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1 hour ago, CupidsBow said:



yes hahaha I love him when he's confident. like hes somehow humble but also not self-deprecating and is realistic - he IS good at every aspect of skating, thats why he's a big deal.


Anyone someone asked for max scores and now I'm SHOOK because going off a 4lz layout, previous seimei pcs and an attempt at reasonable GOE distribution (based off previous goe earned) I've figured out seimei 2.0 could get like 235 - 240 points if skated clean and to good quality, which means if he did do 2 good, clean programs next season it's possible he could score like 350 points.  Given that he's training to improve stamina, in excellent condition, and is aiming for consistent clean programs .......


OH my good lord...

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Allright so I was very against repeating Seimei before but then I thought that maybe otherwise he would end up with a warhorse program and I was like no thanks. Honestly seimei is his best program ever and many people were sad this program couldn't be for olympics. Well now it is and harder!.

Buuuut. Now I really wish we could get a new short program. I love chopin but I just feel a bit sad we won't have something new from him. Anyway I adore both programs and I'm really to enjoy the little changes in both.

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Just now, SparkleSalad said:


OH my good lord...


why stop and breaking COP when you can smash it to a fine dust? :darklordyuzu:

i still hope zuzu will stay a season or 2 after PC but if he achieves what he wants this season (Evgenia levels freakish consistency or at least two clean programs at Olympics) he's going to have a verrry long lived legacy and a rock-solid claim to being the greatest of all time. which i want for him. so so so so so much.

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1 hour ago, CupidsBow said:



yes hahaha I love him when he's confident. like hes somehow humble but also not self-deprecating and is realistic - he IS good at every aspect of skating, thats why he's a big deal.


Anyone someone asked for max scores and now I'm SHOOK because going off a 4lz layout, previous seimei pcs and an attempt at reasonable GOE distribution (based off previous goe earned) I've figured out seimei 2.0 could get like 235 - 240 points if skated clean and to good quality, which means if he did do 2 good, clean programs next season it's possible he could score like 350 points.  Given that he's training to improve stamina, in excellent condition, and is aiming for consistent clean programs .......

If he was going for repeats, I kind of thought he'd try to break the 350 barrier....

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Another snippet translated by @gladi (:bow:)

ARTICLE: Hanyu on Full Gear toward Pyeongchang. Perfect SP.
8/09 10:09 Daily (missed this little one, about the SP)

- “It’s a level of completion unthinkable at pre-season. At the runthrough of the SP “Ballade No 1″, after he landed the opening 4Lo, he also successfully landed in the second half the 4Lo, followed by the 4T combo. Although certainly he is familiar with the program, having had it for two seasons, the jump layout at the time was 4S, 4T3T, with a 3A in the second half. Even as he raised the difficulty by a lot, Hanyu landed all the jumps in the program and showed us a perfect performance. According to Hanyu, ‘I was thinking I’d like to have it all work together right from the first half of the season, and so that’s how I trained.’“

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1 minute ago, Xen said:

If he was going for repeats, I kind of thought he'd try to break the 350 barrier....


absolute maximum for seimei is around 242

absolute maximum for chopin iirc is 115?

so absolute +3 GOE on everything 10s across the board combined score is around 357


buuuut he's bound to get some goes closer to +2 or +1 and some pcs scored nearer to 9.75 or 9.5 so a somewhat realistic-ish best score is around 350 ishhhh. like 350 is still a maximum score he could receive but it's a maximum he could potentially actually reach.

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2 minutes ago, Hanmgse said:

Allright so I was very against repeating Seimei before but then I thought that maybe otherwise he would end up with a warhorse program and I was like no thanks. Honestly seimei is his best program ever and many people were sad this program couldn't be for olympics. Well now it is and harder!.

Buuuut. Now I really wish we could get a new short program. I love chopin but I just feel a bit sad we won't have something new from him. Anyway I adore both programs and I'm really to enjoy the little changes in both.

You know, honestly, from the way he speaks about Seimei, it sounded like he intended to repeat , showcase (many casual viewers will be seeing it for the first time and I think he wants to impress them with his best) and maybe revenge it ( after Boston 2016) after 15~16 season and it’ s his LGC SP that threw him off (I get a feeling that had he not have so much trouble with it during the latter half of last season, it would have been a LGC repeat instead of Chopin...) Chopin is called upon to regain his confident in SP probably...but he needs to do whatever he needs to do to win the mental game here honestly, because he is carrying so much pressure, so I have come to term with three peat Chopin too.


But Horaaay Seimei!!!!(I wish we have seimei emoticons haha )..and now I am celebrating with the seimei theme! I love how PH has the best customized fanyu tidbits :2thumbsup:

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My initial reaction to Seimei announcement was slight disappointment, and with the long wait to announce a repeat it feels very anti-climatic. I could have actually got work done today rather than clamored around.  And I have some Boston PTSD because Seimei was my first experience seeing Yuzu live. The only redeeming quality for me would be to do a 4 lutz successfully. But as I thought about it, it seemed like a program that was too good for what it got in Boston.  It just felt incomplete and unresolved to say goodbye to the program on that note.  And if it takes the Olympics to deliver the type of skate he intended in Boston, then I will gladly take that over something new.  He deserves that skate and he deserves it on the biggest stage there is. Watching him skate Seimei to perfection on Olympic ice in person will absolutely be worth it for me. And yeah, he avoids warhorses this way. He's paving the way for his own warhorse.  :goe: Overall I'm still not super crazy about it because I want him to do new and epic things (I'm just greedy that way), but I understand it, and if he's going to repeat it makes sense to do it with the record breaking programs.  I would say I'm taking this better than I took the Chopin announcement.

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