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Many thanks to @gladi as always. :7938863: This must've been a monster to translate and well worth the read.



Yuzuru needed to go into the Olympics as world champion anyhow, and I think it was very important [that he got the title]. See that display over there? It has the names of all the Olympic medalists and world champions [coming out of TCC], and Yuzuru spends quite a while in front of it. Before heading out to Helsinki, <|several times I saw him standing there, looking up. | He was probably imagining the board with his name engraved on it.> Now he’s doing the same thing again. This time he’s moved over to the Olympic display, staring at the names of the Olympic champions and medalists. Most likely, imagining his name written there. <He is already in the zone> and he feels a sense of purpose.


Yes! I think there were some comments about being world champion heading to the Olympics hasn't work out well in the past but let's not forget that Yuzu has always been different and defied expectations. He's someone who is confident enough to declare that he wants to be the "absolute champion." And I do feel that this Olympics is especially exciting for him. In Sochi it was mostly him and Patrick Chan battling it out but now we've got 5 other people (plus a couple of other skaters aside from the 'Big 6' that might surprise everyone) equally vying for the Gold. This is exactly the type of competition that he's striving for.



During summer training, it’s normal to train more experimentally, sort of like “Well, let’s try the 4Lz today” and “Today, the 4A.”


LOL at Brian just casually mentioning 4A like it's no big deal. I do feel that it's more of a case of 'if you're gonna do crazy jumps, do them in a controlled environment where I can see you.' If I remember correctly, when they did that long distance coaching back in 14-15 season, Brian gave instructions for practice and we all know how Yuzu followed that one... I think this is why Brian's seems more calm at ease with with everything. (I also think he's secretly excited to have Yuzu be the first to land a ratified 4A - he is Mr. Triple Axel after all! It'll be great if his student becomes Mr Quad Axel.  LOL)



I know there’ll be criticism, and that’s normal. If we do a new program, people would probably say “Mm, I’m not sure I like this.” And if we return to an old program, they would say, “It’s better not to return to an old program.” You’ll hear such criticism no matter which path you take.


I do feel that part of the media day they arranged at TCC is due to this. They know that Yuzu is held at such a different standard than any other skaters and will be heavily criticised for 'repeat programs' even though he's not actually the first skater to repeat a program during the Olympic cycle.



But––and I especially think so this year––he’s really grown up, and he’s gotten so much better at communication.


...We only sit and talk for about 10 minutes, but what’s different from before is that Yuzuru himself wants to come to me and talk. That makes me very happy.


...[Over the weekend] some time ago, we practiced new hydroblading technique.  We weren’t making much sound on the ice, and [the rink] was quite empty. <We tried other skaters’ variations, and Shae-lynn joined in as well (laughs). Since it is a move that Yuzuru has in his free program, he is of course very good at it.> Because what we were doing looked really interesting, several other skaters tried as well. So Yuzuru helped them––raise your hand like this, do it this way, lock your arms like this, and then do it here, raise the leg some more… It was difficult, but he was laughing a lot and enjoying himself.


It makes me very happy too Brian! It's also great to read about Yuzu and TCC in a non-training environment and him just having fun with everyone. I hope this means that he's starting to expand his view of TCC (and Canada) as not just his training/practice ground but a place to have fun and enjoy skating as well.

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Brian said he has noted how yuzu has really grown up this year: I think we all have been talking about that since we first saw him after the injury, and it continued all season.  the maturity was quite evident and I think we will remark upon it again once this season starts. It is nice to know that what Brian sees on a day to day level translates out to the viewing public. Seimei will be very different. 

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9 minutes ago, kaeryth said:

(I also think he's secretly excited to have Yuzu be the first to land a ratified 4A - he is Mr. Triple Axel after all! It'll be great if his student becomes Mr Quad Axel.  LOL)



I think he will be very proud when Yuzu will land it, yes c: But also, I think it has become obvious to us that Yuzuru will never have a name to truly represent everything that he gave and is giving to the sport. "Absolute Champion" comes very close, but still it's not enough! So when he will land 4A, it won't even be the greatest thing he has ever done. That's how good he is. 4A isn't even the best of him.

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Loved reading Brian's thoughts in that interview (big thanks to @gladi for translating the behemoth!). It's always nice to see how much he and the rest of the TCC team care about their skaters, how much effort they put into helping them achieve their goals and how proud they are to see them grow and Brian's "don't talk shit about my skater's recycled masterpieces programs or I'LL CUT YOU". I lol'ed XD. Seems like such a healthy, cozy environment to be in, especially considering the pressure that's out there on Olys season.


Once again, bless last season's Big Talk after Skate Canada. I still think that was a game changer for how Yuzuru and the coaching team communicate, and it shows :10742289:

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15 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


I think he will be very proud when Yuzu will land it, yes c: But also, I think it has become obvious to us that Yuzuru will never have a name to truly represent everything that he gave and is giving to the sport. "Absolute Champion" comes very close, but still it's not enough! So when he will land 4A, it won't even be the greatest thing he has ever done. That's how good he is. 4A isn't even the best of him.

That's why we need that looooong line of game of throne-ish name for him :xD: 

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16 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


I think he will be very proud when Yuzu will land it, yes c: But also, I think it has become obvious to us that Yuzuru will never have a name to truly represent everything that he gave and is giving to the sport. "Absolute Champion" comes very close, but still it's not enough! So when he will land 4A, it won't even be the greatest thing he has ever done. That's how good he is. 4A isn't even the best of him.


He needs not be anything more, anything less than Yuzuru Hanyu

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1 hour ago, OhYuzu said:

That's why we need that looooong line of game of throne-ish name for him :xD: 

I remember there was a post about it on tumblr during this off season :knc_yuzu2:


I am as always late to the "new footage" party, but I'm not so sad about this time. He left out most of the things I was curious about from this RT. Is there the end to his trolling? :sadPooh:  

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Deepest thanks @gladi for bringing us Brian's epic poem interview! You always do such an amazing job, I have no words (cit) :bow::goe: 

(guys we really need a +5GOE emoticon, just saying)


Oh wow, that was one long read, so many things I want to say! The overall impression I get is of warmth, assurance and genuine pride. It’s reassuring Yuzuru can train in such a good environment and receive the best support.

Now, as the interview was a behemoth, it's only fair my comment is going to be a bit of a behemoth too :laughing: sorrynotsorry



To Yuzuru, it was a title that he wanted heading toward the Olympics. In Javier’s case, had he won, it probably would have become very difficult for him. Although a 3-time successive world champion in that situation, he would have headed into the Olympics as a world champion. Now, that would have been enormous pressure. For Javi, I think he is in a more favorable position coming in as a dark horse. So I think it has actually <played out perfectly for both of them> and it’ll be a terrific battle.  

I agree Yuzu’s win was good for both him and Javi. Yuzu needed that result as the proof his efforts would be repaid (and I’d say the way he got that result was even more decisive), while Javi can now find himself as a chaser again, which worked better for him till now.



Yuzuru is also constantly challenging new jumps. 4A and 4Lz… although he doesn’t really do the 4F so much, and of course the Loop has gotten quite excellent.> During summer training, it’s normal to train more experimentally, sort of like “Well, let’s try the 4Lz today” and “Today, the 4A.” And so, there are still several weeks until we decide what to do with the new jumps. And, we’ll also have to decide what to do in February at the Olympics. At some point, we’ll have to settle on the jump layout.

To me this sounds as if the layout is still very fluid and likely they will adapt it as the season proceeds and some issues are answered (like Yuzu’s ability to raise consistency, other skaters’ plans and IMHO also that big question mark which is judging). Strategically it makes a lot of sense not to show all of your cards from the start. Though it makes me a bit more apphrensive.



At the World Championships {last season}, it was actually very interesting to be able to see the top skaters on the ice at the same time during official practice and six-minute warm-up. The difference in skating skills, ability, and maturity is clear. In my personal opinion, Javier and Yuzuru absolutely stand out

LOL at Brian forgetting poor Patrick (but then again, Patrick often happens to forget Yuzuru, so that's fair LOL). Though I would put Javi a little lower in the SS scale, tbh. But true, the uncles lead the pack (poor Yuzu, he's regarded as an uncle already even if he's barely reaching his prime as a skater, just because he happened to make a splash way younger than the others:laughing:).




And that leads to the high PCS and GOE for all the elements.

So, if Javier jumps his best 4T, he can easily receive +3. If Yuzuru does his best 4Lo, it’ll be +3. His 4S and 4S3T combination, easily +3 as well. Of course, his 3A is almost always +3. Moreover, Yuzuru is the best spinner in the world, so his spins always get +3. StSq is always exciting and dynamic, complex and difficult, so this too is always +3.


If only...:facepalm:

Brian is doing some healthy PR-ing here (for Javi too), which is good. Better remind them that everything Yuzuru does is max GOE material (I'm looking at you, judges! :animated-smileys-angry-033: How I wish they could read this interview).

Also, And best spinner... yeah, Brian is definitely doing some good promoting, and Yuzu deserves all of that. :knc_brian1:

Honestly it's a bit sad one has to remind people that Yuzuru is THE all-round skater. He is not only good at everything, he is the top in everything. He can have some company in this or that one category but...yeah, he is the best.


I feel pressure from only one thing––because I want to have them in the best condition possible. I want them to enjoy the process. I want them to skate their best, with the feeling that they are second to none. I want them to fully enjoy this thing that is the Olympics.

I think this is the best one can wish to his athletes.:clap:




<Q: Hanyu is doing Ballade No.1 for his SP and SEIMEI for his LP this season. What are the reasons for returning to old programs for both?>

Ballade No.1 and SEIMEI. We’ve been away from those two programs for a while. Last year’s programs, especially the short, carried the aim of developing new facet [of performance]. Everything was for the sake of growth. It was a challenging experience for him, doing it differently from how it’s been so far. In face of the Olympic season, when considering various strategies, skaters often return to programs of the past. In 1988, I went with a short program I’d used before and won. There’s not a single problem with doing a program you’ve used before.

When revisiting a program from the past, it is absolutely essential to be markedly better than before. Here, the minute he puts on the music, all the coaches––everyone––would go, “Oh, what a wonderful program!” So right off the bat, we felt very good about having made this decision. A very difficult decision, since everyone wants to see new programs, and that’s normal.


Of course the choice of double repeat is going to be questioned a lot and Yuzuru is going to be scrutinized even more because of it (that’s why it is actually quite gutsy imho), I’m glad all of his team is backing him up firmly.


Those judges were honored to have sat at the panel, they were proud of it. There are many judges in the world who wish to have the same experience, and would love to be on a panel in such a situation. Now at last, that chance has come back.

Ah Ah, that’s right, they should feel honoured.



when they see it once again, it becomes this program where they’ll probably go “Ah! I sure love this program.“

Don’t worry, already happened to me:10742290:


Isn’t it a special program that also means a lot to you? It’s a very emotionally intense piece––people want to find out what happens, what it means, et cetera. When I saw him skate, I thought, he is skating his soul.



No one has skated to these pieces at the Olympics, so they will become “the Olympic programs.”

They’re certainly not-warhorse and very distinctive. There is no one else that could skate to those two programs but Yuzuru.




I especially think so this year––he’s really grown up, and he’s gotten so much better at communication. Whenever the session ends, we would immediately sit down and talk with each other. How does the 4Lo feel, how does he feel about various things, how was physiotherapy going, how is his training progressing…

We only sit and talk for about 10 minutes, but what’s different from before is that Yuzuru himself wants to come to me and talk. That makes me very happy. Communication is the reason why I am here, and discussion is necessary. He is frank––especially with this being the Olympic year, we have to be straightforward and talk, no matter what it is. If he wants to get more out of me, he has to communicate with me. If he wants to be pushed harder, more aggressively, he has to communicate with me. We are now at the stage where we are doing that, and that’s great.


It looks like once again past issues were a push for getting stronger. Glad now Yuzuru feels at ease at sharing his views and giving and requesting feedback.:yes2:



Especially as the Olympics draw near and every one tenses up––so we asked Ann if we could hold a couple of these skating sessions. Focusing on skating skills, taking time for something like Theatre on Ice, enjoying skating from the heart. When you see him doing this, you get how important that is. Why? There are six months left right now until the Olympics. We can’t possibly zero in on that alone and chase that every day. He is not the type who takes a lot of time off, so when he is here, we have to think of ways for him to relax somehow.

yes please, don't let Yuzuru get too much super-focused.

And, Javi, drag him to your next spanish dinner, please.:laughing:



What we had to do, was for him to regain his self-confidence, to be conscious of the fact that there was no longer need to practice. He’s had plenty and enough training. That we trust the training we’ve accumulated up till this point. We told him that and it all went well. It wasn’t coincidental, he didn’t just happen to do well. We talked about how we wanted to approach the free––in what form, and how to practice. Yuzuru listened to what I said and didn’t miss a single word. I told him, “There is no need to prove to anyone that you can do a proper Salchow.” He always, even during official practices of the championships, gives off the feeling that he has to prove to the world. That’s why we stopped him. And, when the time came to prove his strength, he proved it.




See that display over there? It has the names of all the Olympic medalists and world champions [coming out of TCC], and Yuzuru spends quite a while in front of it. Before heading out to Helsinki, <|several times I saw him standing there, looking up. | He was probably imagining the board with his name engraved on it.> Now he’s doing the same thing again. This time he’s moved over to the Olympic display, staring at the names of the Olympic champions and medalists. Most likely, imagining his name written there.

LOL Yuzu looking at the plaque. Am I the only one who finds this adorable?:10636614:


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49 minutes ago, Dori6886 said:

I am as always late to the "new footage" party, but I'm not so sad about this time. He left out most of the things I was curious about from this RT. Is there the end to his trolling? :sadPooh:  

Nope. He's even spreading his trolling habits to his coaches...:13877886:

well, we only need to hang on till ACI

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Thank you again @gladi for the translation! I won't repeat anything anyone else said here, but reading it warms the cockles of my heart. And well, I guess Brian's adapted to this now-better let the Yuzu-train do crazy stuff in his sight than out of his sight. The hair's going to go anyways...

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