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1 hour ago, Hannah said:

I'm going to the Western wall in Jerusalem this Friday. I think I'll prepare notes for health for Yuzuru and Zhenya. I feel so helpless. I have to do smth.

Probably going to go burn incense at the local temple now, for me.


Not sure what momentum she would lose? She needs to be in good shape for Olys, and frankly, she is still the scarier one between her and Alina. 

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New picture from today's press conference <3:sad-smiley-046:




Zhenya's mom reaction to injury:


"I want to tell you (to Zhenya) this - there's injury now (it's a fact) - but it's not that serious as we had before and we won't end up at the bottom, like we did often before. We will cope with it fast and we will rise even higher."



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Guys, this is brilliant. In a recent interview Zhenya said that she had no intention to organize her birthday party. But Ekaterina Bobrova simply organized it without saying anything, and as a result, Zhenya was literally invited to her own birthday. :rofl:

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4 minutes ago, Mastyaeva said:

Guys, this is brilliant. In a recent interview Zhenya said that she had no intention to organize her birthday party. But Ekaterina Bobrova simply organized it without saying anything, and as a result, Zhenya was literally invited to her own birthday. :rofl:

Aww, a surprise birthday how awesome~~ ( :


So....looks like she’ll try to skate at GPF and I bet any WD will be absolutely last minute a la Yuzu ): Are there any requirements for how much notice they have to give of a WD? Because there wouldn’t be enough time to call an alternate if she WD after arriving at the comp so the field could be 5 ladies not 6? 

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She did not say that she has decided to compete. She wants to, as she has qualified, and would hate sitting and watching it from the sidelines; she will do everything that she can to get well as soon as possible ... I listened to that interview on YT and she also says she's going through rehabilitation and practices, the doctors have said that she's getting better and that she's doing everything she can. We'll see what happens, there's time yet.


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So sad for Zhenya's injury.:tumblr_inline_mfy930ntA01qid2nw:  When you think this gp season can't get any worse...:tumblr_inline_ncmiffG34Z1rpglid:

I hope she can recover fast for the gpf, as that's what she wants, but the timing looks quite tight to me and I hope she won't just go and try to skate if she hasn't recovered properly.

Wasn't she the one that said something like that Yuzuru had only to focus on getting well without rushing? Why can't these guys follow their own advice? :14066882: Tho that fierce attitude (I'll call it stubborness but it's more than that) is what makes them champions...


And a surprise birthday party, awwww:tumblr_inline_mzx8t1Yuvn1r8msi5: Ekaterina :bow: (she looked pretty bossy when directing Misha and Yuzu for the pair photo, too :laughing:)

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