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  On 2/17/2018 at 2:32 PM, Hanmgse said:

We just can't know that. People say if he didnt have that short he would have won BUT if he skated well in his short he probably wouldn't have had that long because remember he said he was able to give that permornace because he had nothing to loose. Had he still be a contender things would have been different. 


Let’s just make it simple as this: Had Yuzuru not been injured and skated well both SP and LP with his ideal layout (5 quads), he would have scored like 340 and the rest would eat dust. Nathan would be clean so what? 

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Yuzuru was the only man in the so-called "big five" (himself, Javi, Shoma, Boyang, Nathan) to not have any pop or fall in BOTH his programs. His mistakes - minor in comparison, and absolutely no mistakes in the short of course.


He did this with a gigantic ball and chain around his right ankle (both psychologically as defending champion who just re-started quad training 2 weeks ago and almost literally because of his ankle injury). He did this without two of his biggest BV weapons - 4Lz and 4Lo. 


If people want to talk about "what if" - What if the others faced Yuzuru Hanyu at his very best?


Honestly, people should stop being salty with all their "what ifs" and enjoy the fact that this Olys was one of the cleanest comps we've had in a long, cursed, hell of a season.

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sorry but I can't even be salty about all the what-if blah and spin-doctoring. At the end of all those discussions I just feel like "yes, yes, that is all very true, you are so right. Oh hey, remind me, I forgot, who exactly DID actually get that gold medal today? If only my memory were better...."


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