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General Yuzuru Chat

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1 minute ago, Hydroblade said:


The others don't have Pooh heads :)! The ultimate dream!

Omg Yuzu should skate to winnie the pooh. In a pooh onesie


Wasn't he horsing around with Misha during gala practice one time, and he did his little Pooh flourishes?

There you go, Misha, now go make it a full exhibition program. That needs to happen XD

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3 minutes ago, gladi said:


Practice Hanyus are the best Hanyu's!


2 minutes ago, Fay said:

I agree, we're the foundation any other Yuzu stands upon...


Mine is Yuzu in the hot spring...UA Yuzu is nice but I think I like mine the best...:laughing:

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23 minutes ago, Fresca said:


2) to score the least of what those type of talks will do to people who lurk/read through this thread to see if there is any news of Yuzu worth noting. 



23 minutes ago, Fresca said:

I'm not sure what you mean by the bolded part. If you could please explain a bit more that would be very helpful.

(I don't know how to properly quote, but I hope it's clear enough)


What I mean by the bolded part is that the conversation that sprung up after the newest tabloid cover, will at least confuse people who come to this general thread to see news of Yuzu. Some, like myself, will also be quite uncomfortable.


I understand that this thread is a continuation of the fanfest thread back at GS (admittedly, I was not there long enough to fully understand the general atmosphere of it). What I also understand is that because this is usually among the first threads visited in this forum, measures have been taken to minimise the possibility of making people uncomfortable (hence, for instance, the invisible conversation no longer exists here).


I do not mean to suggest that only useful chat should be welcome; what I do mean is that we do not post things that are sensitive and not generally accepted (and to an extent, when more users voice their opinion that a certain topic is making them uncomfortable, we then understand and stop doing it). And, going back to my assumption that this thread is among the firsts visited, what we post in here, imo, then determine how any user/lurker will take this forum in general. Thus, the 'credible reputation' part.


I could totally be wrong, tho. As in all my assumptions might be totally off. In which case, it's best to ignore me and move on:embSwan:


If there's any more comment on my posts about this topic, I will answer via pm, to avoid dragging this part. I hope that is ok.

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