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3 minutes ago, PapiandPooh421 said:

Oh gosh reading your experiences... I'm really sorry. I kinda' get what your friends point are but at the same time I don't(you know what I mean?) My boyfriend even said Yuzu is an inspiration and a great person and coming from him it's a huge compliment. He's not easily impressed you see.. 


How does everyone here have time for boyfriends and girlfriends and husbands and wives? My love affair with ice takes up all my spare time.

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3 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


How does everyone here have time for boyfriends and girlfriends and husbands and wives? My love affair with ice takes up all my spare time.

and money. I have no disposable income, i only pay my bills and everything else is towards my travel fund for competitions :rofl:

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7 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

and money. I have no disposable income, i only pay my bills and everything else is towards my travel fund for competitions :rofl:


Seriously. I have lost weight since Worlds from forgoing food for competition expenses. Not that I'm complaining. I bet the seats in Japan are still too tiny for me.

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23 minutes ago, PapiandPooh421 said:

Oh gosh reading your experiences... I'm really sorry. I kinda' get what your friends point are but at the same time I don't(you know what I mean?) My boyfriend even said Yuzu is an inspiration and a great person and coming from him it's a huge compliment. He's not easily impressed you see.. 

You're a lucky girl:joy:

I'm still mad at my husband because he is so stubborn ranting about the hatred between Chinese and Japanese ( the history) and refused to acknowledge the greatness of Yuzu, but he's fine with my obsession and didn't say anything about posters of Yuzu in the dining room ,hehe

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5 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


Seriously. I have lost weight since Worlds from forgoing food for competition expenses. Not that I'm complaining. I bet the seats in Japan are still too tiny for me.

Lol my mom praised the way I'm handling my finances bc im in a situation that would quickly leave people drowning in debt but I've been managing everything.

Most of it is thanks to me not spending money in anything else but my monthly payments ha ha ha. I just finished paying the trip to Canada, do everything I manage to save up is for the next competition. Hopefully worlds but that doesn't seem likely...

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1 hour ago, Hydroblade said:

Thanks :) but honestly, it wasn't the frequency or intensity of the way I talked. I think my friend thought I was being immature and childish (he's going to marry soon and his priorities shifted.). And well, he's known me for a long time and thought I was over liking Japanese guys (I'm sorry). Maybe he felt like I was taking a huge step backwards instead of moving forward but he even protested when I told him how motivating Yuzu is to me. Something along the lines that I shouldn't need a JAPANESE skater so far from me to motivate me to do shit... Oh well :/ (I'll shut up before I overshare more ha ha ha)


Sorry to hear that.  :/


Sometimes I wish that people who can't understand our love for Yuzu would just watch a few of Yuzu's performances. Even if they don't become fans, it's not too difficult to see how he has inspired so many. 


2 minutes ago, katonice said:

I can relate to this completely... :text-line-smiley-049:


Me too...=P    But if I have a boyfriend, I'm going to convert him to a fanyu so that we can go to competitions together. :darklordyuzu:

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4 minutes ago, singcarcom said:


Sorry to hear that.  :/


Sometimes I wish that people who can't understand our love for Yuzu would just watch a few of Yuzu's performances. Even if they don't become fans, it's not too difficult to see how he has inspired so many. 



Me too...=P    But if I have a boyfriend, I'm going to convert him to a fanyu so that we can go to competitions together. :darklordyuzu:


My only hope is a platonic relationship with a gay boyfriend. 

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For myself, I've been lucky, when it comes to Yuzu, because my two best friends are both into him - one more than the other, but even the other expressed interest in maybe trying to go to Worlds 2019 in Japan, and I might try to convince her for Milan as well :P - but I have had previous experiences when my friends got sick and tired of my rambling about other topics/artists I like... not to the point where they stopped talking to me, but... there was... less talking :ohno: So I understand where everyone is coming from...

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Just now, KatjaThera said:

For myself, I've been lucky, when it comes to Yuzu, because my two best friends are both into him - one more than the other, but even the other expressed interest in maybe trying to go to Worlds 2019 in Japan, and I might try to convince her for Milan as well :P - but I have had previous experiences when my friends got sick and tired of my rambling about other topics/artists I like... not to the point where they stopped talking to me, but... there was... less talking :ohno: So I understand where everyone is coming from...

I'm the type that would do the dumping. Don't want to talk? Okay, I'm going home to watch old comps on YouTube and make dream podiums based on sparkle density. :snpeace: 

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9 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:


How does everyone here have time for boyfriends and girlfriends and husbands and wives? My love affair with ice takes up all my spare time.

I used to read a lot before especially before bedtime but I haven't read anything for a while because I keep going on line to either this forum or watch Yuzu programs. I also go back to old GS to read previous seasons .:biggrin:. And during important event like the revealed Seimei, I couldn't funtion and my family just had to eat leftover food for dinner:slinkaway:

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