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Someone here mentioned that out of all the individual figure skating events, the men's event was the only one where the victor's score is truly decisive. So I went looking for the scores of the champions of the other disciplines and whoa! Like, it was so close! There's a bit more of a gap between silver and bronze but gold and silver were all like less than 2 points! Then in the men's event it was only between the silver and bronze medalists where the fight was a close one. Hanyu may as well be a non-factor and Uno's silver is about as good as a gold by the difference standard in this cycle's Olympics. >_< No wonder all the silver medalists seemed kuyashii (some more than others) while Uno seemed a lot less so. His coach seemed super pleased and surprised, even.


If anyone were to ask me what I think of this as a Hanyu fan, I'm going to have to go with "no comment" because enough said.

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13 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

Someone here mentioned that out of all the individual figure skating events, the men's event was the only one where the victor's score is truly decisive. So I went looking for the scores of the champions of the other disciplines and whoa! Like, it was so close! There's a bit more of a gap between silver and bronze but gold and silver were all like less than 2 points! Then in the men's event it was only between the silver and bronze medalists where the fight was a close one. Hanyu may as well be a non-factor and Uno's silver is about as good as a gold by the difference standard in this cycle's Olympics. >_< No wonder all the silver medalists seemed kuyashii (some more than others) while Uno seemed a lot less so. His coach seemed super pleased and surprised, even.


If anyone were to ask me what I think of this as a Hanyu fan, I'm going to have to go with "no comment" because enough said.


Also interesting to note that the other disciplines all required world records to factor into the scoring in some sense.  While they were stingy with the men we still got this point gap. 

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Me today trying to explain to people around me why figure skating isn't just about the jumps. And even when there are jumps, it's not just about landing the jump. --> :tumblr_mdpjktkDxp1qdlkyg:


Them: . . . . .but he (the other skater) had more jumps / he didn't fall. And it still looks good /it all looks the same. I think you're just biased. 


Me:  :headdesk2: :4::yznotimpressed:

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2 hours ago, MrPudding said:

no wonder I've been seeing this charm a lot on my feed lol the power of the troll :muahaha:


That actually is a really pretty charm and I kind of want one now!


@cinemacoconut I watched a couple of the videos and they are really nice quality! You've got a new sub. :glasses:

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20 minutes ago, OonsieHui said:

Me today trying to explain to people around me why figure skating isn't just about the jumps. And even when there are jumps, it's not just about landing the jump. --> :tumblr_mdpjktkDxp1qdlkyg:


Them: . . . . .but he (the other skater) had more jumps / he didn't fall. And it still looks good /it all looks the same. I think you're just biased. 


Me:  :headdesk2: :4::yznotimpressed:


Man am I lucky I don't have to go through that. The only ones that I (unavoidably) share about by interest in him are my sister and my mom. After asking me to show his Olympics perfs (I was smiling non-stop for 2 days) she just asked "He stumbled twice and he still won? So he's that good??"

Yes mom, he's that good :space:

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34 minutes ago, OonsieHui said:

Me today trying to explain to people around me why figure skating isn't just about the jumps. And even when there are jumps, it's not just about landing the jump. --> :tumblr_mdpjktkDxp1qdlkyg:


Them: . . . . .but he (the other skater) had more jumps / he didn't fall. And it still looks good /it all looks the same. I think you're just biased. 


Me:  :headdesk2: :4::yznotimpressed:

Do they skate? I don't skate, but I will not comment about the sport without knowing the technique and how its scoring. And I will never know how hard it is  :2: But I believe it must be very hard to skate. 


You should showing them that video where Max Ambessi and Angelo Dolfini explaining the jumps techniques. Perhaps they will change their mind. :laughing:

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1 hour ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

Someone here mentioned that out of all the individual figure skating events, the men's event was the only one where the victor's score is truly decisive. So I went looking for the scores of the champions of the other disciplines and whoa! Like, it was so close! There's a bit more of a gap between silver and bronze but gold and silver were all like less than 2 points! Then in the men's event it was only between the silver and bronze medalists where the fight was a close one. Hanyu may as well be a non-factor and Uno's silver is about as good as a gold by the difference standard in this cycle's Olympics. >_< No wonder all the silver medalists seemed kuyashii (some more than others) while Uno seemed a lot less so. His coach seemed super pleased and surprised, even.


If anyone were to ask me what I think of this as a Hanyu fan, I'm going to have to go with "no comment" because enough said.

Yep, a pretty decisive and undisputed victory! Although I think in all disciplines you really weren’t 100% sure of the final result until almost the end. Quite the exciting Olympics, I’d say I’m pretty happy with results all around (this is a huge understatement, I’m over the moon!). 

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8 minutes ago, kiches said:

Yep, a pretty decisive and undisputed victory! Although I think in all disciplines you really weren’t 100% sure of the final result until almost the end. Quite the exciting Olympics, I’d say I’m pretty happy with results all around (this is a huge understatement, I’m over the moon!). 

As long as Yuzu won I was going to be decidedly fine about anything else.  I would have been happy with either Aliona or Sui/Han winning (though a bit more for Aliona, being her 5th Olympics and all), and the Shibs medalling, so it's okay to me.

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7 minutes ago, MrPudding said:


i just read this on Dick Button's wiki page and :9:


Button had been attempting the double Axel jump in practice but had never landed it. In practice on the day before the free skating event, Button landed one in practice for the first time. He decided to put it into his free skating for the next day. Button landed it in competition, becoming the first skater in the world to do so


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