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13 hours ago, Peppo said:

We couldn't expect a spectacular 3A from a standstill, even from him, could we? But I do wonder about that, too. I don't know if i would call it meditating.

I'm an old dancer, so I'm trying to convey a feeling only dancers have when they get that serotonin high. You labour until you go over a kind of barrier, where your breath becomes super steady, though you're breathing very deep and fast. Your whole body begins to feel like a dream of serenity. You can stay in this high for a long long time and if the dance is rhythmic it becomes very close to the feeling of the highest meditation. You can get close to that feeling running a marathon. You may begin, out of breath, but then it becomes a rhythm, running from head to toe. Your breath matches the rhythm of your footfalls. This feeling is heightened to the roof when that rhythm is employed in dance. If you've never experienced it, it's hard to explain, but there is literally no better, more relaxing feeling in the world, even when you're flying across the floor (or ice, in Yuzu's case.) I see it very plainly in Yuzu's eyes when he's doing his step sequences. He's experiencing this wonderful feeling. 

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40 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


Haha. And yet, it appears as though he's preparing less. So more is less. And less is more. I think you and @micaelis are both essentially saying the same thing. 8D


Precisely: "More is less and less is more." Maybe you're a Buddhist too?


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19 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

I know you were there and saw it for yourself and although I can't say the same for myself, I can't help but feel that that one was a proper exhibition in its own right, too. It had a different concept and it chronicles the station's coverage of him over the years, showing us Hanyu's journey through their eyes. It's a very thoughtful and personal (for a TV station) gesture that I feel has something that's all its own, like a quiet homage from the local media to the hometown hero.


This one is a different, and much bigger monster altogether. But still a very thoughtful gesture by the corporate sponsors who put this together. It really shows how much he's appreciated even by those who would usually only seek to gain from him. There's still something to be gained here but it isn't overt and doesn't quite have the feel as though these sponsors are milking his name for all its worth. The opportunity they are taking seems minimal and only logical because people would want something to take home with them. And by limiting the number of goods being sold (or so I've heard) and making the event a traveling one with only a couple or so weeks for each stop (i dunno the exact date for each but maybe the one in Tokyo is longer than the others given the location?) they are not taking complete advantage of his name and oversaturating it. The tasteful way it's being done interspersed by the cuteness (wow, the toe sock gets to make an appearance too? Tho it looks more like a kappa's foot to me, if kappas were black in color, with the way the toes are made to spread) communicates sincere appreciation, affection and respect behind the organisation of these exhibitions, which is no less than what Hanyu deserves. But man, do the Japanese have a thing for queuing up or what? Like the longer, the better. Still, like what you said, this will likely taper off to more manageable levels as the days wear on.


I'm also willing to bet that the sponsors who invested in him from early on in his career must feel like those who made early investments into Apple and Google. Only theirs come with a side of sincere and personal affection and pride.


I think you're right about the concept and that's probably the difference I couldn't put my finger on. The Sendai exhibition was about the Sendai Broadcasting Company's relationship with Yuzu and it was more personal and more intimate and as you said, homage to the hometown hero.


This one is more just about Yuzuru Hanyu, Double Olympic Medalist and Yomiuri's mostly just the organizers. (Although they're not a sponsor, they're a media company as well, unless I missed out on some info. That in a way makes it even more interesting.) However, I would say it obviously also has more Yuzu input. Having his own medals, costumes, boots etc, and also all the goods including his handwritten message (printed, of course, but still). So it really is a completely different kind of event. And yes, Japanese and queues... I hate queues lol But actually, it should be interesting, because being a foreigner, I'm pretty sure I'll end up talking to someone sooner or later, even if there are queues. That should be fun. (I also still have swans!)


I totally agree with the sponsors thing. They must feel like they hit the jackpot lol I doubt any of them ever imagined how big he would become... (they still seem to not fully understand, given the sell-outs today lol)

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9 hours ago, OonsieHui said:


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I was dying a little inside reading this, so just to let you know....


Backcounter 3A is not "quite difficult", it is the most difficult entry you can do into a 3A. Yuzu is the only one currently who does it. At all. 


And doing a 3A from a standstill not being "nearly as spectacular" had me :facepalm: because in my humble opinion, it is one of the most spectacular things ever. In some ways more spectacular that his regular already perfect 3A. Because like... who does that??? 


I'm sorry... I promise I'm not trying to be condescending or mean... I'm still learning myself! But I just couldn't help bringing these points up because Yuzu really is that amazing :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:



I don't know what you're sorry about; if you were being "mean" then there should be more mean people in the world :-)  I only mean it LOOKS more spectacular from the point of view of the audience. The root of the word "spectacular" is "spectacle," which is only about how things appear. A standing 3A is certainly more amazing, but the spectacle of suddenly flying into a jump after building up speed and energy from a step sequence -- jumping higher and covering much more ice -- is more spectacular, even if it isn't as amazing. 

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11 hours ago, yuzupon said:

In terms of actually having steps into his jumps, yeah? Cz normally, when people say a skater is having more preparation into jumps they meant a longa** set up where they do nothing but glide from one end of the rink to the other in order to jump. E.g. Chen's many quads FS tends to have nothing else but 'jump preparations' and jumps and Nagasu's neverending prep to her 3A. 

Exactly. He uses the steps and other choreography AS his prep. Boy's got talent Nathan only WISHES he had.

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2 hours ago, paminess said:

i've been a fan of Yuzuru since 2014 but before i wasnt this obsessed. :1:


and now  the first thing i do every morning is to check updates in SM and it goes on in re-watching his program reading articles monitoring the discussion here and in GS!  i cant believe the time i consume by just doing this!! 

i'm literally telling myself every night (since after olympics) that tomorrow i should limit myself but then again im stuck doing the same thing! :headdesk2:


worst part is i postpone all my travel plan this month since  i feel lazy or i'm  just too occupied/obsessed or perhaps crazy for yuzuru?? HAHA:facepalm:







I can definitely relate to this :1:I'm going to Florida for a month in June and i'm just... almost dreading it '-'  I just don't want to miss out on anything. I know it's off season and everything but still... *sigh* i'm definitely in too deep. 


(this is not all thanks to Yuzu though, i also follow this music group and all signs point towards them being very active in June/July so i'm just facepalming myself for going on vacation during that time, but oh well )

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