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23 hours ago, Xen said:

It depends on his goals. If he suddenly gets that random idea that he wants to land a 4A on Olympic stage, then we better grab our wigs and get ready for the wild ride. He's very forward thinking of what he wants in terms of his skating, but I don't know if he's completely crystal clear on everything in terms of life goals. Originally Sochi and PC gold were his goals since childhood. To a degree, other than 4A, he's fulfilled many of his essentials childhood goals-granted we don't know the full list, so maybe there's more. But he could come up with new goals now, or even after 4A is done in competition. Completing one goal begets bigger goals sort of.


I'm not sure that he moves his goal posts. (We fans certainly moving them in our fantasies). I think he has always been super clear in interviews date way back (eg: Kenji no heya): Sochi, PC, 4A. He had that ideal skate (GPF 15). So except for 4A, I think he has had it all when it comes to FS.


In one interview he said that there's no meaning if the 4A is not landed in competition. So, assuming that he succeeds the 4A, I'm sure that he would put it in. An ideal script for us would be: he starts the 4A at Skate Canada, succeeds but messes up other parts, ended up coming 2nd (again), get all worked up, and delivers killer performances for the rest of the competition.


It's clear that he has other passions as well: in a couple of interviews he said he wants to try other sports after FS (archery etc). He could go to the summer olympic as an archer... (OMG that would be sooo cool).


But I can totally imagining him doing ice shows for a long time (and put together meaningful, moving pieces).



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9 minutes ago, meoima said:



I'm waiting for the day some anti says his loop technique isn't proper, or his toe tap on the toe loop is messy...seriously, he's got one of the best jump techniques in men's figure skating right now. He's got one of the deeper curves for the salchow takeoff, just that he's so darn fast about it. 

Where's the popcorn? 

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I honestly don't get why people give the haters so much attention. They're just screaming their ignorance into the ether. Especially about technique. Fight them disparaging Yuzu's character all you want but to even give any attention to antis calling Yuzu technique (on his 4S of all things) faulty is so laughable I just can't take it seriously enough to be bothered. Apparently every ISU judge giving it +2 and +3 through the years doesn't know what a true salchow is but someone on the internet does. What even...

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To add to my above post: I kinda wish people would not bring idiotic JPN (or Korean or Russian or other) anti stuff into English FS fandom. Antis that threaten to disrupt Yuzuru's parade in Sendai? Yes, that's good, share it, let's report them because that's really problematic behavior!


An anti talking about how Yuzuru doesn't have good 4S technique, though? It's too stupid to even bother. Let it stay in JPN twitter...

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1 hour ago, Xen said:

I'm waiting for the day some anti says his loop technique isn't proper, or his toe tap on the toe loop is messy...seriously, he's got one of the best jump techniques in men's figure skating right now. He's got one of the deeper curves for the salchow takeoff, just that he's so darn fast about it. 

Where's the popcorn? 

Is there anyone better? I mean, I think Boyang's lutz is great, but the Wow factor with Yuzu for me remains how beautiful he looks midair combining great height, flow, speed in and out of the jumps, etc for ALL of his jumps. Not to mention the jump setup where I only know they are coming because I know his choreography. Leg wraps are not a part of his vocabulary.  I've never seen anything like it and I don't know if I'll ever see anything like it again. The effortlessness still takes my breath away all of these years later. 


If Yuzu wasn't jumping right, they would look ugly. There is nothing ugly at all about his perfectly executed jumps.


Did anybody else get +3 on their quads at the Olys btw? 



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23 minutes ago, xeyra said:

To add to my above post: I kinda wish people would not bring idiotic JPN (or Korean or Russian or other) anti stuff into English FS fandom. Antis that threaten to disrupt Yuzuru's parade in Sendai? Yes, that's good, share it, let's report them because that's really problematic behavior!


An anti talking about how Yuzuru doesn't have good 4S technique, though? It's too stupid to even bother. Let it stay in JPN twitter...

Many people are new fans and don’t understand the technique right away. It’s not like the antis are many. But it’s better for the new fans to get used to the technique more often. Sooner or later some fans might ask “what about this technique?”. Frankly, I know many old fans who couldn’t identify which jump is which so...

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4 minutes ago, Danibellerika said:


Did anybody else get +3 on their quads at the Olys btw? 



No one else got any +3 on any jump this season except Yuzu (multiple 3As, the 4S and 4T) and Han Yan's 3A at the Olympics. 

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4 minutes ago, meoima said:

Many people are new fans and don’t understand the technique right away. It’s not like the antis are crowded. But it’s better for the new fans to get used to the technique more often. Frankly, I know many old fans who couldn’t identify which jump is which so...


I understand and that's good. But in that case may I suggest to maybe don't preface it with 'Japanese antis said this' and just present it differently? I mean, I'm all for educating new fans but to connect it with some anti on JPN twitter starts it off a lot more negatively than just presenting it as an introduction to jump technique, you know? I don't know if I'm explaining myself well.

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4 minutes ago, xeyra said:


I understand and that's good. But in that case may I suggest to maybe don't preface it with 'Japanese antis said this' and just present it differently? I mean, I'm all for educating new fans but to do connect it with some anti on JPN twitter starts it off a lot more negatively than just presenting it as an introduction to jump technique, you know? I don't know if I'm explaining myself well.

In which tweets you see that they mention the Japanese antis? All the twitter accounts above don’t quote Japanese antis twitter at all. Go there and check. 

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8 hours ago, meoima said:

In which tweets you see that they mention the Japanese antis? All the twitter accounts above don’t quote Japanese antis twitter at all. Go there and check. 


I guess the posted tweet doesn't mention Japanese specifically (I just know it's from them from my Twitter TL) but it still starts off talking about anti lies, which is why I feel like it starts off from a defensive position against a really stupid claim that shouldn't be given the time of day because it's so stupid instead of a more informative and positive learning for new fans.


Anyways, it's not the first time I've been confronted with unecessary knowledge about foreign anti antics that I honestly don't care about... unless it interferes with charity auctions or someone's safety and then I get pissed and murderous.

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On 3/14/2018 at 9:39 AM, Murieleirum said:


2020/2021 season finished, interviewer: "Well Hanyu, now that you've managed to land your 4A consistently this season, going into the Olympics next season, do you have any plans?"

Yuzuru: "No plans yet!"

Interviewer: "But don't you want to land 4A at the Olympics? Wouldn't that be glorious? You're still the only athlete capable of landing it."

Yuzuru: "Uhmmmm yeah! Who knows! I haven't made up my mind yet."

Interviewer: "Two years ago you said that, if you attended Beijing Olympics, then you'd win. Are your eyes set on that third Olympic gold?"

Yuzuru: "I still have to decide if I will be able to attend after all."




Trollzuru: *mwhahahaha I'm so gonna land 4A with +5 GOE at the Olympics and win, I'm so evil mwhahahahah*




Triple Olympic Champion Yuzu: This was all part of a plan to counteract Gogolev's quint. 

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tbh I'm waiting for the day when someone will claim  that Yuzu's axel technique is wrong...:popcorn:I mean,  there MUST be something wrong if those 3A are so big and consistent and gorgeous, that ain't normal, obviously Yuzuru must be doing something really wrong, how dare he be that good? if he used other skaters's technique he would be struggling too,  right? It's so unnatural, his technique just can't be right....:drink2::popcorn:

some people are so delusional, they are really shooting themselves attacking Yuzu's jumps,  and lutz and Sal among all. :brain-slug-smiley:...like,  seriously, are they really that desperate? But of course they are, wasting their lives being livid about someone else instead of making their lives worthy and joyful :9:

I am honestly amazed at how dedicated and inventive they are :eek_new: and Yuzu's only sin is that he is so good...



ngl, whenever I read "antis from xxx are saying..." I feel a bit sad on Yuzu's behalf and on behalf of the fans who have to read that bs, but I think it's ok to be aware of what happens outside which is why sometimes I inflict myself a few incursions in some places that make me facepalm a lot and this is an international forum, so even if English is our common language there are posters who maybe read that bs in their own language and feel upset and want to share their thoughts and their answers. Until it doesn't turn into an endless state of angst and anger and answers still  give useful new info to everyone I think it's fine to acknowledge that *those people* exist and they are wrong and why:tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


A bit off topic but still related to this: studies have proved that there is no amount of logic, evidence and datas that can sway "extremists" from their illogic and poisonous faith and actually any attempt at reasoning can lead to more extremization (it is actually a major issue in eg: the debate on scientific divulgation and how to make it effective, and I know how frustrating it is when using logic only results in an utter failure, as in Italy there is an alarmingly widespread a-scientific attitude which has resulted in all kind of bs and real damages on people's lives and of course foreign media laughing at us repeatedly:13877886: and there is no amount of scientific papers and factual evidence you can show them, they won't change idea)

So you can't expect to ever make antis shut up, because they are already out of the realm of logic and reality. But for all of those people who don't know and are wondering if maybe those words are true, for those who believed the lies because they saw them shout so loudly  (and they thought: for sure it must be true, they look so confident!), it is important to show what reality is, because those are the people that can still discern "reality" and maybe they are waiting for someone to help them see where they were wrong



Now back to more on-topic matters:biggrin: 

I thought the change of goe range and cut of men fs to 4.00 minutes was already confirmed, but we'll actually have to wait till June(?) for the official decision (and formulation), is that correct? But the new goe range was used in the test event iirc , plus that jpn judge addressed those changes in that talk show when talking about Yuzu's 4S, so I guess those changes will be confirmed.

I'm actually more worried about the idea of changing the bv of jumps...without prior testing of how well new goe can actually work. 

Also, I was thinking if it's possible that they'll make incremental of positive goe by 0.5 ( eg: if there are 10 bullets in total, hitting one gives 0.5, hitting 5 results in 2,5...). Imo it would be quite useful, right now there is no chance to distinguish a 3 bullets jump from a 4 bullets one (of course, only if judges strictly assess the bullets for goe:slinkaway:). I'd like the "it is recommended to score so and so when the jump satisfies x bullets" (non  verbatim) will go away and become "if it hits a bullet,  just score it like this". There is going to be already so much subjectivity, I'd like to know if judges are just having (big) troubles assessing bullets correctly or they just flat out disregard the guidelines... but I'm not holding my breath for that:meditationf:


Finally,  I wanted to say this, because this is actually the first thing who drew me to her: out of all the young (junior) skaters I've seen, boys and girls, actually the one reminding me of Yuzuru the most is wildchild Anastasia Tarakanova. :10636614:There's just something in her skating, all unbridled fire and wilderness that reminds me of Yuzu's RJ1, unrefined but passionate and sincere. Actually, I felt the exact same emotion I felt when I watched Yuna Kim's Tango de Roxanne and made me like her instantly, and when Yuzu's Nice FS cemented my love for his skating in my early fanyu days. And the girl can jump! (Tho her air position sometimes bothers me:13877886:)

That's why, even tho I reckon Alena Kostornaia is a superior skater and I love  love love her free skate and I reckon Sasha is freaking good and I love Rika's 3A and SP, little Nastya is actually the sentimental favourite among all my young favourites. :tumblr_inline_mfy936EPNF1qid2nw:I just see an enourmus potential, if she can harness that fire in the next years:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:  I hope she won't be hampered by puberty...or swallowed by the depth of Russian ladies' field :13877886:

And it looks like I like a certain kind of skater, powerful jumpers with some rawness in their early days....tho I also love grace and delicacy and I have a strange fixation for hands and fingers :embSwan:

(I'm talking about what I'm drawn to instinctively, not what I can appreciate through knowledge and awareness of what it's really  happening before my eyes)


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6 hours ago, meoima said:

Many people are new fans and don’t understand the technique right away. It’s not like the antis are many. But it’s better for the new fans to get used to the technique more often. Sooner or later some fans might ask “what about this technique?”. Frankly, I know many old fans who couldn’t identify which jump is which so...


7 hours ago, xeyra said:

I honestly don't get why people give the haters so much attention. They're just screaming their ignorance into the ether.


I totally agree with @xeyra. I can see @meoima's point, but really, is it necessary to justify the "why" of love? Whatever the reason that turned you into his fan, be it the emotions, the personality, the techniques,... that's what matter most.


If one feels like they want to learn more on the technical aspects, they should learn how GOEs are awarded, because those criterion represent what the entire field of figure skating consider important for a jump. The minute details of "how skater A does it" do not matter at all, as everyone's body is different. What matter is how many GOE boxes they check, and on this aspect, Yuzu's records are undeniable facts.

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