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14 minutes ago, Rainbow said:

I read Yahoo Japan's article on the backlash of Kozuka's comment and over 1,000 comments submitted by readers.  Overwhelming majority disagree with Kozuka, but I do not feel they are bashing Kozuka and hating him.  They voiced their disagreements saying that the unsportsmanlike game against Poland is not comparable to Yuzuru's OGM performance at all because Yuzuru fought all out and did the best he could do with the injured ankle. 


Some are even more offended by Kozuka's another comment "僕は信じてなかったんですよ
ちゃんと積み重ねてきた人が優勝するだろうな、と思っていた"  which means "I did not believe he would win because I though only the skater who had legitimately achieved the results over and over again would win."  Many interpreted his comment as denying Yuzuru's diligent efforts, hard works and self sacrifice to overcome many hardships to attain remarkable achievements in the past leading up to the Olympics.


Woah, what a thoughtless comment. No wonder JP fans were offended. At least they're not hating on Kozuka. 

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14 minutes ago, Rainbow said:

Some are even more offended by Kozuka's another comment "僕は信じてなかったんですよ
ちゃんと積み重ねてきた人が優勝するだろうな、と思っていた"  which means "I did not believe he would win because I though only the skater who had legitimately achieved the results over and over again would win."  Many interpreted his comment as denying Yuzuru's diligent efforts, hard works and self sacrifice to overcome many hardships to attain remarkable achievements in the past leading up to the Olympics.

Perhaps Mr. Kozuka was opining he thought someone who had been competing regularly up to the Olympics had a good chance of winning (being in good condition), thus he was surprised at the outcome. It's not unreasonable. 

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Just now, Whee1000 said:

Perhaps Mr. Kozuka was opining he thought someone who had been competing regularly up to the Olympics had a good chance of winning (being in good condition), thus he was surprised at the outcome. It's not unreasonable. 


Should have worded it better because the way he said it did seem like he didn't believe Yuzu would win because Yuzu did not "legitimately achieve the results over and over again". 


I don't think he meant anything bad by it and perhaps what he meant was what you said, but i understand why other people got offended. I'm at least thankful they're not hating on Kozuka. 


For now, i'm chill about this. I'm just preparing my self for when antis use these comments to "destroy" Yuzu's image. :headdesk2:

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6 minutes ago, Erin said:


Should have worded it better because the way he said it did seem like he didn't believe Yuzu would win because Yuzu did not "legitimately achieve the results over and over again". 


I don't think he meant anything bad by it and perhaps what he meant was what you said, but i understand why other people got offended. I'm at least thankful they're not hating on Kozuka. 


For now, i'm chill about this. I'm just preparing my self for when antis use these comments to "destroy" Yuzu's image. :headdesk2:

Yes, I think the wording can be better. But well... for now I think should just forget about it. 


Btwt I have seen someone repeatedly mentioned Machida’s comment on Satoko and they tried to twist those words to attack Yuzuru. And I was like.... “Oi... he did not even talk about Yuzuru at all let both of them alone!”

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It all sounds like a storm in a teacup - if I’m right in thinking that it’s a chat show with people making off the cuff, non prepared comments?  Things get lost in translation - they also get magnified and totally overhyped - :meditationf:


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....ok :waffle: I hope that second comment was... bad wording or carelessness on Kozuka's part or misunderstanding or something...

I'm glad that majority of reactions in Japan are of polite disagreement :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


(any more weird things happening today? last 24-48 hours too many weird news, I can't anymore with this offseason..what a year...splatfests and injuries during cursed season, then wild offseason, add the crazy world cup to the mix...just what the heck happened to the world? Or is it all to balance out the absolute joy of of Yuzu's second OGM?

seriously, the only thing that could surprise me now, after all of this, is if Yuzuru announces he's moving to train under Eteri...AND NO SKATING GODS THAT'S NOT A CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!):dpooh::dpooh::dpooh::dpooh::dpooh::dpooh:

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7 minutes ago, LadyLou said:

....ok :waffle: I hope that second comment was... bad wording or carelessness on Kozuka's part or misunderstanding or something...

I'm glad that majority of reactions in Japan are of polite disagreement :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


(any more weird things happening today? last 24-48 hours too many weird news, I can't anymore with this offseason..what a year...splatfests and injuries during cursed season, then wild offseason, add the crazy world cup to the mix...just what the heck happened to the world? Or is it all to balance out the absolute joy of of Yuzu's second OGM?

seriously, the only thing that could surprise me now, after all of this, is if Yuzuru announces he's moving to train under Eteri...AND NO SKATING GODS THAT'S NOT A CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!):dpooh::dpooh::dpooh::dpooh::dpooh::dpooh:


I'm kind of confused because the ones who translated Kozuka's comments to English don't think there's anything wrong with what he said but the JP fans themselves, who surely understand their language better, seem to be offended by it. So perhaps, there's something we're missing? Or a difference in culture and thus, perception? 


Whatever, I don't want to dwell on this anymore. Here, have an embarrassed (@8:29) and determined Yuzu (@11:37). Watching Rika repeatedly try her 3A in FaOI reminded me of this video. 



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53 minutes ago, Bilge said:


FINALLY! I was waiting for him to finally start linking interviews and baby Yuzu videos. Not that the recent Senior pictures aren't nice and all, but there's SO much content out there that he could tweet about. Especially all of the younger Yuzu stuff that wouldn't make it to N.American TV/media like you'd see with the American skaters in fluff pieces.
There are English subbed videos he could have chosen... but this is adorable, so I'll take it as a first step. I'm just happy for more early Yuzu content making it out there. :201111231756430f6:

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12 hours ago, wingman said:

Well it seems like SkC always had glass medals though? Like this podium from 2012



Or this one from 2013



Glass medals can be kind of cool though. I have one with cool inscriptions, it's nice. Though I still prefer a gold medal. :) Those can be quite cheap to make too, dunno why they don't do it. Maybe it's a fashion statement from the sponsor.


These glass medals are nice...and there's a piece of metal at the top that shows the correct color. Minimalist. Personally, I like it :P (Didn't like the ones from Marseilles GPF. Or the stars. IMO.)

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18 時間前, WinForPoohさんが言いました:


Just chiming in to agree, the Japan-Belgium game was really good in a good football and spirits all around kind of way, even if Japan lost. The best game of this tournament so far for me, too. And much more like Yuzu - even when there were competitors with superior BV (Belgium far out-gunned Japan there) and he was disadvantaged (because of his injury), he did what he could do beautifully, fought till the very end, and never compromised more than he absolutely had to. He gave it everything. 


Comparing Yuzu-s PC tactics to the game against Poland is not apt. He attacked.


Still, it's no big deal, our boy's got two Olympic gold medals. Silly comments vs two Olys golds with magnificent performances, hmmm.... 


Hmmm...I don't imagine the Belgium vs Japan match would've been too apt of a comparison either, unless you assign Hanyu as Belgium. Given that in the FS world,  Hanyu *is* basically Belgium, the team that's outgunning and far out of everyone else's reach when they're at their absolute best, even when the team isn't comprised solely of their top-tier players.


...and that's only if Belgium is the strongest team around bar none. Which I'll only consider them to be if some of their top picks sit out of the Final and they still soundly beat France.


But in the interest of keeping things simple and within the perspective of the current context, in the Belgium vs Japan match, I'd think Hanyu was Belgium and all the other top dudes are Japan. That, to me, makes for a better comparison. :)


9 時間前, Erinさんが言いました:

Should have worded it better because the way he said it did seem like he didn't believe Yuzu would win because Yuzu did not "legitimately achieve the results over and over again". 


...I cant be the only one who didn't hear it that way. Despite the slip, all I heard was a guy who's well and truly awed by the fact that someone like Hanyu truly does exist, someone who could go out there and win despite all the odds stacked against him, and thanks to being made to see that, now has a wider perspective on things (as per his last comment on Hanyu).


17 時間前, Pamigenaさんが言いました:


That yukata is waaaaay too big on him. That ain't Massot's body, but it could've been his yukata nevertheless. xD

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1 hour ago, lazuliblade said:

FINALLY! I was waiting for him to finally start linking interviews and baby Yuzu videos. Not that the recent Senior pictures aren't nice and all, but there's SO much content out there that he could tweet about. Especially all of the younger Yuzu stuff that wouldn't make it to N.American TV/media like you'd see with the American skaters in fluff pieces.
There are English subbed videos he could have chosen... but this is adorable, so I'll take it as a first step. I'm just happy for more early Yuzu content making it out there. :201111231756430f6:

I wonder if he takes requestxD he made a separate mail acc for yuzu pics so might be

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