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Wow, what a morning. First I was super happy to see airport pics and medals (they're ok IMO, but Sochi ones were masterpieces so they looks weak in comparison). Then I read about his knee and I'm a little bit concened, but I trust they know what they're doing- well, it's mostly my trust in Brian :laughing: Thanks God they will be streaming senior OPs this year, so we will see how is Yuzu doing :yes2:

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4 minutes ago, Pamigena said:

I'm just not going to panic about any injuries until there's a reason to. At least they recognized that they need to take it easy for a while. Without any further information, I kind of see Brian's comment just as him playing the media. They guy spent the last four weeks telling people that if the Olympics were next week, Yuzu would be in perfect condition for it. Sounds like he's only adjusting expectations so that nobody waits for any miracles in this competition. (it's Oly season. The media won't got easy on him. So I guess it's probably better to put this bit of information out there to put things into perspective)


Slight correction, Brian said that during the two days of media practice back in August. The magazines he said them to may only have come out or been translated in the past month or so but it's not like he's been saying that for the last four weeks. I agree pointing this out is helping adjust expectations, especially if Yuzu does bring in less quads than the ones on his 5-quad planned layout.

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3 minutes ago, xeyra said:

Slight correction, Brian said that during the two days of media practice back in August. The magazines he said them to may only have come out or been translated in the past month or so but it's not like he's been saying that for the last four weeks. I agree pointing this out is helping adjust expectations, especially if Yuzu does bring in less quads than the ones on his 5-quad planned layout.


well yes, true, but I've sure been reading/hearing it constantly over the last few weeks, so it kind of feels the same to me :laughing:

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As soon as I saw those photos of Yuzu arriving in Montreal I knew that something was wrong--he doesn't look happy in them at all. Then I came here and found out why. :Sad:


Not being able to practice before the first comp of the season must be so hard for him.


But on the positive side, I agree with those of you who think his relationship with Brian is excellent now. I work in academic medicine (education of medical students & residents) and so find skater/coach interactions fascinating. I've closely watched the Yuzu/Brian relationship develop over the years and they are definitely the closest I've ever seen them. :cheer:



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6 minutes ago, xeyra said:


Slight correction, Brian said that during the two days of media practice back in August. The magazines he said them to may only have come out or been translated in the past month or so but it's not like he's been saying that for the last four weeks. I agree pointing this out is helping adjust expectations, especially if Yuzu does bring in less quads than the ones on his 5-quad planned layout.

Folks on Chinese anonymous forum (who claimed to know an insider at CC) indeed said Yuzuru's not in his best shape right now quite a while before the Japanese media. But it's like 2 Channel when everyone can hide their identity so there is no way to confirm it. 


We shall see Yuzuru's watered down layout by practice tomorrow anyway. I will be very glad if we see less than 5 quads in the LP but maybe he will just skip some jumps so we can not tell his layout.

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Hello friends, it's a glorious Thursday :10742289:


Does my not so little eye spot worried faces? *hands over chocolate and points to wine stash*

Seriously though, it's fine. This is Autumn classic, he wouldn't be here if it was something big. There is no way Brian or he would gamble with that in the Olympic season. He would be tucked in at TCC with people fussing over him. As he's here and actually skating, it's nothing major at all.

Good thing is that he's open about whatever ails him, he takes advice over how to handle it and honestly, I doubt very much that this is overtraining. These things happen on a regular basis. You should have seen my thigh one day after some skating and it was the stupidest thing ever too, I was just thon thon-ing along when I went down. Never mind what he does. 


So! Yay! ACI! New costumes and Yuzuru time :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

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2 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:

Hello friends, it's a glorious Thursday :10742289:


Does my not so little eye spot worried faces? *hands over chocolate and points to wine stash*

Seriously though, it's fine. This is Autumn classic, he wouldn't be here if it was something big. There is no way Brian or he would gamble with that in the Olympic season. He would be tucked in at TCC with people fussing over him. As he's here and actually skating, it's nothing major at all.

Good thing is that he's open about whatever ails him, he takes advice over how to handle it and honestly, I doubt very much that this is overtraining. These things happen on a regular basis. You should have seen my thigh one day after some skating and it was the stupidest thing ever too, I was just thon thon-ing along went I went down. Never mind what he does. 


So! Yay! ACI! New costumes and Yuzuru time :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

You are so... sane and comforting. I feel like Nanny Ogg just told me things are going to be fine. (Not that I'm saying you're Nanny Ogg, she's just the most comforting character I've ever come across in fiction.)


Yes, I'm sure they'd never risk him for a competition like ACI if they weren't all sure he could handle it, even if it's a simplified layout. DEfinitely not Olympic season.

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3 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

You are so... sane and comforting. I feel like Nanny Ogg just told me things are going to be fine. (Not that I'm saying you're Nanny Ogg, she's just the most comforting character I've ever come across in fiction.)


Yes, I'm sure they'd never risk him for a competition like ACI if they weren't all sure he could handle it, even if it's a simplified layout. DEfinitely not Olympic season.


I have absolutely nothing against Nanny Ogg, on the contrary! :10742288:


I can panic with the best of them, you have not seen that mode just yet, but I am honestly completely zen about all this. 

And I actually think Yuzuru looks ticked off and not worried in those few pics so that actually gives me comfort as well. 


I genuinely think everything is just fine and they are being smart about things, and by the time CoR comes, he'll be back to perfectly normal. New costumes, yay! :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

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18 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:

Hello friends, it's a glorious Thursday :10742289:


Does my not so little eye spot worried faces? *hands over chocolate and points to wine stash*

Seriously though, it's fine. This is Autumn classic, he wouldn't be here if it was something big. There is no way Brian or he would gamble with that in the Olympic season. He would be tucked in at TCC with people fussing over him. As he's here and actually skating, it's nothing major at all.

Good thing is that he's open about whatever ails him, he takes advice over how to handle it and honestly, I doubt very much that this is overtraining. These things happen on a regular basis. You should have seen my thigh one day after some skating and it was the stupidest thing ever too, I was just thon thon-ing along went I went down. Never mind what he does. 


So! Yay! ACI! New costumes and Yuzuru time :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

Great point that he wouldn't be there if it was serious! I actually hadn't considered that ^_^;


And I also agree, he looks annoyed/angry rather than worried... Evil Overlord mode on...


As for the medals, I wonder if they're so simple because they will add specific category engravings? So they actually won't be quite so simple in the end? I can't say I love them, but as someone compared them to 2016 GPF... anything's better than that lol

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58 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

Haha, this guy is as outspoken as they come. He's as much as admitted it and he's even said it's the least Japanese part about him, which is why he compensates for it in other ways (excessive bowing, being ultra polite, being careful to not take things and people for granted, his SEIMEI program...these are all things he's said himself btw. I didn't make them up.). I doubt cultural differences, in this area at least, were ever as huge a factor for him as it would be for others. He probably found it very ironic, even, that here he is in a country with a culture where he can run his mouth off as much as he wants without risk of backlash or repercussion buuuuut to cash in on it, he'd first have to learn to speak the language well enough, which is a field of study that's reeeeally not his forte. Heck, he couldn't even score as high in Japanese as his other subjects like he thought he could. LoL!


So yeah, I surmise that he sucked at it at TCC because his English sucked. He couldn't say what he really wanted to say in it and probably chose to clam up and avoid doing it altogether until he could put it off no longer. It's not like he can use a translator at all his practices. In Japanese, he's *very* articulate and precise. He's so articulate he leaves no doubt in the listener's mind when he speaks. Which his dissenters wilfully and obstinately misinterpret as arrogance. If Brian understood Japanese, he'd no doubt be getting an earful day in and day out.


I think his English has probably improved a lot since but it's likely still not at a level where he can sufficiently articulate his thoughts, of which there is a lot and very deep. And he's never been keen enough in the language arts to find a way around it. Trust me, he's not. I am, and I can spot someone who isn't from a mile away. He has a passing interest but that's it. His continuing effort to speak in English at interviews and presscons, while admirable, is more due to his character rather than an innate interest in it. But I think regardless of his interest, or lack of it, he realized he has to find a way to communicate anyway and when he did, it resulted in better communication all around.

I always wish I could somehow convey the gaping chasm between how Yuzu comes across in Japanese versus English because it kills me that Western media still perceives him essentially as a very polite, lowkey/meek boy and still get shocked when he shows a bit of that fire or personality. Honestly, he'd be even more loved if he let his Extra-ness and weird-ass humour shine a bit in English, the same way I imagine he gets criticised in Japan for it. I'm glad he's found an environment and coaching approach that encourages and nurtures his opinionated side and his quirks instead of suppressing it as they would likely do in Japan. While I do get the sense the coaches may still not fully appreciate just how much he thinks, it seems like they've found a middle ground which is promising. 


Anyway, calm down everyone. I know it's doubly bad because we've been deprived of 'true' Yuzu content for an off-season but just trust in Yuzu and Brian and their strategy ; u ; (also, new costumes yay!)

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22 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:


I have absolutely nothing against Nanny Ogg, on the contrary! :10742288:


I can panic with the best of them, you have not seen that mode just yet, but I am honestly completely zen about all this. 

And I actually think Yuzuru looks ticked off and not worried in those few pics so that actually gives me comfort as well. 


I genuinely think everything is just fine and they are being smart about things, and by the time CoR comes, he'll be back to perfectly normal. New costumes, yay! :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

Ruffles! Frills! Sparkles! It must be fun to do costumes for him. But he probably micromanages terribly. :laughing:

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I slept through all the drama in the planet, lucky me.


I am not worried one bit, Brian and Yuzu would not take the risk for a senior B competition, especially not in the Olympic season. Also, let us all remember that Yuzuru listened to Brian when he told him to leave practice early last season at Worlds even though he was at his most frustrated. I don't see him being stubborn now and ignoring Brian when it is just ACI.


I think they are being smart and trying to manage expectations which is the best things they can do after Lombardia. All Yuzu needs to do it to have a good enough performance to set his base PC for the season, everything else can come later.


Go Yuzu :cheer:

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4 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

Ruffles! Frills! Sparkles! It must be fun to do costumes for him. But he probably micromanages terribly. :laughing:


He most definitely does. I'd probably be having steam coming out of my ears. After all, 33-Seimei cuts! I can just imagine him going - this stone needs to be moved here - points at a place 1mm lower.

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