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Jmedia didn't mention about Yuzu's PR award or reporting on the imposter Twitter account. Sadly also no mention on GIFT sold out. Just found one, The Digest. Please give support to them. 


Edit. Tokyo Sports too




This post has been tagged by Yuzu_legend as [NEWS].
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5 hours ago, SomewhereYuzu said:


In the comments of this video, someone asked Violetta her thoughts on sharing the same stage as Yuzuru and she responded recently:



Haha! That's me.She is really nice by replying my tweet😊

Anyone will feel honour to be invited by Yuzu to perform in his ice show.Unfortunately, I do not know how to skate and neither do I know how to do hula hoops🤣

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49 minutes ago, Yuzurella said:

A story written by Yuzu and illustrated by CLAMP for Gift! A story written by Yuzu!!! :knc_yuzu1:

I guess this means Yuzu will finally become a manga character. :67638860:

He has seriously become a writer, too. :tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:

I can imagine him even writing novels in the future.



I can't believe this crossover :tumblr_inline_ncmiffG34Z1rpglid: The CLAMP artists must be ecstatic. I'm not a merch person but now...


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1 hour ago, Yuzurella said:

A story written by Yuzu and illustrated by CLAMP for Gift! A story written by Yuzu!!! :knc_yuzu1:

I guess this means Yuzu will finally become a manga character. :67638860:

He has seriously become a writer, too. :tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:

I can imagine him even writing novels in the future.




I'm going to combust, O-M-G


CLAMP has been such an integral part of my pop culture consumption in my teenage years, I'm over the clouds with this!! 

I understand that they are going to illustrate whatever story Yuzu wants to tell, so I'm very very curious!! 



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idk much about CLAMP or manga in general, but omg their art style is absolutely gorgeous and suits yuzu so much. This is the type of merch that i'll go out of my way to buy, especially since it will compliment the story of 'GIFT'. 


Since CLAMP seems to be very famous globally, maybe it will get some overseas distribution and we'll get an English version of the manga? *Crossing my fingers*

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