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General Yuzuru Chat

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The new theme is lovelyyyy. Red is my color so i even like it more. 


Btw, how likely for him to join 4cc? Cuz he had record of not doing well after long break of injury im afraid it might not be good if he jumps right into pc. Some serious competition even if he loses might help to create right mentality for a big game. 

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I would (selfishly) love to see Yuzu at 4CC. I do think he needs a competition before Olys to get the rust out (the team event could serve.. but in a politikal world do you want to be showing your squeaky wheels to judges who will be judging you for gold just days later? the judges will be different, but they'll all be watching), but mainly because I want to see him as soon as possible!! Of course, I trust they will do what is best for him... it just may not be what is best for me, lol!!

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9 minutes ago, Sammie said:

Im thirsty for any news  :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

I wonder why there is such a deafening silence on how Yuzu is doing.......please tell us something JSF or TCC, or anyone?? :snonegai:

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