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Here is my automatic translation of Yuzuru's latest Ice Jewels interview (vol. 15), made with OCR and deepL. I don't speak Japanese and this is not a proper translation. I hope we will get a better translation soon.



ICE JEWELS 15 (January 2022) 

Yuzuru Hanyu Special Interview




8カ月ぶりの公式戦となった全日本選手権を圧倒的な演技で制し、北京五輪への切符を手に入れた羽生結弦選手に、独自インタビューに答えてもらった。(Ice Jewels)


I want to use all my experience as well as my determination to stay calm and work hard until the end.


After winning the All-Japan Championships with a dominant performance, his first official competition in eight months, Yuzuru Hanyu secured his ticket to the Beijing Olympics. We asked him for an exclusive interview. (Ice Jewels)





The switch to "I'm going to win the Olympic Games".



Q: 北京五輪が近づいてきました。3回目の五輪を迎えるにあたり、今までとは違うものがありますか?

Y: 五輪2連覇が子どものころから常に強く描いていた夢であり目標だったので、北京はあまり考えていなかった五輪となります。ある意味では気持ちが先走らずに、ピークのことなど余計な心配をせずにしっかりと練習してこられたという良い面もあれば、2連覇を強い覚悟でつかみとることができたからこそ、この五輪で、2連覇という実績を壊してしまわないかという怖さもあります。


Q: With the Beijing Olympics coming up, what do you think will be different in your third Olympics?

Y: Winning the Olympics two times in a row has always been my dream and goal since I was a child, so Beijing was not something I thought much about. On the one hand, it's good that I have been able to train well without worrying about my peak, but on the other hand, I'm afraid that this Olympics will destroy my previous achievements, as I was able to win two consecutive titles with a strong determination.



Q: 振り返っていただきたいのですが、日本代表のジャージを着たときに五輪への気持ちを固めたとの発言がありましたが、そのきっかけになったものは何だったのでしょうか?

Y: 世界選手権やグランプリシリーズなどでも支給される日本代表のジャージがあるのですが、五輪代表ジャージは僕にとっては特別です。袖に腕を通したときに、「五輪なんだ」という実感がわき、「五輪で勝つんだ」というスイッチがはいったように思えました。


Q: Looking back, you said that wearing the team jersey confirmed your desire to go to the Olympics, what was it that inspired you?

Y: There are team jerseys for the World Championships and the Grand Prix Series, but the Olympic team jersey is special for me. When I put my arm in the sleeve, I felt that this is the Olympics and I was ready to win the Olympics.



Q: 4Aについてうかがいます。4月の国別対抗戦から、12月の全日本まで、8カ月の間に経験された大きな変化を教えてください。

Y: 5月ごろはひたすら基礎の練習をしました。高く跳ぶための練習や踏み切りの角度、右足の振り上げ方などの練習をたくさんしました。結果として、7月ごろには高くジャンプを跳ぶことができるようになったように感じましたが、4回転半を回り切るためには足りませんでした。その後大きな捻挫があって、なかなかうまく練習ができない日々があったり、振り出しに戻るようなときもあり、捻挫前の4Aを取り戻すまでにかなり時間がかかりました。


そういう日々の中で、10月末に、回転を強くかけることへの意識をやめて、まずは立つことだけを目標に練習した日があり、その時に初めて、両足の回転不足だったのですが、転ばずに耐えることができました。そこから少しずつ、軸を作ることの大切さを感じ、軸を作るだけのジャンプの練習をして、NHK杯前には立って耐えることのできるジャンプが増えてきました。その後また捻挫をして、4Aもまたやり直しになって、12月の3週目にやっと、NHK 杯前よりもしっかりとした4Aの形になってきました。


Q: Let's talk about 4A, what are the big changes you have had in the last 8 months, from the World Team Trophy in April until the All-Japan Championships in December?

Y: Around May I practiced the basics. I practiced a lot on how to jump higher, the angle of my step, how to swing my right leg up. As a result, around July I felt like I could jump higher, but not enough to complete the quadruple and a half. Then I had a big sprain, which made it difficult to train, and sometimes I felt like I was back to zero, so it took me a long time to get back to the 4A I had before the sprain.

In October I felt that I was not able to rotate enough just by jumping high, so I started practicing to rotate faster. I could feel that I was getting better, but I still didn't have enough rotation and I kept falling every day.

At the end of October, I had a day where I stopped focusing on rotating faster and just tried to be able to stay on my feet, and for the first time I was able to land without falling, despite the lack of rotation, on both feet. From then on, I felt how important it was to make the axis, so I practiced jumps just to make the axis, and before NHK Cup, I was able to land more jumps that I could endure standing. Then I sprained it again, and I had to redo 4A again.



Q:「軸を作る」ジャンプと、「回転をかける」ジャンプがあるとのことですが、それぞれ、どのように違うのでしょうか? また、4Aを成功するためには2つのジャンプがひとつになることが必要だとのことでしょうか?

Y: それぞれに違いがあるとすれば、意識の違いでしょうか。思いっ切り跳び切るようなジャンプと、軸に意識を集中させて、転倒しないように耐えることを大切にしているジャンプの違いといった感じです。




Q: You say that there are "axis" jumps and "rotation" jumps. What is the difference between them? Also, do you mean that the two types of jumps have to unite to make a successful 4A?

Y: If there's a difference between them, it's the difference in consciousness. It's like the difference between a jump where you just jump as hard as you can, and a jump where you focus on your axis and try not to fall.

I don't think it's a matter of uniting the two types of jumps, but rather of learning to make the axis so well that I don't need to think about it anymore, so that I can rotate with my full energy. There are still a lot of things I need to be aware of in order to create an axis, and I'm not yet able to do it without thinking about it, so I'm not at the stage where I can rotate fully.

I would like to continue to do what I can every day, little by little.



Q: 羽生選手の4Aの助走スピードは、他のジャンプより遅く見えますが、どうしてそれでも跳べるのでしょうか?

Y: 軸が早くできるということは最高速で回れる時間が増えるということにもつながるので、スピードを落として、コントロールされた状態で軸に入ることができれば、ある程度は回ってくれるんだと思います。


Q: The speed of the run-up to your 4A looks slower than the other jumps. 

Y: If I can make the axis faster, I will have more time to rotate at maximum speed, so if I slow down and get into the axis in a controlled way, I think it can rotate to some extent.



Q: 北京五輪の目標を教えてください。

Y: 3連覇したいです。そして4Aも成功させたいです。


Q: What are your goals for the Beijing Olympics?

Y: I want to win for the third time in a row. I also want to do 4A.



Q: 北京五輪も無観客の可能性がありますが、テレビで応援してくれるファンの皆さまへどんな演技を届けたいですか? また、演技を通して届けたいメッセージをお願いします。

Y: 五輪は勝負の舞台なので、何かを感じてほしいとかはないです。がむしゃらさだけでなく、経験もすべて生かして、冷静に、最後まで頑張りたいと思います。


Q: There is a possibility that there will be no spectators at the Beijing Olympics, what do you want to deliver to your fans who will be watching you on TV? Please tell us the message you want to send through your performance.

Y: The Olympics is a battlefield, so I don't want people to feel that. I'm going to try to do my best until the end, calmly, using all my experience as well as my determination.


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Guest Mary_kyo

Imagine landing 4A and clean skates with crazy difficult programs of Rondo and Tenchi "might" not be enough to beat Nathan. 

It hurts that it comes directly from Yuzu's mouth.

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The three-time Olympic champion deserves to be princess carried after winning his third Olympic gold medal. :ganba:


If they do it after the competitions during the gala with both of them wearing masks, it shouldn't be a problem.

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Guest Mary_kyo
20 minutes ago, Anni said:



"He keeps moving the sport of men's figure skating forward."

So true 🙏





Just wanna add that the whole interview is here (in case it wasn't obvious):



(and it's not new, from November, and most of the parts were already covered in the recent article by Nick)

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