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30 minutes ago, xeyra said:


Wait, they keep asking him? Or was this that statement he made a while ago after Yuzu won Olys?


I have no clue sorry! But I do recall seeing another video a few pages back where Kohei was asked to comment on Yuzu. So they've asked him at least twice.


26 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


Raf's a fan so maybe that's the keikaku. :biggrin:


Whenever I see Rafael I'm always reminded of that slightly awkward encounter at 4CC where he got Yuzu's autograph.

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11 минут назад, SparkleSalad сказал:

"You! Boy! Sign my program! Sign it! And sign it here, too! ! C'mon, hurry up!"

R... r... really? oO He said that? Video by any chance?

I don't like the idea of Nathan 4A. but with judge leniency, he can land like 4 rotation Axel and they'll say it's full 4,5

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1 hour ago, xeyra said:


Wait, they keep asking him? Or was this that statement he made a while ago after Yuzu won Olys?

I think it was meant more like Brian's "I have no words". As in any other word by the one, "amazing" are superfluous. (I don't think it was like Javi's "The media kept asking me about Yuzu, Yuzu, Yuzu" ^_^;;; But not sure.)


ETA: Or like "There is nothing more to say about Hanyu-kun [that hasn't already been said]." Something like that. I think even if he got tired of being asked about him, it's quite un-Japanese-like to show any annoyance at that, especially given who Yuzu is, so he probably wouldn't say or do anything that would show that.

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18 時間前, Yatagarasuさんが言いました:

This Gala marks the official end of the Olympic season. We survived, barely, but we did so come have fun with us to see it off!

(or set fire to it and salt the earth, not counting Yuzu's OGM of course)




18 時間前, Danibellerikaさんが言いました:


Bye bye season! Don't let the doorknob hit you where the dog should have bit you!! Only Yuzu's 4 lutz, world record, and Olympic victory can stay.  




If the shitstorm surrounding this season was actually sacrifices in order for the Olys to have turned out the way it had, I think it was well worth it. And I wouldn't change anything if changing something would change the result of how the Olys would turn out. Like even Chen with his doozy of a short had an explosive FS and an invaluable experience that led to his WC win as well as spell good things for his future, if he uses it well. So as far as I'm concerned, this whole season was a win, and the rest can stay. 


And with the way things turned out for Higuchi, I'd say Milan was a wonderful event in and of itself. Not a sacrifice at all. Maybe the men's event was the sacrifice needed to make that happen, in which case, I can't regret it, especially since, and I know this is highly selfish of me, Hanyu was far far away from it so he wasn't made apart of it (think he's already had more than his fair share of disappointing comps anyway).

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1 hour ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:



If the shitstorm surrounding this season was actually sacrifices in order for the Olys to have turned out the way it had, I think it was well worth it. And I wouldn't change anything if changing something would change the result of how the Olys would turn out. Like even Chen with his doozy of a short had an explosive FS and an invaluable experience that led to his WC win as well as spell good things for his future, if he uses it well. So as far as I'm concerned, this whole season was a win, and the rest can stay. 


And with the way things turned out for Higuchi, I'd say Milan was a wonderful event in and of itself. Not a sacrifice at all. Maybe the men's event was the sacrifice needed to make that happen, in which case, I can't regret it, especially since, and I know this is highly selfish of me, Hanyu was far far away from it so he wasn't made apart of it (think he's already had more than his fair share of disappointing comps anyway).


I would have been plenty fine with him winning minus all that angst and uncertainty.  I think he would have been capable of it without having to sit out most of the season.  But we'll never know and as long as he won I am willing to take the sacrifices that came with it. @kiches and I busted our asses for a whole year trying to get the seats we got for the games, checking for what probably equated to hours everyday for something to pop up, and we lucked out toward the 11th hour with good seats. All that was next was to get the results we wanted.  I can say his performances made all that frustration and headache worth it, so I certainly understand the process of paying ones dues.  I just think he'd already paid enough dues to deserve it anyway.  


And as I said before I was strictly referring to Yuzu's season here because it's his general chat.  There are Non-Yuzu things to talk about, but for me that would be Aliona and Bruno's Olympic victory that I got to see in person, the Japanese ladies, my entire olympic experience, the promising russian junior ladies, etc. 

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3 時間前, dotsquareさんが言いました:


Well the tweet itself says they were talking about how Shimizu started wearing glasses at the Olympics, and how the glasses don't suit him. Then Yuzu came up in the conversation. 


Shimizu says Yuzu didn't recognise him at the Olympics. He hasn't really met him before.  When he met him at the Olympics, Shimizu thought 'it'll be bad if Hanyu-kun doesn' t recognise me' so he took off his glasses because he wanted Yuzu to recognise him. But Yuzu still didn't recognise him lol. 


And then at the end, the guy in the bowl cut says 'did you want him to recognize you or did you just want to look cool'? 


I don't really get it either. I think it would make more sense if we knew the context. 



There's not much context to this, even with what the tweeter said so I can't be absolutely sure but I gather that Shimizu started wearing glasses as a fashion statement but found that most didn't get he was doing that (like maybe they thought he was wearing them for real, since he doesn't look great in them, like why would you not want to look great by choice, rght?)  so when he met up with Hanyu, he was worried that the guy would think the same, since they don't meet often enough for him to remember he didn't use to wear em, and so took them off to make strong hints that he's wearing them by choice. That's my take anyway.

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Sorry for double posting. Didn't want to combine posts because the one above is talking about something else altogether and I didn't want it to get too long if I can help it.


36 分, Danibellerikaさんが言いました:


I would have been plenty fine with him winning minus all that angst and uncertainty.  I think he would have been capable of it without having to sit out most of the season.  But we'll never know and as long as he won I am willing to take the sacrifices that came with it. @kiches and I busted our asses for a whole year trying to get the seats we got for the games, checking for what probably equated to hours everyday for something to pop up, and we lucked out toward the 11th hour with good seats. All that was next was to get the results we wanted.  So I can say his performances made all that that frustration and headache worth it, so I certainly understand the process of paying ones dues.  I just think he paid enough dues to deserve it anyway.  



It's not so much about dues and the paying of them, to be honest. That's not really what I meant by sacrifices, though I can see how it can be interpreted as such. But I didn't mean sacrifices on his part. What I meant was...well, I seem to recall him saying somewhere that he wasn't sure he could've pulled off what he did had he had a great season all throughout, and that he was only able to pull off particularly what he did here, and feel satisfaction for it, precisely because of the kind of season this had been for him.


My takeaway from those words of his is this: I think he meant that he had no choice but to do away with other fancies and just streamline his mindset to focus mainly on winning, since his situation was one that didn't leave room for his usual brand of overthinking. Many of his losses in the past were due to himself being his own undoing so I think the situation he was in made sure he couldn't afford to let his head go to a place that might have led to that. He had to keep it simple, real and in a way that doesn't take his body and most importantly his ailing foot for granted. And that was exactly what he needed to win, because his body knows what to do to win and he needed his mind to cooperate with it. To me, the guy seems to be saying that he felt he needed that handicap to be able to concentrate in the way he needed to, to *truly* secure his win.


He did so many interviews in so short a time though that they sorta run together for me in my head and I have no idea which interview that was exactly.

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28 minutes ago, Erin said:

Sorry for the double post. I would just like to ask if this tweet is related to Yuzu because this was retweeted by a Japanese person i follow who only post about Yuzu. If it's not then i'd delete this post. Thanks! 



It's about a product at Daiso that makes you sleep as if you're dead. :rofl:I don't think related to Yuzu at all.

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