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24 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


Can I please make a request?

Do we already have all of the Haru yo koi's versions published one after the other? I would love to watch them cronologically, but I am a bit confused as to how many are available and how many are yet to come. I think I've seen 3 versions so far. 


It's Kobe, Niigata, then Shizuoka. I've sort of put in the days and also broadcast dates of the ones I know..


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18 minutes ago, glilikoi said:

Yeah, honestly I feel like it's more likely that Yuzu says he is allergic to alcohol because that's just the easiest way to express that you really don't want to drink. Like you said, top level athletes have a lot of good reasons to not drink, but even still there might be the occasional pressure to drink at events etc. in which case it's easiest to just say you're allergic.


It might also be that he has the alcohol flush reaction, but that's not actually an allergy (it's pretty common in East Asia yet people in this region are also some of the hardest drinkers in the world, esp. South Korea, so clearly that doesn't stop most people..). Anyway I think having a serious alcohol allergy is a very rare condition, so it's much more likely that Yuzu just wants an easy way to get out of drinking, which is completely understandable. Especially in Japan, declining any food/drink that is offered in a social setting can be considered rude so invented allergies are an easy "polite" excuse. I sometimes say I'm allergic to meat because I don't want to explain in length that I'm a vegetarian. Ofc this is just speculation, maybe he really is allergic to alcohol. Anyway when you get down to it, the state of intoxication is a form of self-imposed impairment of the nervous system, so in a way it's literally poison to the human body.. 

I'd rather we don't speculate about Yuzu possibly lying about his allergy. He's very open about other likes and dislikes and even if he used it as an excuse to get out of drinking in social circumstances, there'd be no real reason to say so publicly. Especially as someone who hates showing weakness and making excuses, I think he'd rather say he doesn't like drinking to inventing an allergy.


Anyway, there are different types of allergies. There are the really bad ones and the not so serious ones, that are more of an annoyance. His alcohol allergy sounds like the annoyance type, but I can't blame him for preferring not to break out in hives (which is much more than just a flush, since there is also itchiness.) Also, the first time he described his post surgery allergic reaction, in his book, there was nothing to do with drinking alcohol, so there was little reason for him to lie about it. Whether and how much that stretches to cover drinking alcohol as well (though thinking about it, if his body reacts just to contact with it, ingesting it should actually cause a bigger reaction, I think), only he knows, but if he says he's allergic and that's why he doesn't drink, I'll choose to believe him. He definitely seems to be one of those people with a more sensitive immune system, who tend to develop multiple allergies and be more prone to health issues. Which only makes everything about him even more amazing. *shrugs*

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17 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

Also, the first time he described his post surgery allergic reaction, in his book, there was nothing to do with drinking alcohol, so there was little reason for him to lie about it. Whether and how much that stretches to cover drinking alcohol as well (though thinking about it, if his body reacts just to contact with it, ingesting it should actually cause a bigger reaction, I think)


But the whole "he can't drink alcohol" thing is based on the surgery story, isn't it? You can't really separate these two things, since he himself pretty much said "I had a skin reaction to the disinfectant, that's how I discovered that I'm allergic to alcohol, so I can't drink".

The whole story always was confusing to me, to be honest. He had a bad skin reaction to the alcohol in a disinfectant and that's why he can't drink? I'm not a medical anything, but can you conclude from a skin reaction to a disinfectant that you'd be allergic to drinking alcohol? I doubt that they cleaned his wound with vodka, and drinking a disinfectant would always be a very bad idea for anybody, so... I'm not saying he's lying about anything and maybe they simply ran some allergy tests after he had that reaction, but I still found the story confusing.

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5 hours ago, SuzyQ said:

I can't stop repeating Haru yo Koi of Kobe, Niigata and Shizuoka :68556365:


Has this kind of comparison been posted already?

Kiyozuka-san, the pianist, says it is 30 seconds longer in Shizuoka than Kobe.


Left:  Kobe     Right:  Shizuoka




David Wilson wasn't at all the latter stops? Not surprising if Yuzu choreograped the extra time and rearranged the choreo himself. He put so much into just an ex, I'm looking forward to his programs this year.

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Hace 2 horas, glilikoi said:

Yeah, honestly I feel like it's more likely that Yuzu says he is allergic to alcohol because that's just the easiest way to express that you really don't want to drink. Like you said, top level athletes have a lot of good reasons to not drink, but even still there might be the occasional pressure to drink at events etc. in which case it's easiest to just say you're allergic.


It might also be that he has the alcohol flush reaction, but that's not actually an allergy (it's pretty common in East Asia yet people in this region are also some of the hardest drinkers in the world, esp. South Korea, so clearly that doesn't stop most people..). Anyway I think having a serious alcohol allergy is a very rare condition, so it's much more likely that Yuzu just wants an easy way to get out of drinking, which is completely understandable. Especially in Japan, declining any food/drink that is offered in a social setting can be considered rude so invented allergies are an easy "polite" excuse. I sometimes say I'm allergic to meat because I don't want to explain in length that I'm a vegetarian. Ofc this is just speculation, maybe he really is allergic to alcohol. Anyway when you get down to it, the state of intoxication is a form of self-imposed impairment of the nervous system, so in a way it's literally poison to the human body.. 

I can only speak for me, but I also say (my way to describe it!) to other people that I’m allergic to alcohol (and everybody goes like “whaaaaat?!!! That kind of allergy does not exist!!!”). I had  asthma wenn I was a little child (really bad) and it got better as a teenager. But whenever I drink alcohol (specially Ruhm, Vodka or sometimes red wine) even if I only drink half a glass or less, my lungs will react immediately and I can’t breath normal. I’m not afraid of it because it is not exactly an asthma attack and it’s always different but I have learnt, that I might enjoy half a glass white wine or a small Prosecco but that’s it. Otherwise I need my inhalator...and that’s never fun...:(

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1 hour ago, Pamigena said:


But the whole "he can't drink alcohol" thing is based on the surgery story, isn't it? You can't really separate these two things, since he himself pretty much said "I had a skin reaction to the disinfectant, that's how I discovered that I'm allergic to alcohol, so I can't drink".

The whole story always was confusing to me, to be honest. He had a bad skin reaction to the alcohol in a disinfectant and that's why he can't drink? I'm not a medical anything, but can you conclude from a skin reaction to a disinfectant that you'd be allergic to drinking alcohol? I doubt that they cleaned his wound with vodka, and drinking a disinfectant would always be a very bad idea for anybody, so... I'm not saying he's lying about anything and maybe they simply ran some allergy tests after he had that reaction, but I still found the story confusing.

I'm not separating them. I was just giving a counterargument to @glilikoi saying he can say he's allergic to get out of social drinking situations, by saying that in the book,  he mentioned it in a context not at all related to social drinking.


I have no idea if just the rubbing alcohol experience led him to think he's allergic and he decided not to take chances, or if he actually tried drinking and got a reaction again. Only he knows. And, I admit, I'd never heard of alcohol allergy before, but there are some really weird allergies out there, so who am I to say I know better? (For the record, I've been thinking I might have coffee allergy, because I feel sick every time I drink coffee; though it might be a blood pressure thing, rather.) Depending on how bad the reaction was for him (hives are bad anytime, but hives after surgery, when he was probably also in pain and stuck in bed and, if I remember correctly, had antibiotics issues as well, on top of it all, definitely not fun!), it might be enough to make him very reluctant to test if drinking will also cause a reaction.


My bigger issue with speculating whether his allergy is real or not is that it opens the door for speculating on all his health issues and that's just too close to where haters go when they want to talk crap about him. So, as far as I'm concerned, he says he's allergic and that's why he won't drink, so I'll believe it. It's not like it really matters, anyway.

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3 hours ago, Pamigena said:


But the whole "he can't drink alcohol" thing is based on the surgery story, isn't it? You can't really separate these two things, since he himself pretty much said "I had a skin reaction to the disinfectant, that's how I discovered that I'm allergic to alcohol, so I can't drink".

The whole story always was confusing to me, to be honest. He had a bad skin reaction to the alcohol in a disinfectant and that's why he can't drink? I'm not a medical anything, but can you conclude from a skin reaction to a disinfectant that you'd be allergic to drinking alcohol? I doubt that they cleaned his wound with vodka, and drinking a disinfectant would always be a very bad idea for anybody, so... I'm not saying he's lying about anything and maybe they simply ran some allergy tests after he had that reaction, but I still found the story confusing.

If they used ethanol as disinfectant, then it makes sense if he couldn't drink anything containing ethanol...tho maybe it would depend on the alcholic content of the drink (for example he might tolerate a sip of beer but not vodka) and how fast is the absorption and so on. Or, if there were additives in the disinfectant (e.g. common denaturated alchool contains various additives) one could be allergic to any of those,  but not ethanol itself...Just like some people might be allergic to sake but not beer if their body is actually reacting not to alchool but to rice. :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:

But I suppose that, being in a hospital, they checked properly...


If Yuzuru is really sensitive to ethanol, it could be that he lacks some specific enzymes and then it doesn't matter what is the source, he just wouldn't be able to break down ethanol as other people do, or not as fast. We need certain enzymes to metabolize substances, people who produce less of those enzymes/can't produce them(*) can have what looks like an 'allergic reaction'. Apparently, lack of enzyme needed to break down ethanol is more common in people from Asian descent that in other populations (this discussion reminds me of when we talked about the genetics of odourless sweat LOL)


*because of genetics or because of gene expression (that can be influenced by things like diet, stress or e.g. being on meds)...many 'allergic' people are merely unable to activate certain genes as efficiently as needed...

ETA: there is difference between 'allergy' and 'intolerance'. The first involves immune system, the second doesn't, it's just 'lack of ability to metabolize properly', tho sometimes symptoms are similar.

this is a bit offtopic (tho on topic about allergies and Yuzuru has some of them :P), but for example it looks like babies born from caesaerian section have higher chances of developing allergies when they grow up(and developing allergies to many different substances) because of the lack of exposure to certain bacteria that would happen when a baby moves down birth canal (example of having the genes but being unable to activate them). Sometimes our body needs to be challenged to become stronger :biggrin:


ETA2: ethanol itself is toxic to the body, but we can usually metabolize it fast enough so we have no visible negative consequences. When this doesn't happen, we merely see the effects of that toxicity.

ETA3: products of its partial methabolism can be toxic too if they accumulate. The enzyme I was talking about (the one that some people, particularly Asians,  produce less) is involved in metabolism of a subproducts of ethanol metabolism that isn't processed fast enough. Just for the sake of accuracy :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


4 hours ago, Eclair said:

okay guys, why haven't I seen this up until now? (pic 7 is yuzu. but honestly, they are all good): 



men's faces while skating :rofl3:

Those pics really show the kind of forces applied on their bodies while jumping/spinning...

they're hilarious, and a bit creepyO.o and definitely weird, but really, imagine the kind of strain that make a face almost unrecognizable! And skatets execute those elements making them look easy! And to the music beat! :bow:

Side note, I always wonder why so many skaters wear necklaces that move all around their necks...when I run, I always pin my hair so they don't get in my eyes and I can barely tolerate even earbuds wires swinging around and I'm not spinning around insanely fast... don't they feel like choking? And some of those necklaces are also long enough to get past their chin (Yuzu in PC while bending down after FS, COC after the crash:slinkaway:). Isn't it dangerous?

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22 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

My bigger issue with speculating whether his allergy is real or not is that it opens the door for speculating on all his health issues and that's just too close to where haters go when they want to talk crap about him. So, as far as I'm concerned, he says he's allergic and that's why he won't drink, so I'll believe it. It's not like it really matters, anyway.


I didn't mean to start any mean-spirited speculation, sorry if I came across as too negative :tumblr_inline_n2pje3s3EO1qdlkyg: It just reminded me of my personal experience because I've used the allergy thing as an excuse to not drink or eat certain things, I wouldn't even really categorise it as a "lie" but more like a politeness thing (especially in Japan where things tend to be so high-context). I also haven't been following FS for that long so I'm (thankfully) not that aware of things haters have said, but I'll try to refrain any health-related speculation now that I know. Not wanting to start any drama :13877886:

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2 minutes ago, glilikoi said:

I didn't mean to start any mean-spirited speculation, sorry if I came across as too negative :tumblr_inline_n2pje3s3EO1qdlkyg: It just reminded me of my personal experience because I've used the allergy thing as an excuse to not drink or eat certain things, I wouldn't even really categorise it as a "lie" but more like a politeness thing (especially in Japan where things tend to be so high-context). I also haven't been following FS for that long so I'm (thankfully) not that aware of things haters have said, but I'll try to refrain any health-related speculation now that I know. Not wanting to start any drama :13877886:

A lot of Asians are allergic to alcohol tho - light versions of the allergy are what causes Asian glow (where you turn red at a small amount of alcohol LOL). You can build up tolerance but it is still an allergy. And some have even worse forms of it than just getting a glow, hives are not uncommon :tumblr_inline_mlrwzkKlZz1qz4rgp:

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24 minutes ago, LadyLou said:

If they used ethanol as disinfectant, then it makes sense if he couldn't drink anything containing ethanol...tho maybe it would depend on the alcholic content of the drink (for example he might tolerate a sip of beer but not vodka) and how fast is the absorption and so on. Or, if there were additives in the disinfectant (e.g. common denaturated alchool contains various additives) one could be allergic to any of those,  but not ethanol itself...Just like some people might be allergic to sake but not beer if their body is actually reacting not to alchool but to rice. :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:

But I suppose that, being in a hospital, they checked properly...


If Yuzuru is really sensitive to ethanol, it could be that he lacks some specific enzymes and then it doesn't matter what is the source, he just wouldn't be able to break down ethanol as other people do, or not as fast. We need certain enzymes to metabolize substances, people who produce less of those enzymes/can't produce them(*) can have what looks like an 'allergic reaction'. Apparently, lack of enzyme needed to break down ethanol is more common in people from Asian descent that in other populations (this discussion reminds me of when we talked about the genetics of odourless sweat LOL)


*because of genetics or because of gene expression (that can be influenced by things like diet, stress or e.g. being on meds)...many 'allergic' people are merely unable to activate certain genes as efficiently as needed...

ETA: there is difference between 'allergy' and 'intolerance'. The first involves immune system, the second doesn't, it's just 'lack of ability to metabolize properly', tho sometimes symptoms are similar.

this is a bit offtopic (tho on topic about allergies and Yuzuru has some of them :P), but for example it looks like babies born from caesaerian section have higher chances of developing allergies when they grow up(and developing allergies to many different substances) because of the lack of exposure to certain bacteria that would happen when a baby moves down birth canal (example of having the genes but being unable to activate them). Sometimes our body needs to be challenged to become stronger :biggrin:


Those pics really show the kind of forces applied on their bodies while jumping/spinning...

they're hilarious, and a bit creepyO.o and definitely weird, but really, imagine the kind of strain that make a face almost unrecognizable! And skatets execute those elements making them look easy! And to the music beat! :bow:

Side note, I always wonder why so many skaters wear necklaces that move all around their necks...when I run, I always pin my hair so they don't get in my eyes and I can barely tolerate even earbuds wires swinging around and I'm not spinning around insanely fast... don't they feel like choking? And some of those necklaces are also long enough to get past their chin (Yuzu in PC while bending down after FS, COC after the crash:slinkaway:). Isn't it dangerous?

yes I have noticed too that a lot of skaters are wearing necklaces - Yuzu, Javi, Boyang etc. but I don't know why .. at the same time in general a lot of athletes wear some kind of lucky charms like bracelets and necklaces, so maybe it's just an athlete thing ? 

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In one of the interviews given after his win in PyeonChang, he said he could not drink.


*Please don't share the direct link to this video because that's this uploader's request.

From 32:04, the announcer shows questions to Yuzu which they collected from people they met on the street. The second question says "お酒とか飲んで遊んだりするんですか?", which means "Do you sometimes go out and drink?" and  before answering the first question he says, "お酒は飲めません" which means "I can't drink." (The announcer reacts as if he said "I don't drink" but he said "I can't drink" here) He doesn't give a reason here, but for whatever reasons if he says he can't, I think he can't.

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3 時間前, Eclairさんが言いました:

okay guys, why haven't I seen this up until now? (pic 7 is yuzu. but honestly, they are all good): 



men's faces while skating :rofl3:


Haha! Is Jin's one so funny they have to open and close with him? And the way Hanyu's features seem to migrate to the center of his face makes it look like he's been made to suck on a lemon. >_<


@the alcohol topic: Iunno. When he said alcohol ain't for him on that show and then that account of him that made him sound like an extreme lightweight after just a bit of sake, I just took it to mean that alcohol ain't something he's super tolerant towards *shrug* Didn't mean to imply anything more than that. And since he'll likely reject the content, but it's really what's printed on the can that's making waves, I just thought that giving him the can sans content sounds valid? Guy did very explicitly say he liked having all eyes on him when he's skating. But I only meant it as joke anyhow.

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1 minute ago, Eclair said:

yes I have noticed too that a lot of skaters are wearing necklaces - Yuzu, Javi, Boyang etc. but I don't know why .. at the same time in general a lot of athletes wear some kind of lucky charms like bracelets and necklaces, so maybe it's just an athlete thing ? 

Yeah, I think it's for luck, and I guess they get so used to them they'd feel weird without wearing them... I just don't understand why they'd choose unpractical thing like too long/heavy/too many necklaces...then again, it wouldn't be the first time I "can't get" athletes :laughing:

I think Yuzuru tapes his bracelets during comps tho, I wonder if fixing necklaces with tape would be even more unpractical than letting them swing around...


On the 'can't drink alchol', was it for People's honour award that they had orange juice for toast? excellent planning there :drink2:

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