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Aside of the fact that I'm posting this while listening to a song titled "Kowareta Marionette", here's DearlyBeloved's from Tumblr's opinion on the topic (if this wasn't posted already...), which sounds so easy, I almost cannot believe it's real...or not considered already. Like, is there any hook to this (aside of the ones author post themselves- beware of shade-and-other-things-throwing, it was a bit of an angry post):


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20 minutes ago, Aotoshiro said:

Aside of the fact that I'm posting this while listening to a song titled "Kowareta Marionette", here's DearlyBeloved's from Tumblr's opinion on the topic (if this wasn't posted already...), which sounds so easy, I almost cannot believe it's real...or not considered already. Like, is there any hook to this (aside of the ones author post themselves- beware of shade-and-other-things-throwing, it was a bit of an angry post):


I totally agree with everything she wrote. The fact that PCS is multiplied by a random coefficient is just strange to me; if you skated the exact same program as a lady, you will get fewer points just by construction. :P Quite stupid to say the least, but clearly, the arbitrariness of it all means that there is a lot of room for changes/tweaking, especially data-driven changes, including but limited to just changing the multiplier. It's a simple thing to do that doesn't involve shouting from the rooftops, "Guess what, all you Boyang Jins of the world, we are going to decrease the point values on all your strengths based not on data, ticket sales, or anything, but on what our clearly more enlightened minds think skating SHOULD be and you don't fit that ideal" instead of saying "Guess what, we want to value skating skills/choreography/interpretation MORE because they are VERY DIFFICULT AND VERY IMPORTANT TOO." And as that blogger shows, not only are their changes completely convoluted, they also DO NOT work. SMDH. :facepalm:

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The more I read the more ISU reminds me of FIFA- nepotism, powerful vested interests, resistance to technological assistance, not as much money but :Sad:.  At least they don't want to move the GPF to Qatar.

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3 hours ago, Sombreuil said:

The more I read the more ISU reminds me of FIFA- nepotism, powerful vested interests, resistance to technological assistance, not as much money but :Sad:.  At least they don't want to move the GPF to Qatar.

well, at least we are an indoor sport....

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8 hours ago, Murieleirum said:


Remember though, Yuzuru chose to bring Chopin and Seimei back to raise the bar himself. Chopin and Seimei are 'warhorses' of their own rank. Anyone competing against THAT already has the bar raised, nevermind how Yuzuru will skate them (which will surely be outstanding). 


I'm not sure, but we will see in Cup of Russia, right? It will be Yuzuru's and Nathan's second competition. They will try to do their best, but their programs are already disleveled. Plus, it's Europe, so it shouldn't favour Nathan nor Yuzu too much... But.... you never know. 

I thought we were talking about rule change of increasing PCS in the future + I was joking about the current judging. :POOH:

Chopin and Seimei both deserve 100...

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8 hours ago, LadyLou said:

But the real break (that now ISU so desperately wants to fix messing things up) happened when in the attempt to keep other skaters in the race suddenly judges started being a tad too generous with everyone else to even out things...or maybe judges just got a taste of how good it feels giving +3 GOE and high PCS and became addicted. :13877886:


10 hours ago, golden said:

whats the point in having a -5 at all if it wont be utilised on a fall though? what else can it be used on? i completely understand how unwarranted the amount of points you would lose is, but the -5/50% deduction is absolutely redundant if it wont be used on falls. at the end of the day, that is the biggest mistake you can make on a jump. stumbles, step outs, underrotations, wrong edges are all jump imperfections, but in no way as severe as a fall and not as jarring to the flow of the program.  falls are penalised enough under the current system with -4 goe on quads and a mandatory -1 deduction, in my opinion. the whole system is fine, lol, the judging isnt, but i think ive mentioned that enough in my previous posts lmao.


why is the isu an edgy teenager, hating anything popular and trying to do the exact opposite of what people want them to do???

if -5 is used for fall...everyone will try super hard not to fall...does that mean more injury?

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12 hours ago, Aotoshiro said:

Aside of the fact that I'm posting this while listening to a song titled "Kowareta Marionette", here's DearlyBeloved's from Tumblr's opinion on the topic (if this wasn't posted already...), which sounds so easy, I almost cannot believe it's real...or not considered already. Like, is there any hook to this (aside of the ones author post themselves- beware of shade-and-other-things-throwing, it was a bit of an angry post):



That's basically what I've been trying and failing, apparently XD to say for days, but with actual numbers to show how it could work. So yep, I agree :2thumbsup:



12 hours ago, Sombreuil said:

The more I read the more ISU reminds me of FIFA- nepotism, powerful vested interests, resistance to technological assistance, not as much money but :Sad:.  At least they don't want to move the GPF to Qatar.


FIFA, my other friendly neighbourhood governing body of doom. It's not the first time I see this comparison and it's very accurate ¬¬

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Interesting new site just launched with scoresheets and comparative ranks on elements and PCS per competition/segment. They currently only have last season and current season scores but it's interesting to look at the comparisons between skaters. For example, I didn't even notice that despite the low score on his SP at Worlds, Yuzu ranked first in two spins! 



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1 hour ago, xeyra said:

Interesting new site just launched with scoresheets and comparative ranks on elements and PCS per competition/segment. They currently only have last season and current season scores but it's interesting to look at the comparisons between skaters. For example, I didn't even notice that despite the low score on his SP at Worlds, Yuzu ranked first in two spins! 




It's great, thanks for posting it!

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Lombardia Trophy scoring is a joke I feel like ISU is trying to give everyone the chance to score huge because they will have a new system soon anyway. 

Wakaba got 74 for UR 3lz3T, Carolina got 71 for only 3-2 combo, Shoma got no automatic -2 or -3 across the board for NO STEP before solo jump. 

The only judge who scored fairly was American judge. Remember this, JSF should know they can't play with cheated technique much longer.

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14 minutes ago, meoima said:

Lombardia Trophy scoring is a joke I feel like ISU is trying to give everyone the chance to score huge because they will have a new system soon anyway. 

Wakaba got 74 for UR 3lz3T, Carolina got 71 for only 3-2 combo, Shoma got no automatic -2 or -3 across the board for NO STEP before solo jump. 

The only judge who scored fairly was American judge. Remember this, JSF should know they can't play with cheated technique much longer.



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1 hour ago, meoima said:

Lombardia Trophy scoring is a joke I feel like ISU is trying to give everyone the chance to score huge because they will have a new system soon anyway. 

Wakaba got 74 for UR 3lz3T, Carolina got 71 for only 3-2 combo, Shoma got no automatic -2 or -3 across the board for NO STEP before solo jump. 

The only judge who scored fairly was American judge. Remember this, JSF should know they can't play with cheated technique much longer.

re: Shoma, at least now his costume gives off more winter-y feeling :biggrin: *desperately looks for good sides*

I guess if they want to prove themselves right, they first need to make things as they are now look much worse than they already were to then point to that and scream: "see? THAT'S why we changed the rules, praise us for being good!" like a spoiled child who tries to make others look bad so it looks good  even if that others is also them...:facepalm: *where's that Yuzu facepalm!spiral gif when you need it*

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