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6 hours ago, ruruzest said:

can we take a moment to enjoy the interaction between GHISLAIN and Yuzu please ?

this is the first time we see a lot of GHISLAIN and he is so wholesome , loving and fun ! Pulled a ninja selfie with Yuzu ! I love his genuine and warm smile !

Admins , could we please have an emoticon of GHISLAIN ? Thank you so much !!!

I love all moments of Ghislain and Yuzuru at this Olys :smiley-love017: They have a very close relationship and I can see he's really care about Yuzuru. I'm glad to see him play a bigger role in coaching team this season and I hope this will continue And the long hug he gave to Yuzuru after his skate is <3


I read Brian's interview. It make sense that Yuzuru need time. Olys is just 1 month ago, he's tired both physically and mentality, not to mention about his ankle. Let him enjoy the time with his family. The fact that he's back on ice this soon for rehab surprise me, I thought it would be way later. I trust Yuzuru will make a best decision and I believe we will see him compete at least 1-2 more season. From Brian's words, it seem he also want Yuzuru continue too.  

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40 minutes ago, Katt said:

I love all moments of Ghislain and Yuzuru at this Olys :smiley-love017: They have a very close relationship and I can see he's really care about Yuzuru. I'm glad to see him play a bigger role in coaching team this season and I hope this will continue And the long hug he gave to Yuzuru after his skate is <3


I read Brian's interview. It make sense that Yuzuru need time. Olys is just 1.5 month ago, he's tried both physically and mentality, not to mention about his ankle. Let him enjoy the time with his family. The fact that he's back on ice this soon for rehab surprise me, I thought it would be way later. I trust Yuzuru will make a best decision and I believe we will see him compete at least 1-2 more season. From Brian's words, it seem he also want Yuzuru continue too.  


I was surprised to hear he was back on the ice so soon as well. I'm hoping it's a good sign that his ankle is healing, and not that he's pushing himself too much. 


All of this recent talk about Yuzu's future has really lifted my spirits! I was scared that the 2019 Saitama Worlds would be his last comp, but now I feel rest assured that Yuzu isn't going anywhere. 


The Matsuoka interview is yet another time that Yuzu has spoken about what he has thrown away to pursue his skating dream. I wonder what sorts of things he's talking about. Obviously a big one is living together with his entire family. But I wonder what other dreams he has thrown away, because if I'm not mistaken, in other interviews I've seen, he's been quite adamant that his mind is focused on skating exclusively (along with earphones and gaming of course). 


For example, Nathan Chen has expressed interest in studying medicine. Maybe Yuzu has other dreams too but he's just never made them public? 

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7 minutes ago, dotsquare said:


I was surprised to hear he was back on the ice so soon as well. I'm hoping it's a good sign that his ankle is healing, and not that he's pushing himself too much. 


All of this recent talk about Yuzu's future has really lifted my spirits! I was scared that the 2019 Saitama Worlds would be his last comp, but now I feel rest assured that Yuzu isn't going anywhere. 


The Matsuoka interview is yet another time that Yuzu has spoken about what he has thrown away to pursue his skating dream. I wonder what sorts of things he's talking about. Obviously a big one is living together with his entire family. But I wonder what other dreams he has thrown away, because if I'm not mistaken, in other interviews I've seen, he's been quite adamant that his mind is focused on skating exclusively (along with earphones and gaming of course). 


For example, Nathan Chen has expressed interest in studying medicine. Maybe Yuzu has other dreams too but he's just never made them public? 

He doesn't skate on his own ice show and I think he really want to take it easy and let the ankle heal properly. Brian said he doesn't want to lose the feel, so he's skating, but not training, mainly to test his ankle and the range of movement he could do. Yuzuru and his team has alot of experience in these case so I trust them. 

I think Yuzuru's feeling is so complicate, and we can't guess much base on his words. But he's very young and smart, he's only 23 and he can do or start anything he want at that age ( Gosh I feel old ....:cry:

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3 hours ago, PapiandPooh422 said:

Guys, he also knows that we're in the brink of death back then. We are loved! :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:

We were barely alive, surviving by subsisting on a single great white shirt from the summer. 


I do not know if Yuzu thought a lot beyond pyeongchang, so he might be rewriting his plans. A very significant part of me thinks he might go till 2022, as he mentioned dominating no matter how rules change. What better way than winning more medals, maybe even ogm, to prove that? Even so, until he says it, I think given his love for skating and competing, I trust he will be back. 

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22 hours ago, Elle said:

Yuzu looks so young, but then I look at hyis pics from years ago and I'm like: okay, he did grow up.


I thought i had time traveled at the olympics, bc there he somehow looked several years younger again :embSwan: His maturing is so subtle, and it's reversed at times. 


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1 hour ago, Bilge said:

yuzuru: last season, there was a part of me that was satisfied when i landed the loop, but if little me saw that, he'd probably say "what are you so pleased with?"


the little yuzu is scary


I feel like kids are like that though, like a more intense and demanding version of their adult selves. They don't see any limits or boundaries, and anything seems achievable. Heck, kid me was like that too- I had very big expectations for my adult self :tumblr_inline_n18qr64W7F1qid2nw:


But obviously, considering how intense adult yuzu is, kid yuzu was definitely a force to be reckoned with :hachimaki:

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1 hour ago, dotsquare said:


I feel like kids are like that though, like a more intense and demanding version of their adult selves. They don't see any limits or boundaries, and anything seems achievable. Heck, kid me was like that too- I had very big expectations for my adult self :tumblr_inline_n18qr64W7F1qid2nw:


But obviously, considering how intense adult yuzu is, kid yuzu was definitely a force to be reckoned with :hachimaki:

I bet he wanted 2 times OG (which he did) 6 worlds and never lose because why not

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