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With Yuzuru unlikely to compete at Worlds, will Team Japan manage to hold on to three spots for the men?  Will the Japanese ladies get back that third place?

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9 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:

With Yuzuru unlikely to compete at Worlds, will Team Japan manage to hold on to three spots for the men?  Will the Japanese ladies get back that third place?

Might depend on how many Olympians turn up at Worlds, I think. Quite a few skaters were skating injured at the Olympics. (Boyang - really recovered? Nathan - actually injured or more PR stuff? Dima - got hurt? Mikhail - head is very hurt? Javi - not going?) Mura/Keiji might place okay. For ladies, we don't know about Carolina's or Kaetlyn's plans, do we? Alina will probably go, I suppose, but Zhenya has tendonitis and might not be recovered in time. Wakaba's PCS is still in the dumps, though. Made me cry a little. 

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20 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:

With Yuzuru unlikely to compete at Worlds, will Team Japan manage to hold on to three spots for the men?


I’m not confident they will which leaves Keiji to essentially fight for his own spot next year. This is why I can only be 99% and not 100% sure Yuzu will withdraw. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw: 

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It is really difficult to see what they want from her ....

I hope Keiji and Takahito can do themselves justice this time.  The list of the potentially walking wounded is unusually long isn't it?  I think there's a lot to be said for the FIG attitude to Worlds - they don't have one in Olympic year.

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It's just a month between the two, too. We'll see, I suppose, I hope WD won't all be last-minute. And I don't want to see any of the walking wounded skating at Worlds. There's just been enough sacrifices for this year. Let them all heal and let those who're fit fight for Worlds. 


Wakaba looked good at that challenge cup. :) Bounced back from the Nationals disappointment. They'll need the three spots. Rika Kihira is turning senior next season, isn't she? I'm not ready for all the heartbreak, give the ladies three spots. 


ETA: Marin, though. :slinkaway:

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1 minute ago, SparkleSalad said:


I’m not confident they will which leaves Keiji to essentially fight for his own spot next year. This is why I can only be 99% and not 100% sure Yuzu will withdraw. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw: 

I hope he stands firm and does whatever it takes to recover.  He did the 'skating while injured to preserve places' in 2013 and got the three places for the Olympics enabling Machida and Takahashi to go ( much good it did them) and I didn't get the impression that anyone was especially appreciative of the effort.  He's  not 18 any more, it's not a pre Olympic season, Uno can step up to the plate and will and if they want to go, so can Tanaka and Mura.  I don't want to see him injure himself further for places that won't actually lead to anything for that third participant if history is anything to go by.


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