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2 minutes ago, sublimeskating said:


thank you for explaining!  <3

but what does "MAD" stand for?

why is it called MAD?

i can understand if it's MV = music video...?

and it's wonderful that fans are making videos to show their support! :2thumbsup:

So after looking it up on the net, MAD comes from the Japanese phrase "Kichigai Tape", or "Tape of Madness". I believe these tapes were recognized as the first videos to contain re-edited, mash-up segments of video clips and stuff (I am not sure how accurate this is). The tapes were made by Japanese university students in the 1980s. Another term you may be familiar with is AMV, which is Anime Music Video. The two terms are used interchangeable these days.

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1 hour ago, getsurenka said:

After everything that had happened these couple of days, I thought I will share this MAD with you. I had heard it when I first became a fan and was catching up on Yuzu's history, now I find it quite fitting for such challenging times. The lyrics in this MAD were edited and re-sung by the team who created this MAD in order to fit Yuzu more appropriately, so I think as fans we can all relate to the message. 

I am quite limited in the Chinese language, so I can only roughly translated what I thought the words mean. If there are any mistakes, feel free to correct me.

https://www.bilibili.com/video/av7024733/  (Please watch the video too; it is really moving.)


Thank you so much for sharing!!! And your translation is great! I teared up when watching the video...Yuzuru's presence in this world is such a blessing :tumblr_inline_n18qr8XewT1qid2nw::tumblr_inline_n18qr8XewT1qid2nw::tumblr_inline_n18qr8XewT1qid2nw:



1 hour ago, ICeleste said:

I've come across this spectacular fanvid and I can't help tearing up...  I swear the song was written about him



Thanks for sharing too! It's so beautiful...:tumblr_inline_n18qr8XewT1qid2nw::tumblr_inline_n18qr8XewT1qid2nw::tumblr_inline_n18qr8XewT1qid2nw:

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8 minutes ago, Xen said:

So the stupid question to Raf. Artyunian was from NYT? Classy, NYT, classy. 


i take back that part where i said there was  a 50% chance of them fucking this up bc they are so ~renowned~ 

they only care if there's a chance for an American gold medal. Yay a great rival has season ending injury!!1!! More medals for USA!!! USA! USA! 




The joke will probably be on us, we haven't earned good a lot of goodwill for these upcoming games as of late.

#MAGA - the 2018 Olympics version - Special FS edition

or #MASA - Make America Skate Again (which we haven't since the 1990s)

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2 minutes ago, kaerb said:

A reminder for everyone to not freak out too much about news articles speculating on his injury (because there are some floating around twitter) and to be wary that news websites are going to be milking hypotheticals about recovery times etc. to get clicks. 




I’m not worried about it. He’ll be fine. The only worry is 4lz when he’s only landed it once in competition. But his specialty is miracles so I’ll leave that up to him and TCC. 


(I’d be very calm about all this if I hadn’t spent my life savings on it.)

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Just now, kaerb said:

A reminder for everyone to not freak out too much about news articles speculating on his injury (because there are some floating around twitter) and to be wary that news websites are going to be milking hypotheticals about recovery times etc. to get clicks. 



Cannot stress this enough.


Trust me, there will be a million and then some pieces that rewrite that quote from Briand, then find an old quote from Yuzu and paste that in without being quite crystal clear when it's from, comments from random doctors or people who have had ligament injuries about how long it *might* take for him to get better and how bad it might be. This will get clicks, and it will fill a page with a couple of photos - one from the fall, another in costume.


When you read an article, look for:

  • Where's the quote
  • Who's it from
  • Is it a direct quote
  • When was the quote given.

If you see there's no new information and no update once you answer those questions, ignore it. It's a recycled clickbait fluff piece. There will be weasel words like 'apparently', 'seems', 'it appears' and the like to give them wiggle room. There's no legal implications here or I would add 'allegedly'. Unless it's from a journalist you trust who has reasons for not revealing their sources, don't take any of these pieces seriously.


The actual direct quotes we have say that he was able to walk and jump, and he withdrew on doctor's advice. What we saw with our own eyes was that he walked off under his own steam after the fall, and he managed to do his spins during run through. Until and unless we get more information from his team, we have every reason to be hopeful that it isn't nearly as bad as it might have been.

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8 minutes ago, kaerb said:

A reminder for everyone to not freak out too much about news articles speculating on his injury (because there are some floating around twitter) and to be wary that news websites are going to be milking hypotheticals about recovery times etc. to get clicks. 



Yeah, so far the only comment from his coach Briand is that his injury isn’t too serious. I hope it means he will heal very fast. Maybe the doctor told the team that, then who are we to say his injury is worse. It’s irresponsible.

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40 minutes ago, kaerb said:

A reminder for everyone to not freak out too much about news articles speculating on his injury (because there are some floating around twitter) and to be wary that news websites are going to be milking hypotheticals about recovery times etc. to get clicks. 



Saw some japanese posts on twitter with translations and immediately came here to see what was going on. This was one of the first things I saw so thank you.

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