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2 minutes ago, xeyra said:


There are so many beautiful/hot people in FS, both ladies and men. Seems to be a sport that attracts a lot of pretty people.


Also this is the kind of sport that doesn't transform your body in an ugly way if you practice it too much.


I have to confess that I became Yuzu fan because of the beauty of his skating first. I started to find him really handsome much later.

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Just now, Floria said:


Also this is the kind of sport that doesn't transform your body in an ugly way if you practice it too much.


I have to confess that I became Yuzu fan because of the beauty of his skating first. I started to find him really handsome much later.

For me it was something simultaneous! :space:

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7 minutes ago, sublimeskating said:


yuzu is the most beautiful skater i ever seen

and i've seen many skaters

i've loved many skaters before yuzu and they all are unique and special and awesome in their own ways (yagudin, plushenko, johnny weir, etc.)

but yuzu is just so different to all of them - he has this delicate beauty that catches you and doesn't let you go

his skating is delicate and artistic and beautiful but so fierce and so strong - what an incredible combination!


:iagree: This is what attracted me in the first place.  

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Just now, Floria said:


Also this is the kind of sport that doesn't transform your body in an ugly way if you practice it too much.


I have to confess that I became Yuzu fan because of the beauty of his skating first. I started to find him really handsome much later.


My comment earlier about the aesthetics of him catching my attention first shouldn't be confused to just thinking him hot and then liking his skating after. Aesthetics in this sense is the way his non-stereotypical-masculine costuming combined with his body lines combined with his flow on the ice are so to my personal taste that I immediately sat up and paid attention. Sure, the first video of him I saw was PW and I liked his skating a lot there but wasn't particularly thinking 'I'm going to stan this guy'. Then I saw Chopin...

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8 minutes ago, Floria said:


Also this is the kind of sport that doesn't transform your body in an ugly way if you practice it too much.


I have to confess that I became Yuzu fan because of the beauty of his skating first. I started to find him really handsome much later.

Agree no more!! When I first saw his poster in Tokyo, I asked my Japanese friend is his FS costume always so fancy. Later, when I watched his seimei on Youtube, his skating was so stunning and beautiful as he is like a genie on the ice. Then, I began his fan now....

I love not only his brilliant skating skill but also his cute and shinny smile. Already melted my heart.....

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5 minutes ago, Floria said:


Also this is the kind of sport that doesn't transform your body in an ugly way if you practice it too much.


I have to confess that I became Yuzu fan because of the beauty of his skating first. I started to find him really handsome much later.

Agree with this- my daughter likes rugby players- now that's a sport in which you can tell at a glance which position the bloke plays in because of his physique.  It's ok when they're wearing the kit but when you see them in suits when they're off on tour they look completely ridiculous- and not in a cute way.

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I am not personally attracted to Yuzu (he is cute and adorable for me, but it comes from a platonic place), though I grew up loving boy bands (well, Backstreet Boys) and so I would have to see comments nonstop about how they were all gay and girly. So I guess in a sense it doesn't bother me. All ended up married with their own families. And if you add N'Sync to the mix the only gay one ended up being Lance. And that's a realistic representation in the world (I think stats are that LBGT people are typically 10% of the population, and of course there's bisexuality, varying degrees of it, and then people willing to be open about it). But one thing I do know is that Yuzu is completely comfortable in his own skin and has plenty of options available to him, so if anybody's bothered by that it's pure jealousy. 

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2 minutes ago, sublimeskating said:


the first time i show my mom yuzu's skating she remembered him ever since as "the beautiful boy who does incredible things on ice"

it's funny because that's how she describes him all the time now

when she hears me watching skating she asks if i'm watching the beautiful boy again (LOL)

whenever she hears my screaming (from watching competitions) she asks me if "the beautiful boy" won gold and/or broke any world records (LOL)

Omg SAME. My mother also refers to him as 'the guy with the Pooh bear' and 'the Pooh pooh guy'

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1 minute ago, the50person said:

Omg SAME. My mother also refers to him as 'the guy with the Pooh bear' and 'the Pooh pooh guy'


It's the opposite for me, when I always refer to Yuzuru as "my no. 1 fav guy" when i talk about him to my cousin, and my cousin will be like "yes i know, Yuzuru" *rolls eyes* 

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