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2022 Yuzuru Birthday project

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I was quite reluctant to post this, coz it might be just a bit too cheesy - but here it is, in the last minutes:



Dear Hanyu senshu,


You attract with amazing artistry,
You bewitch with breathtaking beauty,
You conquer with charming character,
You mesmerize with marvelous musicality,
You surpass with superb skating.


For the road ahead and the years to come, 
I wish you good luck and a long life 
filled with health, happiness and love.
May you always achieve your dreams !
Happy 28th Birthday !


Affectionate greetings from Beatrice, Germany



EDIT:  to add the 🎁 emoji 

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Happy birthday Yuzuru-san!


We Fanyus participated in your roller coaster ride this year and are so happy that our journey is not over. You continue to be the best.


I hope you felt that we wanted to ease your disappointment, you feel that we wish to lift away the pressure you carry, and you feel our admiration every time you show us your skating.

Thank you for touching me again and again by what you do, what you don't do, and what you are.


Yes, you make us feel something – not for seconds, but for weeks and months.


DancingFeather, Switzerland



Edit: I apologize for the delay! I didn't think about the JST. It would be great if my post can still be added - sorry again!


Edit 2: Originally I wrote 185 words - It is tough to be brief when you have a lot to thank. :bubble-smiley:

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I'm going to risk it and send a quick text hoping I still make the cut... I understand if I don't :) Apologies for the cheesiness!


"Happy birthday dearest Yuzuru-san :heart:


The world is lucky to have you in it, and I'm grateful to be living in the same era as you and be able to witness your wonderful skating. I have only "discovered" you in February 2022 and I am so incredibly proud of everything you have achieved - you have brought so much beauty in my life, and you give me strength and inspiration every day.


I hope you feel the love that you generate every single day, and I wish you the very best! 


TokyoDream, from the United Kingdom"


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Happy Birthday Yuzu! Your figure skating is the best and I am so happy to continue watching you as a professional athlete. I admire your strength and passion to keep moving forward. You are an extraordinary person who is very loved and cherished by people from all over the world. I wish you remain healthy, happy and doing what you love. I will support you forever! Love, Daniela from Mexico


(I totally missed the deadline but I hope my message can still get accepted :cry:)




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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, that was so wonderful! So many fanyus from all corners of the world participated. I even saw Tobago and Iran. And all the music from yuzu's programs as background music - so nice. Great videos, beautiful fanarts. I really hope Yuzu will see this.  :heartpound:


And thank you for including my photo so nicely. :tumblr_inline_mto5i3wxFW1qid2nw:


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2 hours ago, TokyoDream said:




You guys have made a phenomenal job with the Youtube party! Thank you so much for all your efforts, it looks so good! And thanks for including my contribution even if I submitted it after the deadline.


I copy and paste this.

Switzerland is playing in the World Cup tonight - I don't care. I preferred to watch the birthday video and enjoy the internationality (and once again to cry a lot).

Many thanks to the organising team!

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I'm watching the beautiful video now. I just got internet installed in my new place. The edition of the video, the music, the messages.. it's wonderful!!! Thank you to the organizers of this event.

I hope the birthday boy gets to watch it, though I also hope he is resting and eating gyozas for at least 2 more days.

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