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1 hour ago, omurice said:

This season sucks... I really miss Yuzu ): I hope he's resting well in Toronto! I'm glad he and Keiji are keeping in touch :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


I was wondering for those of you in relationships, does your partner ever get jealous of how much you care about Yuzuru? My girlfriend often gets annoyed/jealous when I talk to her about Yuzu >< (I'm also a girl haha) I've told her that I'm just a fan, I have zero romantic interest in him and there's a lot of other people who are his fans too but she finds it hard to understand and says she'd rather me not talk to her about him. I'm sorry if this is off topic, feel free to move my post to a more relevant thread!! I wasn't sure where to put it and this has been weighing on me for a while, I'm quite sad that I can't share this part of my life with her. 

Awww... I'm sure she'll come around eventually! My husband just looks on indulgently as I babble about things he really has no interest in. Occasionally he throws in tangentially related anecdotes like 'Oh this tooth, I chipped it the only time I went ice skating. I didn't go again because, well, see, I chipped my tooth and I sometimes have a sense of self-preservation.' He starts talking about what's going on in his career mode in FIFA if I do it too much and then it's my turn to get glazed over eyes and nod along blankly while I replay H&L in my head. :laughing: He's used to how I really really get into something once my interest is piqued (we've been together a while now lol), though, and I know it's boring for him so I don't talk to him too much about figure skating. Or Yuzu. We argue over football instead. :biggrin: Maybe if you talk about your interest in the sport itself and about other skaters as well, she won't feel annoyed? Especially if you can get her interested in the juniors, there are such interesting performances among the young ones. Then it won't seem like gushing about Yuzu specifically, so much. 

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49 minutes ago, omurice said:


I've showed her several of his programs like H&L from this past world's... I mean she enjoyed the programs but sadly I don't think she's going to become a fan at this point. But this planet is definitely a great place and I'm glad I can relate to you guys as fellow Yuzu fans! @ruruzest I'm sorry to hear about your friend and that you stopped talking to your husband about Yuzu ): I definitely feel you...


@singcarcom She doesn't really have any people she really admires right now and I think that's part of why she can't understand. And yeah us being practically the same age as him doesn't help >0< That photoset of bb Yuzu is so cute though ahhh :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: Maybe I can show them to her one day! 

You could show her pairs or ice dancers. Especially the pairs females- they are such tough cookies, with some coming back from injury so soon to compete. Maybe if you add in some of the more "human" side of things she'll understand why you admire certain skaters. Start with non-Yuzu and then gradually build up the Yuzu stuff...it might be easier for her to like him, after she finds herself liking another skater?


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My husband came to terms with my crazy FS/Yuzu passion for some time now! He looks at my laptop sometimes and he's like: oh, you watch figure skating again! lol, he finds it kinda boring! But I find his football games kinda boring too so we are equals ... :laughing: He sees Yuzu more like a girl, saying he's too cute for a boy, and then I tell him: you know what? girls don't jump quads like Yuzu does so, no, he's not a girl, but he laugh at me saying maybe, but he looks like one ... so I try to show him SEIMEI, but he's still not sold out ... :laughing:

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1 hour ago, omurice said:

This season sucks... I really miss Yuzu ): I hope he's resting well in Toronto! I'm glad he and Keiji are keeping in touch :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


I was wondering for those of you in relationships, does your partner ever get jealous of how much you care about Yuzuru? My girlfriend often gets annoyed/jealous when I talk to her about Yuzu >< (I'm also a girl haha) I've told her that I'm just a fan, I have zero romantic interest in him and there's a lot of other people who are his fans too but she finds it hard to understand and says she'd rather me not talk to her about him. I'm sorry if this is off topic, feel free to move my post to a more relevant thread!! I wasn't sure where to put it and this has been weighing on me for a while, I'm quite sad that I can't share this part of my life with her. 


I also share about yuzuru to my gf. She is very excited everytime I watch or talk about him...for a reason. She said its hillarious to see me fanboying :dry::dry:

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2 часа назад, omurice сказал:

This season sucks... I really miss Yuzu ): I hope he's resting well in Toronto! I'm glad he and Keiji are keeping in touch :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


I was wondering for those of you in relationships, does your partner ever get jealous of how much you care about Yuzuru? My girlfriend often gets annoyed/jealous when I talk to her about Yuzu >< (I'm also a girl haha) I've told her that I'm just a fan, I have zero romantic interest in him and there's a lot of other people who are his fans too but she finds it hard to understand and says she'd rather me not talk to her about him. I'm sorry if this is off topic, feel free to move my post to a more relevant thread!! I wasn't sure where to put it and this has been weighing on me for a while, I'm quite sad that I can't share this part of my life with her. 

My friend was used to me venting about Yuzu from time to time but she is a fan of another sport herself so she listens patiently :laughing: but lately she is busy with family so I try not to bug her much thanks to the Planet and friends I made at comps :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid: so be patient with her cuz if she wasn't a fan herself once it's really hard to relate to and come here if you feel like talking about Yuzu :smile:

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10 hours ago, omurice said:

I was wondering for those of you in relationships, does your partner ever get jealous of how much you care about Yuzuru?

I have no significant other and I'm unlikely to get one at my age (70) but I wonder though, since almost everyone on this forum seems to be female, are there many male fans of Yuzu?  I was drawn to him originally because of the sheer mastery of movement he has.  As a lifelong fan of ballet I found his abilities quite the equal of Nureyev and Baryshnikov and (more recently) Roberto Bolle.  One thing, though, that impresses me more than his skating abilities is how he's managed to be backed by a number of choreographers who have put together programs that have him continually skating on the edge of what he can do, a factor that accounts for his sometimes lapses when he's going after the points.  That's the greatest thing about him.  He doesn't skate 'safe'.  As to my earlier point, there are times when I feel rather lonesome in this crowd here, wondering who out there is a male of the species.  I'm sure there are some but it would be interesting to find out why they are Yuzu fans.  For me, it's that he's the equal of any danseur (male dancer) I've ever observed over the years and, in fact, there's no ballet male dancing right now whom I would consider the equal of Yuzu.

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