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  On 10/16/2017 at 8:07 AM, kaeryth said:



This one was seen on Sendai bus stops:

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This one was (I think) the one at train stations:

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... and, of course, Giant POTO:

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Do you have a giant, searchable database of all this stuff? :13877886: Amazing as always. 


Yes, that 2nd pic is the giant one I was thinking of. It looked huuuuuge.

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  On 10/16/2017 at 1:20 AM, kaeryth said:

I wonder how much time it will take for that G-shock watch to be sold out...




I want it...They are giving 1000 for free, but will they sell it as well? 


Btw if anybody (like me) is looking for Team Japan stuff

This seems to be the TJ jacket:




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  On 10/16/2017 at 8:08 AM, SSS said:
Tell me Zuzu is healthy now...:sadPooh:


  On 10/16/2017 at 8:20 AM, Yuazz said:

Oh no..:tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:  I was sad everytime I find out that there are skater who got injury. I hope speed recovery for Keiji. And yuzu for always stay healthy :smiley-angelic001: (I need an update about his knee pain, I hope it's getting better by now). 



Maybe just be calm and think positive instead of being anxious every time someone who is not Yuzu has an injury or withdraws from competition.  :10742289:

I'm sure JPN media will give us an update on his condition as soon as he lands in Russia anyway.

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  On 10/16/2017 at 6:21 AM, xeyra said:

GROWING by Toto・BIG - Yuzuru Interview in 5 parts w/ pianist Kanon Matsuda



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It's the terrible grey shirt interview! :laughing:

Hopefully someone might help with translating the gist of it.


That's my cue? :laughing: (I actually don't mind this grey shirt LOL).


So the pianist is 21-yo Kanon Matsuda and I feel like she kind of has a bit of 夫妻相 with Yuzu actually (夫妻相 is a Chinese word that means they kind of have a 'couple look' to them, which generally means they kind of look similar/give off compatible vibes in appearance/aura).


Yuzu's doing the common thing of people used to being interviewed (and not experienced at being an interviewer) which is relating the conversation back to himself. That is, understandably, his point of reference but since Kanon seems extremely shy, she would generally require some more questions and teasing out details from a more experienced interviewer, so it sort of turns into his own monologue LOL. But it was interesting to hear him talk/ramble anyway so : P


Pt 2/5 speed translation (usual disclaimer applies: getting the general gist, corrections welcome etc.)

Yuzu: After listening to this performance myself, I thought 'wow, I really want to skate to this piano music.' It was a wonderful performance. 

What sort of memories do you have of this Chopin?

Kanon: I was raised in Kagawa-ken. It was after having a recital in Kagawa-ken, we decided to record my debut CD so it is a song with a lot of memories

Yuzu: I actually listened to that CD many times. Do you imagine a story in this song?

Kanon: Yes, I actually imagine a different story every time. This time, I was thinking of Galsworthy's Forsyte Saga and the feeling that Soames had towards Irene* when playing the music.

Yuzu: Amazing. You really read lots of books right?

Kanon: Yes, I love it.

Yuzu: Hmmm... I don't read books at all

Kanon: Well you're very busy...

Yuzu: For this Chopin, I don't really have a story or anything I want to particularly convey before the start of the performance, but rather it is conveyed in the middle of my performance. I put myself in the performance and try to assimilate myself with the music. What I was thinking watching you perform, I was noticing the way you added power, the way you breathed and the way you emphasised your breathing and how you phrased (?) the music. I thought it really resembled the way skaters performed their programs. Of course, we don't make sound ourselves but I really thought there were similarities in the way we had a sense for the performance. 

Kanon: Ah, I'm very happy, thank you very much

Yuzu: I learnt I really must make a program like this 

Kanon: No, no, it's enough. I have also been watching you skate on TV since the Sochi Olympics. Your passion and energy was really amazing. I apologise for only saying very simple things...

Yuzu: No no... hmm... how to put this. If it's related to what sort of things we want to remember about the song's theme, there's a feeling of wanting to produce more and more sprouting out... somehow...how to say this. For me, within myself... there are things that I can use in my skate, there's so many things like life...it all keeps spinning. I mean, we are all spinning while skating but there's a feeling like you can't stop** 


*girl is well read, impressive : D

**okay this part was confusing LOL I...think he's talking about the feeling the song gives out - of continuous blooming and that he's always thinking about things he can incorporate from life into his skate, but that's kind of my interpretation. 


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  On 10/16/2017 at 7:37 AM, SparkleSalad said:


Lol, I gave up as soon as I saw the network of overpasses. Not worth searching for a dog at that point! XD


ETA I think it's gotten even worse since I went. More underground platforms or something. All I know is I based my accommodation on not having to transfer for anything in Shibuya. 


Like with most tourist attractions, it's not as impressive as you'd expect. Also, it's a bit hard to see because everyone and their mothers are taking selfies with it all the time :P But if you find Shibuya crossing, then it's easy to find Hachiko. To me, at least (I usually like to go to Tower Records Shibuya, so when I go back towards the crossing, it's pretty much straight ahead.) It was the overpasses and the construction work in the area that threw me off last time. But I found an overpass I could see Shibuya 109 Men from, so I just went "in a general that way direction" (a la Captain Sparrow).


I can't watch the whole piano thing either, being at work, but the couple of minutes I watched were amazing. He looks so

amazing listening to his SP music like that - though I wonder how hard it must have been to stay still :P.


Thank you for the translation, too. We know he talks a lot when he's nervous, so it's good when he gets nervous and rambles away lol (I love rambles in general, anyway)

  On 10/16/2017 at 7:59 AM, Lunna said:


I'm going to Japan in November for vacation, so if she can get some files I would appreciate any info on how to do it :smile: (have no clue really how much you need to buy and where)



I subscribe to this, too!

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  On 10/15/2017 at 3:22 PM, SydneyH said:


seems like there was a collabo between Lotte and G-SHOCK  



  On 10/16/2017 at 6:21 AM, xeyra said:

GROWING by Toto・BIG - Yuzuru Interview in 5 parts w/ pianist Kanon Matsuda



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It's the terrible grey shirt interview! :laughing:

Hopefully someone might help with translating the gist of it.


I love to start a day from watching interviews I don't understand :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp: And it looks like we'll got even more  :Pineapple:

I find it very funny that there is a special Yuzu watch, since I don't think I ever saw him wearing one himself. And he has many of them :rofl:

 Thank you very much for translation of GROWING @kaerb :thanks:

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