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Just now, yuzuuu said:

can I just ask... how do I prevent my meringue from shrinking? T.T I feel like i'm already doing everything right.... 

I... don't know? Mine haven't done that, so... Maybe it's something to do with altitude or humidity or something? Souffles have a time limit and then will sink, inevitably, but haven't had it happen with meringues. I have scorched them plenty of times, though.

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12 minutes ago, sublimeskating said:


hi ralu!  :grouphug:  i've been a bit out of the loop but trying to catch up with all the news i missed!  really looking forward to seeing everyone's new programs + costumes!


yuzu always has very beautiful costumes so i really look forward to see how he will surprise us!


Welcome back! I was wondering why this thread hadn't descended into Boyang gushing for awhile! :laughing: Only a few days until we're blinded by new sparkles!

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12 minutes ago, sublimeskating said:

ACI is on at weird time for me too cuz of time zone differences so i feel all your pains!!!


anyway, about the yuzu haters, i just ignore them because nothing they say can change how i feel.  i rather spend that time appreciating beautiful skating than dealing with unreasonable haters...

I'd be the same too usually. but recently lots are spreading misinformation and it's so hard for me to ignore that. I even had a friend (who's a non-FS fan) asking me certain stuff abut yuzu and others that's completely false but she thought it was true because of the misinfo. =.=

one of the funniest was when someone said on a pic of Shoma's cantilever that it is the most beautiful layback Ina Bauer...

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3 minutes ago, sublimeskating said:

ACI is on at weird time for me too cuz of time zone differences so i feel all your pains!!!


anyway, about the yuzu haters, i just ignore them because nothing they say can change how i feel.  i rather spend that time appreciating beautiful skating than dealing with unreasonable haters...

Very wise.


And sensible.


Not like we need extra reasons to get high blood pressure, Yuzu gives us plenty already.

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6 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

I... don't know? Mine haven't done that, so... Maybe it's something to do with altitude or humidity or something? Souffles have a time limit and then will sink, inevitably, but haven't had it happen with meringues. I have scorched them plenty of times, though.

you know the disappointment when you see them expand so beautifully then you take them out of the oven and they sink to the bottom T.T worse I have no idea why. 

sorry for being so off topic ^^;;

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20 minutes ago, yuzuuu said:

exactly. many of the times when I ask them to explain/support their opinion, they just respond with a "he's just bad' etc kinda thing. I mean why is he bad or so? none can truly explain their stance. it seems like hating just for the sake of hating. but when I make constructive criticism with supporting evidence. they be like "-the fave- is really good alright, wth r u trying to say?' like they can't respond to me logically, instead they start targeting me as a person/fanyu. =.= 

sorry about starting this topic too. it's just soo much of these recently I feel like I'm gonna implode. 

That is really the point of this place.  I spent years looking at skating stuff on the internet without ever posting any comments or joining anything until earlier this year when the annotated version of the WC winning free skate came out and got a lot of really OTT criticism.  It annoyed me so much that I signed up and began to post because I thought it was a great resource, which must have taken a lot of effort to do and I would have been interested to see similar versions of other skaters programmes.  Unfortunately there were people who just savaged it in a totally unconstructive and illogical way, which made me see red and got me involved in an online quarrel which is quite uncharacteristic of me and would startle the people who know me ( luckily none of them cares about FS!)


So since May I stay here- I occasionally look at other places but click off when it starts getting unpleasant, and I only ever post here.  We may have disagreements but there isn't the knee jerk vitriol that I've seen elsewhere.

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2 hours ago, ruruzest said:

Today when I was talking to one teacher in the classroom about my trip to Canada  ( like a thousand times already   :smiley-happy105: gushing about Yuzu) suddenly he turned around and told the students to do some research on Yuzu and print out his picture too as homework today !!!!!  And of course I made a little speech right there enlightening the wth - is-going - on students about Yuzu. :sadPooh:, hopefully I can convert some of these 8th graders to fanyus then my life is complete  :sadPooh:

ACI here I come. :smiley-happy085:

Wow! Just wow! :clap:

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35 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:


That is really the point of this place.  I spent years looking at skating stuff on the internet without ever posting any comments or joining anything until earlier this year when the annotated version of the WC winning free skate came out and got a lot of really OTT criticism.  It annoyed me so much that I signed up and began to post because I thought it was a great resource, which must have taken a lot of effort to do and I would have been interested to see similar versions of other skaters programmes.  Unfortunately there were people who just savaged it in a totally unconstructive and illogical way, which made me see red and got me involved in an online quarrel which is quite uncharacteristic of me and would startle the people who know me ( luckily none of them cares about FS!)


So since May I stay here- I occasionally look at other places but click off when it starts getting unpleasant, and I only ever post here.  We may have disagreements but there isn't the knee jerk vitriol that I've seen elsewhere.

Yeah, that's the thread I saw and ran away.


I understand subjectivity. I understand 'Yeah, fine, he's just not the kind of skater I like' type of sentiment. Sure, great. I hate peanut butter and I know people who hate chocolate. I'll bake them peanut butter cookies, even. I honestly haven't fallen for Evgenia's skating because the Tanos and (to my eyes) the slightly jarring-to-choreography steps before jumps don't appeal to me. But I do know that my personal feeling notwithstanding, she's an exceptional skater, and that her strategy makes the most of the scoring system, and isn't really a reflection on her skating skills.


I wish they'd have a similar sentiment about skaters they don't like. Even if it's Yuzu.


Ugh I haven't been on this planet long enough to achieve zen about this, apparently. *deeeeeeep breaths* *let go*

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1 hour ago, yuzuuu said:

you know the disappointment when you see them expand so beautifully then you take them out of the oven and they sink to the bottom T.T worse I have no idea why. 

sorry for being so off topic ^^;;


I may not be entirely correct but my father's a chef and I tried to learn everything from him - it might be because the meringues aren't completely done yet. The oven should be at the lowest of temperatures (100° celsius) and the meringues should take aprox. 1 hour, but depending on their sizes they could take a little more or a little less. When the baking time is done, don't pull them out of the oven right away. This will create a temperature trauma, and even if the meringues are completely done, they may react like you saw! So, after the baking time is up, turn the oven off and leave the meringues in there, possibly with the oven door slightly open (not completely open), for 10 to 20 minutes. This might avoid the trouble. 

If you do this and they still sog at the center, maybe there is some problem in the preparation of the meringue before putting them in the oven c: 


*And this FS international forum has just turned into an international Baking Forum. Srry*

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18 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

Yeah, that's the thread I saw and ran away.


I understand subjectivity. I understand 'Yeah, fine, he's just not the kind of skater I like' type of sentiment. Sure, great. I hate peanut butter and I know people who hate chocolate. I'll bake them peanut butter cookies, even. I honestly haven't fallen for Evgenia's skating because the Tanos and (to my eyes) the slightly jarring-to-choreography steps before jumps don't appeal to me. But I do know that my personal feeling notwithstanding, she's an exceptional skater, and that her strategy makes the most of the scoring system, and isn't really a reflection on her skating skills.


I wish they'd have a similar sentiment about skaters they don't like. Even if it's Yuzu.


Ugh I haven't been on this planet long enough to achieve zen about this, apparently. *deeeeeeep breaths* *let go*

Well it's taken the rest of us the summer to cool off- the first month was a mixture of elation at the way this forum was taking off and venting a lot of angry frustration - very appropriate really considering the object of our admiration - very 'kuyashii'!

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