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5 minutes ago, kaeryth said:


I think it's been discussed before but if you wanna read a more in depth narration of the 32 versions of Seimei it's been translated here.

Thanks! I think I might have read that before as well.

But it's still amazing to to think about how much effort they put into that piece of music.

I wonder if they did something similar with H&L, though I guess Onmyoji had a wider selection of musical scores to choose from,

and therefore more difficult to come up with the perfect cut (and thus the 32 versions! lol!).

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1 hour ago, kaeryth said:


He might be all :sorrow:  or :notamused: when he sees paprika... :rofl:


And commentators will probably be perplexed that the poohs have turned into tomatoes/paprika.

We're actually not helping him with his trauma.. :10814716:

Can imagine it now...first bb Yuzu was betrayed by a Paprika disguised as a tomato. Now he is betrayed by a paprika disguised as a stuffed pooh. I can imagine the TV shows later on.


Interviewer: are you a picky eater?

Yuzuru: I'm a picky eater, but I'm trying to get better. Like paprika.

Yuzuru: Once when I was in Finland, and eating a hamburger, I thought I was eating a tomato (which I love), but when I bit into it, it was a paprika. I felt...betrayed....:notamused:

Interviewer: but you've gotten better right?

Yuzuru: well, kind of, I've tried....but then one year, at a competition, you know when I bow at the end of a competition, and fans start throwing stuff....

Interviewer: Ah yes, the pooh bears?

Yuzuru: ...yes. I saw a lot of orange, and yellow and red, round plush toys. So I picked one up thinking it was a normal pooh toy. But it turned out to be a paprika!

Interviewer: So you've been betrayed by paprika not once, but twice...

Yuzuru:...yes....so I don't think I get along with Paprika....

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8 minutes ago, katonice said:

Thanks! I think I might have read that before as well.

But it's still amazing to to think about how much effort they put into that piece of music.

I wonder if they did something similar with H&L, though I guess Onmyoji had a wider selection of musical scores to choose from,

and therefore more difficult to come up with the perfect cut (and thus the 32 versions! lol!).

From what I read on that article on that tweet above (with help from Google Translate), initially there was some difficulty in getting permission from Hisaishi to make H&L's music cut.

In the end they got permission for the two songs, so yeah compared to Seimei which is stated there comprised of 7 songs(?), H&L must have been easier


(again, take this with grain of salt)

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2 hours ago, katonice said:

More proof of Yuzu's dedication and perfectionism when it comes to his music :img_21:



1 hour ago, crazykuroneko said:

From what I read on that article on that tweet above (with help from Google Translate), initially there was some difficulty in getting permission from Hisaishi to make H&L's music cut.

In the end they got permission for the two songs, so yeah compared to Seimei which is stated there comprised of 7 songs(?), H&L must have been easier


(again, take this with grain of salt)


Someone made a partial  translation. :7938863:




There was a spot in the middle part of the program that became the talk among fans. There is a part that combined two songs of different albums into one. It is said to be the suggestion of choreographer Shae-lynn Bourne. Having the piano and Japanese flute play the same melody, with different pitch and tempo, it was in fact not easy to overlay them. Yano-san went to much difficulty to create that beautiful part.


I love his collaborations with Shae-lynn. It's easy to see that she just gets his vision and understands him well.

I really do hope she did his FS and that rumour about David Wilson doing choreography for him is just for his Ex.

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20 minutes ago, kaeryth said:



Someone made a partial  translation. :7938863:




I love his collaborations with Shae-lynn. It's easy to see that she just gets his vision and understands him well.

I really do hope she did his FS and that rumour about David Wilson doing choreography for him is just for his Ex.

Oh wow, kudos to Yano san. Thankful to him for helping make Yuzu's vision for his Seimei music a reality.

And to Shae-lynn for providing her input as well.

They really produced something wonderful and unique, and that has become a trademark for Yuzu as well.

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5 minutes ago, katonice said:

Oh wow, kudos to Yano san. Thankful to him for helping make Yuzu's vision for his Seimei music a reality.

And to Shae-lynn for providing her input as well.

They really produced something wonderful and unique, and that has become a trademark for Yuzu as well.


My respect for Shae-lynn has actually grown leaps and bounds.

I feel like she was as immersed in the construction of Seimei as Yuzu was; she really saw something special in the program and understood it's vision.

She was not just watching and studying the movies but taking part in the construction of the music piece as well.

And when you think about the fact that it was only their 2nd collaboration. :bow:

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Like Ashley said, Shae caters to the skaters rather just making choreo for them.

Watching behind the scene of Ashley's FS with Shae that Jackie made really helps me to understand how Shae-Lynn works and I'm amazed by how much dedication she puts into each programs since they will keep being improved as the season goes. And since Yuzu is such a perfectionist, having a choreographer like her is the best thing that can happen. Kudos for her. I'm really a fan

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So I've rewatched some of Yuzu's Ex performance and it occurred to me that one day, he could perform LGC again :8227023:. Knowing how perfectionist he is and he never got it clean... he could do it. He performed R&J 1.0, Etude, White legend, NDP, and PW so why not LGC... :acceptable: There must've been a feeling of wanting to show a perfect LGC since he showed a perfect Hope and Legacy. Lets just hope when he does perform it, he's passed the LGC mental block 

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1 hour ago, MrPudding said:



So I've rewatched some of Yuzu's Ex performance and it occurred to me that one day, he could perform LGC again :8227023:. Knowing how perfectionist he is and he never got it clean... he could do it. He performed R&J 1.0, Etude, White legend, NDP, and PW so why not LGC... :acceptable: There must've been a feeling of wanting to show a perfect LGC since he showed a perfect Hope and Legacy. Lets just hope when he does perform it, he's passed the LGC mental block 


Personally I'm convinced that that is on his post Olympic schedule. (Make that post 2017 post Olympic schedule.) Since right now definitely isn't the time to fiddle with that, but perfectionist that he is, I can't see him letting it go until he gets it skated perfectly. 


Maybe a different and more harmonious purple themed outfit would help. As Prince original wasn't all that good even when he wore it and not even Yuzu can improve on that. >_<

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39 minutes ago, 五十嵐 美幸 said:


Personally I'm convinced that that is on his post Olympic schedule. (Make that post 2017 post Olympic schedule.) Since right now definitely isn't the time to fiddle with that, but perfectionist that he is, I can't see him letting it go until he gets it skated perfectly. 


Maybe a different and more harmonious purple themed outfit would help. As Prince original wasn't all that good even when he wore it and not even Yuzu can improve on that. >_<


He could also use LGC as his Ex for olympics... I'm only saying the general Olympics because I don't want to jinx it by saying it too much :10636614:

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15 minutes ago, MrPudding said:


He could also use LGC as his Ex for olympics... I'm only saying the general Olympics because I don't want to jinx it by saying it too much :10636614:


It's good to see that I'm not the only one superstitious here in that regard. (Even if the reason might be different. ^^; ) For me, saying "Olympics" is fine, but I'll probably avoid the word that has 4 letters and o as single vowel until it's over, at least in connection with him.

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8 часов назад, katonice сказал:

Here's an old video that talks about Yuzu's love for earphones.

He seems to have one for every occasion. And the price of each one :eeking:

Well, the boy works hard. So it's cool that he can afford his beloved gadgets :laughing:

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"However, this was not the end of the process. From Canada emails requesting for further amendments came again and again, such as “I would like the sound of taiko drums to overlap with this part”, “I would like a slight pause between the connection of this part and this part”, “As the Ina Bauer will be performed here, please add in the sound of cymbals or something else”, and so on. All in all, over the course of the one month taken to reach the final form of the music cut, Yano-san made 32 versions of SEIMEI, and exchanged more than 50 emails with Hanyu-senshu. "

From the translation of the interview here


Oh my Goooood him and Shae-Lynn. Geniuses. Musical geniuses. Oh my God. I love them even more now. 


I knew there was A LOT of work behind Seimei because as soos as I listened to the OST of the first and second movie, I understood there were more than 5 or 6 musical pieces mixed. They weren't left as they were, they were re-arranged, just the same work that a composer does. So of course, Yuzu didn't do the work himself, but him and Shae-Lynn had the talent and mind to imagine the piece of music already re-arranged. That requires extreme sensitivity to music, extreme intelligence. I am so amazed. I had no ideas there were 32 versions of Seimei, but it sounds pretty realistic. Aaaaah damn now I really want a Seimei 2.0.

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