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My guess he's already in Toronto or will be arriving this weekend... so real training will now begin... just like Brian's instagram said. Hope it's productive and positive and that enthusiasm from the shows keeps him positive the whole time.


I posted this before I read meoima's news about Brian's twitter so I have no idea what that said....

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1 hour ago, Hydroblade said:

I thought about this but I have years of practice muahahahahaha.

I always get the best seats muahahahahaha.

Now I just need to get two travel permits :P haha pray for me guys, that's the hardest part!

Don't worry about lineups fans waiting at the door. There were some fans who arrive for the first day at 5 or 6 am because they came from Toronto or US driving all night to get there early. But If it is like last year, I came to the arena at around 10 am to watch practice or competition, no waiting lines, just get my ticket for 3 days and wristband, so I was good for 3 days, come and go as I want. There are good restaurants on site, with lot of sofa, chairs for the public to eat or rest. There are also small shopping mails next to the arena with lots of restaurants. 

There are only wooden benches at the sides of the ice rink for spectators, but we have a lot of space, not full house.

Last year for practice, there were lots of school children or young students from nearby schools who came to watch with their teachers or accompagnators, so it looked more full and more animated.

i am happy to see Yuzuru skate at Autumn Classic Montreal again.

I don't have to travel to Moscow for Cup of Russia, with the visa problem.



I want to add that was the first time I was standing very close to Yuzuru, when he came to the ice to practice and skate in competition. The rink has only benches just above the ice. So Yuzuru stands at about 3 feet from you. And once he was in a meeting room next to the ice rink with his team and Japanese journalists, and the meeting room has see-through glass walls all around. You can imagine the fans just happy to see him about 2 feet from them. It was quite funny, when the organizers understand that it is Yuzuru, not everybody else without hordes of fans, they hastily place security personnel in front of the glass walls to ask fans to stand farther than 3 feet away.

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13 minutes ago, Vadrouille said:

Don't worry about lineups fans waiting at the door. There were some fans who arrive for the first day at 5 or 6 am because they came from Toronto or US driving all night to get there early. But If it is like last year, I came to the arena at around 10 am to watch practice or competition, no waiting lines, just get my ticket for 3 days and wristband, so I was good for 3 days, come and go as I want. There are good restaurants on site, with lot of sofa, chairs for the public to eat or rest. There are also small shopping mails next to the arena with lots of restaurants. 

There are only wooden benches at the sides of the ice rink for spectators, but we have a lot of space, not full house.

Last year for practice, there were lots of school children or young students from nearby schools who came to watch with their teachers or accompagnators, so it looked more full and more animated.

i am happy to see Yuzuru skate at Autumn Classic Montreal again.

I don't have to travel to Moscow for Cup of Russia, with the visa problem.



Yay, fewer visitors to Moscow, more tickets for us!!!

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Aw thank you all for your good luck wishes :grouphug: I really hope i can make it there! I only have to convince immigration officers from two countries that i absolutely intend to go back to Mexico once the competition is finished :P 

23 minutes ago, Vadrouille said:

The rink has only benches just above the ice. So Yuzuru stands at about 3 feet from you.

:10636614: I am not sure in what state i am going to be dragged out of the venue.

1 hour ago, AsteroidB-612 said:

Thanks for the quick translation! Also, just to add a bit of info on this , the person twitted this video because for this year, the 24 Hr TV (which is a 24hr long TV marathon program that Yuzu attended every year since 2014, they always have a special footage of him ) theme is :Confession :snonegai:


there is maybr some  hope that Yuzu will talk about his experiences with confession or maybe confess something? Doki Doki! :embSwan:


And i am not sure if i want to see/hear/watch that. I am a terrible fan


Anyways, don't forget! We have Fantasy on Ice 2017 in KOBE FLUFF EDITION today :D



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4 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Aw thank you all for your good luck wishes :grouphug: I really hope i can make it there! I only have to convince immigration officers from two countries that i absolutely intend to go back to Mexico once the competition is finished :P 

:10636614: I am not sure in what state i am going to be dragged out of the venue.

And i am not sure if i want to see/hear/watch that. I am a terrible fan


Anyways, don't forget! We have Fantasy on Ice 2017 in KOBE FLUFF EDITION today :D

Immigration officers in two countries---are you driving through the US and then to Canada :smiley-whacky059:



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11 minutes ago, Ladysci said:

Need to do that before the "Great Border Wall" gets built :slinkaway: Sorry for the political message :offtopic:

Hm, i have a visa valid for ten years :P i can cross whenever i want but i need to get a special permit if i want to go far into USA territory or stay more than 48 hours.


ETA: I just blinked and huge tears came out of my eyes :sadPooh: 


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24 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Hm, i have a visa valid for ten years :P i can cross whenever i want but i need to get a special permit if i want to go far into USA territory or stay more than 48 hours.


ETA: I just blinked and huge tears came out of my eyes :sadPooh: 


I am so happy for you!!!  I'm not even envious! (Ok, I am a lot.) But, yeah for you!

Regarding your Visa, have you always needed to get a Special Permit to stay over 48 hours, or is this a recent change due to a new administration?

(Sorry, [not] if too political, but if someone wants to start a political thread, I'll be one of the first to join. All that to say Yuzu has helped us get through the tumult. We've even stopped cable in order to avoid the craziness.)

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4 minutes ago, Plumqueen said:

I am so happy for you!!!  I'm not even envious! (Ok, I am a lot.) But, yeah for you!

Regarding your Visa, have you always needed to get a Special Permit to stay over 48 hours, or is this a recent change due to a new administration?

(Sorry, [not] if too political, but if someone wants to start a political thread, I'll be one of the first to join. All that to say Yuzu has helped us get through the tumult. We've even stopped cable in order to avoid the craziness.)

Thank you!! I will make sure to have plenty of pics :D and share them with all of you!!

It has always been that way for people living in the border :) see this (BCC stands for Border Crossing Card):


A BCC allows you to travel up to 25 miles beyond the border into California and Texas. In New Mexico, you can travel up to 55 miles from the border, and up to 75 miles into Arizona.

If you want to stay longer or travel farther, you need to request an I-94 at the U.S. port of entry from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer there. You may have to pay a small fee for this.


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