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30 minutes ago, robin said:


They should ship them too 

If they printed enough of them I'm sure they would make a hell load of profit. OMG they should print them life-size. :sadPooh:

Yes, it would be good promotion. Like I won't likely forget what the Sendai logo looks like now because of this. And the promise of a life size poster... that would make me remember a lot of positive things about Sendai lol. 

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17 minutes ago, Yukiko Sakae said:


Skate Canada 2016

Yuzuru smile is so soft and elegant.

Always we can't stop looking at his expressive face.:tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw:


a ray of sunshine:tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw:

and is that Patrick?

(if I'm wrong ignore what follows) I like that this past season they were interacting more :tumblr_inline_mqt4gi8ECy1qz4rgp:

maybe with the new wave of youngsters it's easier to relate with those you had around for years (and I guess for Patrick now Yuzuru isn't anymore the young gun who surged to shot him :laughing:)

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Anyway dropping by because I tripped into this video about the Hana wa Saku special exhibition Yuzu skated with Honda, Akiko and Shizuka.

Partial translation by yuzusorbet here :tumblr_inline_np9uqfin9j1qid2nw_75sq:

It’s from last year but I don’t think I’ve seen it posted here, and If it’s been already shared then it’s always a pleasure to re-watch some good content :tumblr_inline_mqt4graWWO1qz4rgp:including (in no particular order)

  • hydroblade without hands :popcorn:
  • beautiful lines
  • ultra-brief snippets of other skaters
  • spread eagle-3A- spread eagle-3A-spread eagle (no I haven’t typed that wrong, he did a double sandwich :tumblr_inline_ncmifkFYMt1rpglid:)
  • Yuzu among kids :10636614:
  • beautiful lines
  • fall on 3A (during late night training?)
  • Yuzu telling girl how to hand him out a flower (he’s picky about that too):dancingpooh:
  • more beautiful lines:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:
  • cute interactions (among others: Plushenko, Mao, Shizuka, Akiko, Nanami Abe)

and of course more serious bits about the earthquake and Hana wa Saku EX.



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2 hours ago, LadyLou said:

Anyway dropping by because I tripped into this video about the Hana wa Saku special exhibition Yuzu skated with Honda, Akiko and Shizuka.

Partial translation by yuzusorbet here :tumblr_inline_np9uqfin9j1qid2nw_75sq:

It’s from last year but I don’t think I’ve seen it posted here, and If it’s been already shared then it’s always a pleasure to re-watch some good content :tumblr_inline_mqt4graWWO1qz4rgp:including (in no particular order)

  • hydroblade without hands :popcorn:
  • beautiful lines
  • ultra-brief snippets of other skaters
  • spread eagle-3A- spread eagle-3A-spread eagle (no I haven’t typed that wrong, he did a double sandwich :tumblr_inline_ncmifkFYMt1rpglid:)
  • Yuzu among kids :10636614:
  • beautiful lines
  • fall on 3A (during late night training?)
  • Yuzu telling girl how to hand him out a flower (he’s picky about that too):dancingpooh:
  • more beautiful lines:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:
  • cute interactions (among others: Plushenko, Mao, Shizuka, Akiko, Nanami Abe)

and of course more serious bits about the earthquake and Hana wa Saku EX.



He looks like a high schooler in here!!!! Just a cute kid skating on ice!!! And I envy his smooth skin so much!!! And you know he always moves differently from the others which makes him stand out!!


Thanks so much for the footage:10636614: Never seen it before.. (I always wandered on youtube instead of dailymotion.... 

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3 hours ago, LadyLou said:
  • spread eagle-3A- spread eagle-3A-spread eagle (no I haven’t typed that wrong, he did a double sandwich :tumblr_inline_ncmifkFYMt1rpglid:)

and of course more serious bits about the earthquake and Hana wa Saku EX.




I... am in love? :10636614: Damn those 3As are such a weakness, I swear. Double eagle 3A sandwich is everything I've ever wanted and never knew!


He should wear that grey sweater in training more often. 


Edit: LOL his gala 3A problems strike again even in practice. 

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