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22 時間前, ccyさんが言いました:

can we please stop 'discussing' about SOI. I'm done with it. just stop because GIFT is coming in just 4 more days. this is the most important thing right now. we should focus and pray for his success. 


The ice rink will be set up today. It may takes 2-3 days to complete. 


Year, he said "わー、オリンピックだあー Wow... It's Olympics....", looking around from the podium after winning the gold medal at Sochi :biggrin:


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9 hours ago, Anni said:

OP had permission to take pictures from the new Sekkisei photobook and shared some. :tumblr_inline_mg16go8gBg1qdlkyg:




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And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why I should not scroll the Planet at work. How am I supposed to focus? :10742290:

This post has been tagged by Yuzu_legend as [NEWS].
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16 hours ago, Anni said:

OP had permission to take pictures from the new Sekkisei photobook and shared some. :tumblr_inline_mg16go8gBg1qdlkyg:




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you know I have never been even mildly interested in Yuzu's PB. But... hot damn! I want this in digital version for... uhmm reasons :tumblr_inline_mqt4gqDerH1qz4rgp:

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Here's a tip if you're going to shoot pics from a magazine. Notice the glare on some of the photos? If you're using a flash, wrap tissue or even a paper towel around the flash; it diffuses the light so you won't get that. You might have to experiment a little, but it really helps. :) 

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23 hours ago, Henni147 said:

It seems that we have another young talent who is a big Yuzu fanboy: 15-year-old Ean Weiler from Switzerland!

A fellow fanyu sent me a video link, and I was really impressed by his transitions, edges and low number of crossovers. His spins and carriage are nice too. And he has the full Yuzu-field-move-arsenal: Ina Bauer, hydroblading, and side lunge :67638860: 


Yuzuru Hanyu´s Legacy: Discover Ean Weiler Novice skater 2 times Swiss national champion


Ean also has his own YT channel and is looking for support to finance his skating career. I wish him all the best. The FS world needs more young talents like him, especially from smaller feds.


Want to share this lovely development here too: Ean was so overwhelmed by the nice responses yesterday that he opened a twitter account (@eank_weiler). He is following all of Yuzu's official accounts now :laughing:



Also, I stumbled across this 4K walk video through Tokyo Dome City, recorded 5 days ago. It almost feels like being there in person and perfect to get in the right mood for GIFT:



The fact that there is a whole amusement park right next to the Tokyo Dome, with a ferris wheel, rollercoaster, and ship swing is so funny. I mean, imagine that GIFT is just happening and you experience a rollercoaster ride indoor and outdoor :laughing:

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43 минуты назад, Whoopiewoop сказал:

Could a kind soul direct me to the post where we have the instructions to register for the livestream? I had to catch up on a couple dozens of pages but accidentally click on “mark all as read” and now I can’t find anything anymore :banginghead:




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8 hours ago, Fay said:

I can’t register with KKTIX, it keeps repeating confirmation code invalid if I press “confirm sign up” in my email. 

Their helpdesk seems to be pretty responsive. Try contacting them. I can't think of anything obvious that would cause such a problem

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