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General Yuzuru Chat

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Yuzu the cat - I mean, space kitty - burglar, sneaking to the Olympics on a dark and stormy night to unscrupulously and evilly steal shiny sparkly gold medals meant for the Chosen One! Those medals hold the secret to saving the world from an alien invasion. Fanyus defend their overlord, but little do they know that he is in fact the Troll sent by the mothership to steal humanity's only hope before the true invasion begins! We are all lost, because of brainwashed Fanyus who cannot see that the gold medals that were our only hope have been stolen, wickedly stolen, by the Evil Space Kitty Burglar! 

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1 hour ago, Erin said:


Sorry for jumping to another topic, please do continue the one about Pooh. I just stumbled upon this and noticed that Yuzu has a mole on his right eyelid. Is that really a mole? How is it I only noticed it now? Am I even a fanyu? I'm so ashamed. :headdesk2: 

I genuinely can't get over how beautiful he looks in this photo, like everytime I see it i need some minutes to process his beauty LOL

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20 minutes ago, Erin said:

@gladi thank you again for the awesome translations!

Yuzu certainly doesn't dissappoint in the interview department. But correct me if I'm wrong, I'm starting to be able to decipher when he gets annoyed by questions-that look he had when he got asked the Nathan clean SP question was noticeable.

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Watching the press conference it does strike me that Yuzuru definitely is more aware of the fans and public comments than what I thought. His comment about being "roasted" a lot about a clean shoma winning over him. I wonder also if that comment  about being sure he was going to win wasn't taken badly in Japan? Idk much about japanese mentality but I do know they value respect a lot so I wonder how that was taken. 

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4 hours ago, cinemacoconut said:

And what was the TSL comment about Fanyus posting harshness on Nathan Chen ? As far as Ive witnessed fanyus are the nicest people in FS community


As some others already mentioned, I'm sure there are some really rude comments from "fans" out there. Not that I've ever encountered any truly rude ones. But also, I've noticed some Nathan fans tend to take not gushing over Nathan as being equivalent to being rude/harsh/unkind. Unfortunately it's come to the point where sensible constructive criticism is viewed as a negative since clearly only positive support is allowed to exist. 


2 hours ago, cinemacoconut said:


Its so much worse in Korea believe me. They slam yuzu as having stolen the gold medal 


. . . FROM WHOM??? :headdesk2: 


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1 minute ago, OonsieHui said:


As some others already mentioned, I'm sure there are some really rude comments from "fans" out there. Not that I've ever encountered any truly rude ones. But also, I've noticed some Nathan fans tend to take not gushing over Nathan as being equivalent to being rude/harsh/unkind. Unfortunately it's come to the point where sensible constructive criticism is viewed as a negative since clearly only positive support is allowed to exist.

It happens in all fandoms honestly. I've had my fair share at times with Yuzu fans-and have had interesting conversations with some in real life (some of whom had doubts about my fan badge status since I started off by gushing on other skaters). But so long as we can all agree to disagree, don't really see a huge problem.  And also, we can be a bit sensitive at times too (Dick Button anyone?).


But I also think that us on this forum, are pretty sheltered. I made the mistake of going to a chinese baidu bar for Yuzu, and some of the comments I saw and dislike/hate of skaters (even skaters like Javi whom Yuzu likes) was astounding. We're ignoring that due to his fanbase being that gigantic, there will inevitably be a small subset of fans who like Yuzu and truly dislike other skaters. And sadly, that will be remembered far more than all the truly awesome fans who are nice to other skaters, or even the technically minded ones who can hold their own in a debate. Then there is the fact that Yuzu has a fanbase that includes enough technically minded ones who can hold their own in a debate- that alone is enough to garner dislike, and any debate will be turned into "hate on X skater" easily, since that's the nature of discourse (someone will be right someone will be wrong). If you add in the perspective that many viewers see PCS=artistry, a subjective element, any normal debate, no matter how nice  can be easily construed to be an argument/attack. There are even people offended by Max's video and explination of the jumps for Eurosport IT.

12 minutes ago, Hanmgse said:

Watching the press conference it does strike me that Yuzuru definitely is more aware of the fans and public comments than what I thought. His comment about being "roasted" a lot about a clean shoma winning over him. I wonder also if that comment  about being sure he was going to win wasn't taken badly in Japan? Idk much about japanese mentality but I do know they value respect a lot so I wonder how that was taken. 

Sometimes I do wonder...just how much does he lurk?! ( oh hai der lurker Zu if you ever stumble in here!) That entire section though, it did look as if he was working very very hard to be super diplomatic and nice about the answer-how to appear confident but not arrogant or putting others down. A hard task. I feel pretty bad for him at times since being the "standard" means needing the PR skills of a diplomat negotiating a peace treaty all the time (which btw, is not natural at all).

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