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2 minutes ago, Pamyu said:

I wonder why there is such a deafening silence on how Yuzu is doing.......please tell us something JSF or TCC, or anyone?? :snonegai:


I'm kind of hoping JSF have heard from Hanyu and are just withholding news until after Nationals or the Gala, so that the focus will rightfully be about the skaters competing at Nats instead of Hanyu who can draw the media like moths to a flame even with his absence and the smallest update (I respected Nobu for only telling the media after GPF and Yuzu's WD that he contacted Yuzu for his birthday and got the update on his condition). Tbh, if Yuzu is announced to be on the Olys team, even with his absence at this year's Nats, you bet headlines will roll; a race between Shoma and Yuzu.


Btw, love the new banner! <3

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Also, I'm rewatching and rereading @¯\_(ツ)_/¯'s translation of his interview with Hodo Station after GPF 2015.


What he said about media attention is sad and very relevant for this situation as well, and this void (though in this case perhaps more self-imposed isolation) will thankfully spur him on for Olys.



On 5/7/2017 at 9:05 AM, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


You're all of 21 and people are wondering just how high up you'd continue to reach but going back to what you said just now, the world is indeed a fickle place. When you do exceptionally well, the mass media, us included, would hype everything up to the heavens but when you don't, it's like you no longer exist. Doing this for as long as you have, do you feel that's the case yourself?



I suppose I do. Last season after that win at Sochi, when I wasn't able to deliver with that mishap and injuries, the whole thing was about as well-covered as that initial period when I wasn't able to deliver and the blackout afterwards was almost like a void. Although, it did allow me some room to breathe and to concentrate on practice, it also lit a fire under me to work even harder.




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9 hours ago, MrPudding said:


I know many of you might be wondering why Yuzu was not made captain as he was the only Japanese athlete to win gold at Sochi and is the Japanese athlete with the highest profile at the games.  I don't know what the politics involved is but I can see a rationale here.  Being captain of the Japanese team mandates participation in the opening ceremony, a ceremony which usually involves an extended period of standing for the athletes.  The Japanese Olympic committee may have been thinking that that might not be advisable for him, wanting to avoid any periods of physical stress for Yuzu, considering his long hiatus.    Another reason is that they may have asked him but he declined, declining to be in the ceremony entirely, wishing to avoid any unnecessary physical stress before competing.  It's difficult to say why, but this might be an early indication that Yuzu is prepared to baby himself all the way up to getting on the ice to score points.

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^ About the team captain, I'm quite sure seniority is a huge factor in Japan, it has nothing to do with physical stress. I never care about team captain or flag bearer, Yuzuru has enough (even too much ) attention, he doesn't need more. 


I think we will get some news about him after National end. Probably early next week. Hopefully its a good news :'D


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RE: Nao Kodaira as Team Captain


I'm always happy to see a female athlete shine in the spotlight. Also, I don't know much about her, but she seems to be honored and highlighted at awards and team building events also in the media alongside Yuzu, and looking at her wiki she's as much of a high profile and deserving athlete herself even if we take away seniority (wiki >> Kodaira is the current world record holder in the team sprint and the sprint combination, as well as the current Japanese record holder on the 500 and 1000 metres distances. In 2017, she became the first Japanese woman to win an individual single distance world title :clap:).


I would have been happy if Yuzu got the role, I understand if he declined, but I would also even believe it and understand if JOC didn't offer him the role and chose Kodaira unanimously.


Also, don't know much about speed skating and if they have allotted spots like FS, but she must have already be named on the Olys speed skating team. JSF has not even named Yuzu to Olys at this point (although it's a no-duh).

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3 minutes ago, axelnojutsu said:

But you're not supposed to tell people what you wish for or it won't come true :peekapooh:

i thought that only applied when it was something you wished for yourself because telling it makes you feel like you already accomplished and thus you don't put as much effort to make it true...

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