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Proposed changes for next season

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I'm sorry to interfere into the discussion, but it seems I was summoned by @Cerunias and @WinForPooh




Credit: https://sportymags.wordpress.com/2015/11/29/yuzuru-hanyu-smashing-world-records/ 


There is also a bigger version, but I have no credit for it :squishedPooh:

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  On 6/7/2018 at 11:30 AM, Pamigena said:


If judges can't tell steps before a jump, are we confident they can tell boy from girl?





or maybe that's why they needed the Men in Tights Rule, to make their life easier :rofl:



It is precisely because they now make it even harder to tell boys and girls apart, they might as well judge them as ONE single discipline. Want to save more money and time right? There you go.

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  On 6/7/2018 at 12:49 PM, Forcefield said:

Ok wondering, I thought Japan proposed that someone who does all the types of jumps in triples or quads gets some sort of bonus or whatever (bad summary). Did they pass or did they skip it?



Failed to get to the stage of being discussed I believe. Think it failed to get the votes?

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  On 6/7/2018 at 12:54 PM, Cerunias said:


Failed to pass to be discussed I believe.



  On 6/7/2018 at 12:56 PM, Neenah said:

It was withdrawn and never discussed if I remember correctly 



Ok thanks.


Bummer, this would actually perhaps help prop up the quad/triple repetition rule but ISU's cognitive ability is weak so welp.

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  On 6/7/2018 at 1:00 PM, Forcefield said:

Ok thanks.

Bummer, this would actually perhaps help prop up the quad/triple repetition rule but ISU's cognitive ability is weak so welp.



The new repetition rule reinforces the Zayak rule, and seems to be a compromise of all the various solutions suggested (and interests at stake). I don't dislike it to be honest. The JSF's proposal, if passed, would have served to try to push the sport forward from an athletic point of view (by encouraging skaters to try the harder jumps), but it was more to complement the one-type-of-quad-only rule and provide for some "reward". This latter rule, if passed, I think would limit each athlete's choice and expression, and I think would've been too draconian and prescriptive in my opinion, and so with it having failed to pass, I don't think the JSF's proposal was really needed anyway (not to say that it wouldn't be nice if it was also included in some shape or form, of course).

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  On 6/7/2018 at 1:47 PM, WinForPooh said:

I don't understand why there was a rule that men couldn't wear tights at all. I mean... Let everybody wear whatever they want and if it doesn't suit the programme, let that come out of In or something.



I vote to add a new Program Component: Costume choice. Now see Nathan Chen's PCS finally dropping! :10814716:

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  On 6/7/2018 at 1:52 PM, Cerunias said:


Maybe a bad idea. Because if a costume like Dory shows up in competition, Hanyu might suffer too... :1:



Hey, Yuzu's costume choice has always been on point as far as I'm concerned! The only slightly off one was zingerstrawberry, but he did look nice in it at Ciontu so...

At least he's original! But not too original (Yellow Turandot coff coff). 


  On 6/7/2018 at 1:54 PM, hoodie axel said:

You're almost foolishly optimistic, I guess. :P;)



Is the all-black costume... balletic? 

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  On 6/7/2018 at 2:04 PM, Murieleirum said:

Hey, Yuzu's costume choice has always been on point as far as I'm concerned! The only slightly off one was zingerstrawberry, but he did look nice in it at Ciontu so...

At least he's original! But not too original (Yellow Turandot coff coff). 



We may be fans of some of Yuzuru's costumes (although I believe there are certain figures here who may beg to differ). I worry the judges won't share our same...er...ideas/passion


Are you sure anyone can trust the judges to mark costume choice??

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