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The GOAT business - could I care less?  It's just that we all know that if he were Japanese American there wouldn't be any question in Hersh's alleged mind?  Or indeed if Button had been Russian.... :happy:

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15 minutes ago, Xen said:

However, the reason why if we have to argue about GOAT-ness, then Yuzu is the only one who can easily be considered a GOAT contender, at least until another one comes along, because he is the only one so far who could make a claim under any of those 3 criteria. 

I fully concur.  There is no way that anyone can say that Yuzu is not the dominant skater competing today.  That has been the situation since the 2013-14 season, when he took his first GPF, his first OG and his first WC.  From that point on Yuzu has been the one to beat, and even in this year's Olympics, despite the fact that he had not competed since last fall, every major contender out there was trying to figure out how to beat Yuzu and not each other.  Yuzu has also transformed skating itself, but not by pushing forward on the TES element.  He's let others pioneer there and he's just kept up with them.   His transformation has been in keeping his sights on the artistic element, having programs that are rich with detail, and reminding everyone, particularly the judges (although I feel most of them don't need reminding) of the role that PCS plays.  His major achievement has been in keeping things in such a way that quads were not the sole criteria for a win.  The new rules coming into play this season will simply validate that.  I know some might think that the raising of possible GOEs to 5 might make the TES stronger.  Actually, it does the opposite since the judge's will have a means of fine-tuning their judging (and remember while there are 5 possible pluses there are also 5 possible minuses) and the skaters will realize that the potential of losing points because of sloppy jumps will tend to make them jump 'safer'.  (I also think that the situation can be improved by making the penalty for a fall steeper.  I'd keep the one point deduction for a fall, but for a second fall make it two points, and three points for a third.  I think you can see my rationale for this.  It means that falls can potentially be disastrous, especially if there's more than one.)  The major factor, though, is the shortened program-length.  That helps Yuzu immensely since he's able to combine PCS elements into the preparation of his jumps (as was pointed out by a poster several days ago).  My argument, however, is that Yuzu is challenging the sport in more ways than simply skating, where he is the dominant figure today and will probably remain so until he retires.  He's also remaking the culture and if he is successful that will comprise a major part of his legacy.  If he manages to deliver on those other aspects his ranking as the GOAT will be unassailable.

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3 hours ago, singermelodie1 said:

And his English didn't really sound bad when he spoke a little bit to javi during CiONTU, so interviewers have to make him comfortable.

And because Javi was one of the first people he started interacting in English with, and because Javi is not a native speaker either, it's normal that he feels more comfortable than in front of the journalists. There are also some interviewers, like PJ Kwong who are able to make (short) interviews with him fun and stress-free.

2 hours ago, yura23 said:

Hii guys, can i know who is yuzu's fanboy among skater?? Its okay either senior or junior

I think besides the ones that Xen named, also Deniss Vasiljevs posted about Yuzu being his inspiration for a long time when he took a selfie with him. 

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GOAT or not, that's probably not something that anyone can decide. We can only talk about this as subjective. It is not like time race that can be measured against one to one, fs judging relies on judgment made by individuals. How do you compare the greatness of a mountain against a tiger in the jungle? If the observer sees it in the subject, nobody can deny it and also if one cannot see it, nobody can show that. I don't always trust the judges anyway but that's something else we can discuss for hours.


Also, since the 'time' has no start or end, the term 'all time' can only refer to the time relevant to the observer. No matter how much the oldies say the skaters in the old days were greater, if you actually never seen them in real time, you cannot really compare to something that you're watching in front of you now. Also the conditions and focuses of fs has changed so much it makes it impossible to compare. In the old days, they had different kinds of difficulties to now but at the same token, they had more advantages than the skaters nowadays. They certainly didn't have to do quad jumps x 6 to win a gold medal (some even tried 8 times and failed to win)


I can only say that I'm enjoying the view of the planet that I'm orbiting day in day out because it is shining so brightly and also showing different colours from different angles. I personally cannot see any other great stars other than this one right now. I maybe saw some lights from light-years ago but that is no longer shining brightly because the star projected the light no longer exists. 


I will probably never find another planet like this one until the end of my time and that is pretty much 'all time' for me.:8430721::8430721:


I know oranges and apples talk usually never has conclusion or agreement so I'll just leave to that.

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15 minutes ago, BWOZWaltz said:

I can only say that I'm enjoying the view of the planet that I'm orbiting day in day out because it is shining so brightly and also showing different colours from different angles. I personally cannot see any other great stars other than this one right now. I maybe saw some lights from light-years ago but that is no longer shining brightly because the star projected the light no longer exists. 


I will probably never find another planet like this one until the end of my time and that is pretty much 'all time' for me.:8430721::8430721:

That was poetic :sadPooh: 

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