to start standing on the ice and centering on the left foot, just starting with a simple slide such as a stroke or a cross, gradually increasing the load and enabling a turn with the right foot". The sounds of same expression is a little bit different. In the first translation it seems that Yuzu have still to start to go back to the ice; in the second, it sound more close to be done or just started.
  21. I thought too at the beginning. But it looks so greenish at Nebelhorn: is that possibile also with a warmer/ more yellowish light ? That's why I asked of the eventual performancs before... Thank you for all the other links
  22. I think that were his achievements in TES (as Fay said a quad and an above average mastery of the 3A) and his overall scores at junior level that make / suggest him was better to pass him among the senior ranks. I think that normally it starts with an invitation of the FED and then is the skater with his coach to decide. And I can't imagine Yuzuru holding back. For example, following his wikipedia profile, his victory at the 2008–09 Japan Junior Championships with a total of 182.17 points, not only qualified him both for the Junior National Championships and the World Junior Championships, but also earned him an invitation to compete already on the senior level at the 2008–09 Japan Championships, where he placed 8th: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuzuru_Hanyu. He was already a prodigy then, and if you listen to most of the commentaries of the 2010 and 2011 senior season, most of then depict him as the new "real thing" , the "true talent" or "a supreme young talent" among the men. I think that Shoma waited more to pass among the seniors because he could not get the 3A, that is a required element among the seniors. He started to land the Axel after he succeded with the 4T in 2014. He started to skate in the senior circuit the season after (when he was almost 18, if I am not wrong): http://web.icenetwork.com/news/2015/05/27/126706104
  23. Yes this. Absolutely. I could not say better than you did . It's the aspect for which I always appreciated him more and above all the others male skaters since 2012: his energy, his passion and the total commitment to the program and the performance, that touch you anyway, also when they are not perfect. I chose my nick thinking of him: to me he is like a beautiful fire flying, jumping and dancing over the ice. A joy to wacth (in Italian: "Un piacere per gli occhi e per il cuore"). I hope he can recover well, to skate soon and so to warm again our heart.
  24. I think that will be very hard, but maybe Japanese fans know them or where to find them? Thank you so much @Fay for the link of Nebelhorn (I have already looked also at the FS , the EX and the finale of the gala ; I started to follow him just after Nice). How already amazing he was...Really: where you can find now a male skater like him among the youngs 16-17 years old...(and maybe also 18 )?
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