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Thanks guys. Yuzu's smile really has an incredible effect. I hope we can see him happy again very soon, and that he can feel our support as a warm floofy blanket enveloping him, rather than being inside a scorching hot pressure cooker. 





[Skip it if you want lol, ot]


My grandpa seems to be better, he'll stay in the hospital for a while and everyone sounds calmer and they told me I can sleep now haha, but I came here because he got very very bad before I posted. My mom thought he wouldn't make it and her voice was shaking when she called me, so I got very very scared :/ but he's better than yesterday so I'll try to stay positive.


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1 hour ago, Lunna said:

Seems like a good time to upload some photos

@Hydroblade and everybody, hope this very cute and very embarrassed Swan will make your hearts squish from adorable memories <3 :embSwan:



More swan references....:13877886:


19 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Thanks guys. Yuzu's smile really has an incredible effect. I hope we can see him happy again very soon, and that he can feel our support as a warm floofy blanket enveloping him, rather than being inside a scorching hot pressure cooker. 

Well cats are therapeutic you know. Never said it didn't apply to space kittens. =) (check your inbox)

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19 hours ago, micaelis said:

I have mentioned this previously but I think it needs repeating, that while Yuzu was well taught by his parents the restraint he shows in his private life (with the exception of earphones) I feel it also should not be underestimated the impact the 2011 earthquake had on him.  He was literally fleeing for his life (at least he felt so threatened) from the ice of his rink when the earthquake hit and then spent three days with his family in an evacuation center.  He has mentioned in interviews that he almost quit skating then and for quite a while felt guilty that he was off training and competing when he felt he should be back home helping in the recovery.  I really feel that Yuzu probably sees his life as before the quake and after the quake because that was the single most important event in his life that he shares with his family and so many of his countrymen.  Also the effect on any individual, particularly one with the depth of feelings Yuzu has, the effect on one when faced with the very real possibility of death, well, that necessarily has a sobering effect.  I doubt that Yuzu spends a great deal of time thinking about that episode now, some seven years ago, but if you are ever wondering why Yuzu can be so ebullient at times and also so serious other times but always genuine with no affectations or arrogance, I'd place much of that at the doorstep of the 2011 earthquake.  


I too have always thought he was deeply affected by the 2011 earthquake. Lovely post. 

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12 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

I'm sorry for dragging personal issues here but my grandpa is very sick, he's in the hospital and I'm literally shaking because I'm nervous and worried. Please spam me with happy Yuzu before I throw up. I come here because Yuzu makes me smile, and I really need to calm down


I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa, Hydroblade. Sending him healing thoughts and you calming ones from the shores of Lake Michigan in Wisconsin.

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                                                                  cheers pooh 





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22 minutes ago, sallycinnamon said:


More story about his fans..


10 minutes ago, liv said:

Yuzu falls the most awkwardly? Really, Johnny? Have you seen Pogo?? :biggrin:


I think Johnny meant 'fabulous' :laughing:



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10 hours ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


Hmm. I don't think what I'm about to say warrants hiding but if it's the whole subject itself you find may be upsetting to people (and understandably so), then I shall comply.


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So what they're basically doing is hypothesizing that the entire existence of Yuzuru Hanyu is staged? Like a piece of fiction or something?


...*shrug* can't say I blame them. Guy is way, way, waaaay too good to be true.


See, if you write the guy's whole story and character--imperfections and all--down, you'd find that it reads as exactly that. A piece of fiction. A rather well-written one, I might add. So well-written in fact, that there have been many points where I've asked myself if he's not just a lovely and epic lie being told to us by the gods. Or if I'm somehow dreaming him up in the longest dream I've ever had.* Some are probably even convinced that one of these is fact because, well, there have always been exceptional athletes but at some point, most will still fit into a realistic mould or another that enables us to believe that they exist on the same plane as us. But Yuzuru Hanyu is one of the very rare few who simply won't fit no matter which hole you try to hammer him through, though if you were to overlay one of them empowering fictional stories with his, you will find quite a number of overlaps.


Anywho, I will happily accept this fantastic lie spun for us by the divine because, well, who doesn't like a good story? Granted, not everyone knows how to appreciate it, but let's not fault them for their inability. I, for one consider it a handicap. But unlike most other handicaps, this is a truly limiting one with no plus sides at all.


*I only manage to persuade myself that he's real because of all the fantastic failures and alarming injuries he's had, lol. Don't think I'm masochistic enough to dream those up. And being a godly fib doesn't prove he's not real, it only proves that he's a myth who refuses to stay a myth, which makes him one of a kind, so.




The only amusing thing I took away from that bewildering adventure is they are just as suspicious of Kikuchi-san as the Spanish (or is it the Russians?). 

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