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1 hour ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

Lol. So glad I'm not the only one not entirely sure of what he meant back there. 





I somehow never thought of this and now that you all have mentioned it, it does sound very plausible. I think I'm just gonna go with this. Case closed. For me, that is. 


While we're at it, mind if I picked your brains about what he said first thing after he sat down in the same k&c session? He said, "Finally I worked hard" (really slowly too, like he was struggling with every word) and I kinda just thought he meant to say his hard work has finally paid off but seeing all the different interpretations of the 10 points he implied he didn't manage to get made me think he could possibly mean something else altogether.

 I agreed with your point about his saying “ Finally I worked hard “, struggling because he was out of breath after the performance but definitely meaning his work paid off. He was aware surely that he just had the first clean skate of the season so he was proud that his work did reflected greatly here. I remember when someone asked him (on another occasion) if he practiced and he was indignant at the question and said he did. 

I still think he mentioning 10 points referred to his own WR. He was elated  about his clean skate ; would he feel Kuyashii about his SP skate or judging ? I don’t think so . :knc_yuzu2:

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I found an excerpt of a story about a girl who wants to be a skater and ends up stuffed inside a squirrel costume.

The squirrel's name is Zuzu but it's a female, and i lost it while reading these:


Nelda said that the person who regularly plays Zuzu had sprained an ankle on the way to the rink.


“Now, don’t be nervous, hon,” she reassured me. “Zuzu will handle all the cuteness for you. All you have to do is stay upright.” She gave me a big hug. “And thanks for

doing this. Zuzu’s fans would have been so upset if she had missed this party, and so would Zuzu.”


I couldn’t see Zuzu’s fans at first, but I could hear them dimly through Zuzu’s huge head. Dozens and dozens of skates were hissing across the ice toward me.


Suddenly Zuzu was in danger of being loved to death as children tugged from all sides.


Lillian Chin asked me a question, but all I could do was give a big Zuzu-style shrug and wave to the camera.


“My darling Zuzu!” he boomed. The music playing in the background must have inspired him, because he grabbed one of my paws and said, “I’ve had a crush on you, Zuzu, since I was a kid. How about a dance?”


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Sorry :offtopic:, but as promised, pics - not great quality, and not scans, because scans go beyond the boundaries of my self-imposed copyright rules lol - of the 2018 Yuzu calendars, both the desk one and the wall one on Google Drive (I was going to use imgur, but it refused to cooperate).


And as bonus and a bit silly, my Seimei colors themed Christmas Tree :peekapooh:




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19 hours ago, salty said:

im pretty sure he means that he wants to get more 10s on his program components


dammit i really wanted my first post here to happen when either yuzu or his competitors get a really fishy score and i wouldve gone and just posted :salty: and it wouldve been iconic but oh well i hope this means that there will be no fishy scores for the rest of the season


It is a fab name salty and welcome to the Planet! 

There's always plenty of opportunity to be salty around here, after all we were salty about his world record which is saying something, about him, and us. Not that we were wrong, mind you. Ahem.


Hopefully though, there won't be too much saltiness in the future indeed .... ah who am I kidding, come on, it's the Olympics. Get ready with the shaker :biggrin:

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3 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:



Are you trying for reverse psychology Hydro? As if we use them all now, the skating gods will look down on us poor tortured souls, and heap all the good to outweigh this miserable season, onto Yuzuru during the individual at PC? If so I'm in :biggrin:

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Just now, Yatagarasu said:


Are you trying for reverse psychology Hydro? As if we use them all now, the skating gods will look down on us poor tortured souls, and heap all the good to outweigh this miserable season, onto Yuzuru during the individual at PC? If so I'm in :biggrin:


OT but kinda related: i went for a blood test a few months ago and the results? I AM SALTY. My salt levels are quite high, according to my doctor it's a side effect of one of the medications i'm taking so i have to drink a ton of water until i stop taking it hahaha.

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5 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:


OT but kinda related: i went for a blood test a few months ago and the results? I AM SALTY. My salt levels are quite high, according to my doctor it's a side effect of one of the medications i'm taking so i have to drink a ton of water until i stop taking it hahaha.



Urk. 2 liters a day should be your standard anyway! Yes, drink drink drink. You take care of yourself!

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13 hours ago, SuzyQ said:


Isn't that basically "don't let him waste/don't let his talent go to waste"? And spoken in quite a friendly way too, so she definitely knew him-I think he was her teacher somewhere along the way (lol, yes, as if that wasn't obvious with her titling him a sensei).


6 hours ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

While we're at it, mind if I picked your brains about what he said first thing after he sat down in the same k&c session? He said, "Finally I worked hard" (really slowly too, like he was struggling with every word) and I kinda just thought he meant to say his hard work has finally paid off but seeing all the different interpretations of the 10 points he implied he didn't manage to get made me think he could possibly mean something else altogether.

Brian in some interviews has said that he used almost exact words on Yuzu during the practice before FS. Along with 'just trust your training' and 'don't overtrin, boy'. I guess Yuzuru finally came to accept that his coach is actually right? And wanted to say that himself? Though other interpretations are possible(and amusing as hell), too.


34 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:


OT but kinda related: i went for a blood test a few months ago and the results? I AM SALTY. My salt levels are quite high, according to my doctor it's a side effect of one of the medications i'm taking so i have to drink a ton of water until i stop taking it hahaha.


26 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:



Urk. 2 liters a day should be your standard anyway! Yes, drink drink drink. You take care of yourself!

Even with reminders set on my phone, making me drink a 1,5 litre a day is a miracle. I guess I'm gonna cheer on Hydroblade...

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11 minutes ago, Aotoshiro said:

Even with reminders set on my phone, making me dring a 1,5 litre a day is a miracle. I guess I'm gonna cheer on Hydroblade...

I'm a poor, unusual desert cactus. I drank a lot of water even before starting with the treatment haha. Even more after last year when i got sick and extremely dehydrated.

Going through 2L of water is pretty easy for me :tumblr_inline_mfy92hO4sm1qid2nw: (it does wonders for your skin too haha)

Now to keep it Yuzu related, i've seen him drink that weird colored drink (it was aminovital? i don't remember) and there was a backstage video where he was saying with a sliiiiight Miyagi accent (and he sounded so manly too lol) something like "i have to drink this bad tasting stuff" or something like that. Then i saw a recent video where he's taking a sip of the drink and he makes a >m< face. It seems he still hasn't gotten used to the flavour haahaha poor bb

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4 minutes ago, katonice said:

The latest ANA Ready for Takeoff feature on Yuzu made me check out any previous ones they had for him. In this one, released last season, he talks a lot about his love for music, and his earphones. But of course! :biggrin:



I am terrible and i'm being distracted by his arms, i am so so so sorry

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