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  On 10/16/2017 at 3:26 PM, xeyra said:



Is this as Team Japan for Olympics deal, I wonder? And when was this filmed? Because he's still wearing UA everywhere else, including ACI, so it can't be that Mizuno gave him a sponsorship. 


Or maybe he forgot his t-shirt again and had to borrow from someone. :laughing:



That was filmed in May, IIRC. So... around FaOI? Maybe he did have to borrow, though the fit seems pretty good... Hmm...


As for the Ex, really, what are the chances he went with two older programs for comfort and familiarity and time to polish them to a T, yet he's going to spend time making a new Ex? In the Olympic Season? I think chances of recycling are much higher than anything else. If he did something different, I hope it's something fun, done with recreational purpose - for himself to unwind a bit - than anything difficult or overly artistic. (Super Yuzu? *hides*)

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  On 10/16/2017 at 3:29 PM, Yatagarasu said:

If you've jinxed it, the next door bell is me with vodka.

You're not that close but eff it



Yeah... someone coming over with more vodka to drink away the pain that's like... bad, right? Yes, bad, very bad, how could I let it come to this:hopelessness:


Seriously, I want to learn how to sew just so I can make him a boy scout badge for being recycling master of the frigging universe!

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Laughed like mad when I came back to find pages of posts and photos of the 'new' costume!  I take back everything I said about a new ex - he'll probably go back to 'Sing,sing, sing ' for his ex or maybe Rachmaninov ( been watching my DVD) or God forbid, Ziguenerweisen :rofl:


The Mizuno gear - I've always wondered why a Japanese sports company hadn't picked up on his preferred style of training gear and capitalised on it.  Will watch with interest to see whether it's a one off.

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  On 10/16/2017 at 3:34 PM, Pamigena said:


Yeah... someone coming over with more vodka to drink away the pain that's like... bad, right? Yes, bad, very bad, how could I let it come to this:hopelessness:


Seriously, I want to learn how to sew just so I can make him a boy scout badge for being recycling master of the frigging universe!


save it for this sunday :P we haven't seen the recycled EX yet!

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  On 10/16/2017 at 3:34 PM, Pamigena said:


Yeah... someone coming over with more vodka to drink away the pain that's like... bad, right? Yes, bad, very bad, how could I let it come to this:hopelessness:

Seriously, I want to learn how to sew just so I can make him a boy scout badge for being recycling master of the frigging universe!



Very bad. I'll even make it both flavored and non-flavored kind. For variety so we can get properly smashed :biggrin:

Or we could make him a new costume. Subtle way of pointing out our displeasure. Very subtle. 

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He's smart. 

He said he had no plans for the next season.

He told everyone he's reusing Chopin during ice show.

He broke the news about reusing Seimei.

He said he knew that Seimei would be for the upcoming olympic.

He showered us with 4Lz, 4F and 4A news but said he had no 'plans' yet

He is actually going for the 4Lz.

He broke the world record during his first completion of the season.

He reuses Seimei costume.

He might reuses Chopin costume.


See what he is doing guys. It's all in his calculations. :shakehead:


meanwhile yuzu is just : :peekapooh:

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  On 10/16/2017 at 3:34 PM, Amura365 said:

Bugs me so much I mean seriously he should at least have one new costume I doubt the judges or fans are going to be impressed. I'm disappointed.:slinkaway:



He got a 112 for his SP in the old costume. Really, the judges care very much....... :shrug:

Edit: Not that I wouldn't love something different but let's not pretend the judges care too much. We fans are the ones moaning about it.

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  On 10/16/2017 at 3:34 PM, Amura365 said:

Bugs me so much I mean seriously he should at least have one new costume I doubt the judges or fans are going to be impressed. I'm disappointed.:slinkaway:


Doubt the judges will care- casual Olympic year fans won't know- it's only us that get emotional about it - it's amusing the hell out of me right now!  The skating is the important bit you know- he could wear his UA and it wouldn't matter - look at Patrick Chans costume choices!

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  On 10/16/2017 at 3:38 PM, Yatagarasu said:

Very bad. I'll even make it both flavored and non-flavored kind. For variety so we can get properly smashed :biggrin:

Or we could make him a new costume. Subtle way of pointing out our displeasure. Very subtle. 



Well there's still the idea of you sitting on him while I glue rhinestones to his UA. I suggest we revisit that plan (assuming we survive the vodka binge this weekend. I'm like 90% sure I should put a second bottle in the freezer)

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